import io import os import re from decimal import Decimal from PIL import Image as PILImage from config import Config from core.builtins import Bot, Plain, Image from core.component import module from core.dirty_check import check_bool, rickroll from database import BotDBUtil os.environ['LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2'] = "true" os.environ['LANGCHAIN_ENDPOINT'] = Config('langsmith_endpoint') os.environ['LANGCHAIN_PROJECT'] = Config('langsmith_project') os.environ['LANGCHAIN_API_KEY'] = Config('langsmith_api_key') from langchain.callbacks import get_openai_callback # noqa: E402 from .agent import agent_executor # noqa: E402 from .formatting import generate_latex, generate_code_snippet # noqa: E402 ONE_K = Decimal('1000') # BASE_COST_GPT_3_5 = Decimal('0.002') # gpt-3.5-turbo: $0.002 / 1K tokens # We are not tracking specific tool usage like searches b/c I'm too lazy, use a universal multiplier THIRD_PARTY_MULTIPLIER = Decimal('1.5') PROFIT_MULTIPLIER = Decimal('1.1') # At the time we are really just trying to break even PRICE_PER_1K_TOKEN = BASE_COST_GPT_3_5 * THIRD_PARTY_MULTIPLIER * PROFIT_MULTIPLIER # Assuming 1 USD = 7.3 CNY, 100 petal = 1 CNY USD_TO_CNY = Decimal('7.3') CNY_TO_PETAL = 100 a = module('ask', developers=['Dianliang233'], desc='{}') @a.command('[--verbose] {{}}') @a.regex(r'^(?:question||问|問)[\::]\s?(.+?)[??]$', flags=re.I, desc='{}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): is_superuser = msg.check_super_user() if not Config('openai_api_key'): raise Exception(msg.locale.t('error.config.secret.not_found')) if not is_superuser and <= 0: # refuse await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('core.message.petal.no_petals') + Config('issue_url')) qc = BotDBUtil.CoolDown(msg, 'call_openai') c = qc.check(60) if c == 0 or == 'TEST|Console' or is_superuser: if hasattr(msg, 'parsed_msg'): question = msg.parsed_msg[''] else: question = msg.matched_msg[0] if await check_bool(question): rickroll(msg) with get_openai_callback() as cb: res = await agent_executor.arun(question) tokens = cb.total_tokens if not is_superuser: price = tokens / ONE_K * PRICE_PER_1K_TOKEN petal = price * USD_TO_CNY * CNY_TO_PETAL blocks = parse_markdown(res) chain = [] for block in blocks: if block['type'] == 'text': chain.append(Plain(block['content'])) elif block['type'] == 'latex': chain.append(Image( generate_latex(block['content']))))) elif block['type'] == 'code': chain.append(Image( io.BytesIO(await generate_code_snippet(block['content']['code'], block['content']['language']))))) if await check_bool(res): rickroll(msg) await msg.send_message(chain) if != 'TEST|Console' and not is_superuser: qc.reset() else: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('ask.message.cooldown', time=int(c))) def parse_markdown(md: str): regex = r'(```[\s\S]*?\n```|\$[\s\S]*?\$|[^\n]+)' blocks = [] for match in re.finditer(regex, md): content = print(content) if content.startswith('```'): block = 'code' try: language, code = re.match(r'```(.*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n```', content).groups() except AttributeError: raise ValueError('Code block is missing language or code') content = {'language': language, 'code': code} elif content.startswith('$'): block = 'latex' content = content[1:-1].strip() else: block = 'text' blocks.append({'type': block, 'content': content}) return blocks