from datetime import datetime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from core.utils.http import get_url from core.utils.cache import random_cache_path from .maimaidx_api_data import get_record, get_plate from .maimaidx_music import TotalList JINGLEBELL_SONG_ID = 70 total_list = TotalList() plate_to_version = { '初': 'maimai', '真': 'maimai PLUS', '超': 'maimai GreeN', '檄': 'maimai GreeN PLUS', '橙': 'maimai ORANGE', '暁': 'maimai ORANGE PLUS', '晓': 'maimai ORANGE PLUS', '桃': 'maimai PiNK', '櫻': 'maimai PiNK PLUS', '樱': 'maimai PiNK PLUS', '紫': 'maimai MURASAKi', '菫': 'maimai MURASAKi PLUS', '堇': 'maimai MURASAKi PLUS', '白': 'maimai MiLK', '雪': 'MiLK PLUS', '輝': 'maimai FiNALE', '辉': 'maimai FiNALE', '熊': 'maimai でらっくす', '華': 'maimai でらっくす', '华': 'maimai でらっくす', '爽': 'maimai でらっくす Splash', '煌': 'maimai でらっくす Splash', '宙': 'maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE', '星': 'maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE', '祭': 'maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL', '祝': 'maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL' } score_to_rank = { (0.0, 50.0): "D", (50.0, 60.0): "C", (60.0, 70.0): "B", (70.0, 75.0): "BB", (75.0, 80.0): "BBB", (80.0, 90.0): "A", (90.0, 94.0): "AA", (94.0, 97.0): "AAA", (97.0, 98.0): "S", (98.0, 99.0): "S+", (99.0, 99.5): "SS", (99.5, 100.0): "SS+", (100.0, 100.5): "SSS", (100.5, float('inf')): "SSS+", } combo_conversion = { "fc": "FC", "fcp": "FC+", "ap": "AP", "app": "AP+", } sync_conversion = { "fs": "FS", "fsp": "FS+", "fsd": "FDX", "fsdp": "FDX+", } diffs = { 0: "Basic", 1: "Advanced", 2: "Expert", 3: "Master", 4: "Re:MASTER", } achievementList = [50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0, 90.0, 94.0, 97.0, 98.0, 99.0, 99.5, 100.0, 100.5] # 各个成绩对应的评级分界线(向上取) scoreRank = list(score_to_rank.values()) # Rank字典的值(文本显示) comboRank = list(combo_conversion.values()) # Combo字典的值(文本显示) syncRank = list(sync_conversion.values()) # Sync字典的值(文本显示) combo_rank = list(combo_conversion.keys()) # Combo字典的键(API内显示) sync_rank = list(sync_conversion.keys()) # Sync字典的键(API内显示) async def get_rank(msg, payload): player_data = await get_record(msg, payload) username = player_data['username'] url = f"" rank_data = await get_url(url, 200, fmt='json') sorted_data = sorted(rank_data, key=lambda x: x['ra'], reverse=True) # 根据rating排名并倒序 rating = 0 rank = None total_rating = 0 total_rank = len(sorted_data) for i, scoreboard in enumerate(sorted_data): if scoreboard['username'] == username: rank = i + 1 rating = scoreboard['ra'] total_rating += scoreboard['ra'] if not rank: rank = total_rank average_rating = total_rating / total_rank surpassing_rate = (total_rank - rank) / total_rank * 100 time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") formatted_average_rating = "{:.4f}".format(average_rating) formatted_surpassing_rate = "{:.2f}".format(surpassing_rate) await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('maimai.message.rank', time=time, total_rank=total_rank, user=username, rating=rating, rank=rank, average_rating=formatted_average_rating, surpassing_rate=formatted_surpassing_rate)) async def get_player_score(msg, payload, input_id): payload['version'] = list(set(version for version in plate_to_version.values())) # 全版本 res = await get_plate(msg, payload) # 获取用户成绩信息 verlist = res["verlist"] music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(input_id) level_scores = {level: [] for level in range(len(music['level']))} # 获取歌曲难度列表 for entry in verlist: sid = entry["id"] achievements = entry["achievements"] fc = entry["fc"] fs = entry["fs"] level_index = entry["level_index"] if str(sid) == input_id: score_rank = next( rank for interval, rank in score_to_rank.items() if interval[0] <= achievements < interval[1] # 根据成绩获得等级 ) combo_rank = combo_conversion.get(fc, "") # Combo字典转换 sync_rank = sync_conversion.get(fs, "") # Sync字典转换 level_scores[level_index].append((diffs[level_index], achievements, score_rank, combo_rank, sync_rank)) output_lines = [] for level, scores in level_scores.items(): # 使用循环输出格式化文本 if scores: output_lines.append(f"{diffs[level]} {music['level'][level]}") # 难度字典转换 for score in scores: level, achievements, score_rank, combo_rank, sync_rank = score entry_output = f"{achievements} {score_rank}" if combo_rank and sync_rank: entry_output += f" {combo_rank} {sync_rank}" elif combo_rank or sync_rank: entry_output += f" {combo_rank}{sync_rank}" output_lines.append(entry_output) else: output_lines.append( f"{diffs[level]} {music['level'][level]}\n{msg.locale.t('')}") return '\n'.join(output_lines) async def get_level_process(msg, payload, process, goal): song_played = [] song_remain = [] payload['version'] = list(set(version for version in plate_to_version.values())) # 全版本 res = await get_plate(msg, payload) # 获取用户成绩信息 verlist = res["verlist"] goal = goal.upper() # 输入强制转换为大写以适配字典 if goal in scoreRank: achievement = achievementList[scoreRank.index(goal) - 1] # 根据列表将输入评级转换为成绩分界线 for song in verlist: if song['level'] == process and song['achievements'] < achievement: # 达成难度条件但未达成目标条件 song_remain.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) # 将剩余歌曲ID和难度加入目标列表 song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) # 将已游玩歌曲ID和难度加入列表 elif goal in comboRank: combo_index = comboRank.index(goal) # 根据API结果字典转换 for song in verlist: if song['level'] == process and ( (song['fc'] and combo_rank.index( song['fc']) < combo_index) or not song['fc']): # 达成难度条件但未达成目标条件 song_remain.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) # 将剩余歌曲ID和难度加入目标列表 song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) # 将已游玩歌曲ID和难度加入列表 elif goal in syncRank: sync_index = syncRank.index(goal) # 根据API结果字典转换 for song in verlist: if song['level'] == process and ( (song['fs'] and sync_rank.index( song['fs']) < sync_index) or not song['fs']): # 达成难度条件但未达成目标条件 song_remain.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) # 将剩余歌曲ID和难度加入目标列表 song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) # 将已游玩歌曲ID和难度加入列表 for music in (await total_list.get()): # 遍历歌曲列表 for i, lv in enumerate(music.level[2:]): if lv == process and [int(, i + 2] not in song_played: song_remain.append([int(, i + 2]) # 将未游玩歌曲ID和难度加入目标列表 song_remain = sorted(song_remain, key=lambda i: int(i[1])) # 根据难度排序结果 song_remain = sorted(song_remain, key=lambda i: int(i[0])) # 根据ID排序结果 songs = [] for song in song_remain: # 循环查询歌曲信息 music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(str(song[0])) songs.append([, music.title, diffs[song[1]], music.ds[song[1]], song[1], music.type]) output = '' get_img = False if len(song_remain) > 0: if len(song_remain) < 50: # 若剩余歌曲小于50个则显示 song_record = [[s['id'], s['level_index']] for s in verlist] output += f"{msg.locale.t('maimai.message.process.last', process=process, goal=goal)}\n" for i, s in enumerate(sorted(songs, key=lambda i: i[3])): # 显示剩余歌曲信息 self_record = '' if [int(s[0]), s[-2]] in song_record: record_index = song_record.index([int(s[0]), s[-2]]) if goal in scoreRank: self_record = str(verlist[record_index]['achievements']) + '%' elif goal in comboRank: if verlist[record_index]['fc']: self_record = comboRank[combo_rank.index(verlist[record_index]['fc'])] elif goal in syncRank: if verlist[record_index]['fs']: self_record = syncRank[sync_rank.index(verlist[record_index]['fs'])] output += f"{s[0]}\u200B. {s[1]}{' (DX)' if s[5] == 'DX' else ''} {s[2]} {s[3]} {self_record}\n" if len(song_remain) > 10: # 若剩余歌曲大于10个则使用图片形式 get_img = True else: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('maimai.message.process', song_remain=len(song_remain), process=process, goal=goal)) else: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('maimai.message.process.completed', process=process, goal=goal)) return output, get_img async def get_score_list(msg, payload, level): song_list = [] player_data = await get_record(msg, payload) username = player_data['username'] payload['version'] = list(set(version for version in plate_to_version.values())) # 全版本 res = await get_plate(msg, payload) # 获取用户成绩信息 verlist = res["verlist"] for song in verlist: if song['level'] == level: song_list.append(song) # 将符合难度的成绩加入列表 output_lines = [] for s in enumerate(sorted(song_list, key=lambda i: i['achievements'], reverse=True)): # 根据成绩排序 music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(str(s[1]['id'])) output = f"{}\u200B. {music.title}{' (DX)' if music.type == 'DX' else ''} {diffs[s[1]['level_index']]} {music.ds[s[1]['level_index']]} {s[1]['achievements']}%" if s[1]["fc"] and s[1]["fs"]: output += f" {combo_conversion.get(s[1]['fc'], '')} {sync_conversion.get(s[1]['fs'], '')}" elif s[1]["fc"] or s[1]["fs"]: output += f" {combo_conversion.get(s[1]['fc'], '')}{sync_conversion.get(s[1]['fs'], '')}" output_lines.append(output) outputs = '\n'.join(output_lines) res = f"{msg.locale.t('maimai.message.scorelist', user=username, level=level)}\n{outputs}" get_img = False if len(output_lines) == 0: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.chart_not_found")) elif len(output_lines) > 10: get_img = True return res, get_img async def get_plate_process(msg, payload, plate): song_played = [] song_remain_basic = [] song_remain_advanced = [] song_remain_expert = [] song_remain_master = [] song_remain_remaster = [] song_remain_difficult = [] version = plate[0] goal = plate[1:] get_img = False if version == '真': # 真代为无印版本 payload['version'] = ['maimai', 'maimai PLUS'] elif version in ['霸', '舞']: # 霸者和舞牌需要全版本 payload['version'] = list(set(version for version in list(plate_to_version.values())[:-9])) elif version in plate_to_version and version != '初': # “初”不是版本名称 payload['version'] = [plate_to_version[version]] else: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate.plate_not_found')) res = await get_plate(msg, payload) # 获取用户成绩信息 verlist = res["verlist"] if goal in ['将', '者']: for song in verlist: # 将剩余歌曲ID和难度加入目标列表 if song['level_index'] == 0 and song['achievements'] < (100.0 if goal == '将' else 80.0): song_remain_basic.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 1 and song['achievements'] < (100.0 if goal == '将' else 80.0): song_remain_advanced.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 2 and song['achievements'] < (100.0 if goal == '将' else 80.0): song_remain_expert.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 3 and song['achievements'] < (100.0 if goal == '将' else 80.0): song_remain_master.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if version in [ '舞', '霸'] and song['level_index'] == 4 and song['achievements'] < ( 100.0 if goal == '将' else 80.0): song_remain_remaster.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) # 霸者和舞牌需要Re:MASTER难度 song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) elif goal in ['極', '极']: for song in verlist: # 将剩余歌曲ID和难度加入目标列表 if song['level_index'] == 0 and not song['fc']: song_remain_basic.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 1 and not song['fc']: song_remain_advanced.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 2 and not song['fc']: song_remain_expert.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 3 and not song['fc']: song_remain_master.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if version == '舞' and song['level_index'] == 4 and not song['fc']: song_remain_remaster.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) elif goal == '舞舞': for song in verlist: # 将剩余歌曲ID和难度加入目标列表 if song['level_index'] == 0 and song['fs'] not in ['fsd', 'fsdp']: song_remain_basic.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 1 and song['fs'] not in ['fsd', 'fsdp']: song_remain_advanced.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 2 and song['fs'] not in ['fsd', 'fsdp']: song_remain_expert.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 3 and song['fs'] not in ['fsd', 'fsdp']: song_remain_master.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if version == '舞' and song['level_index'] == 4 and song['fs'] not in ['fsd', 'fsdp']: song_remain_remaster.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) elif goal == '神': for song in verlist: # 将剩余歌曲ID和难度加入目标列表 if song['level_index'] == 0 and song['fc'] not in ['ap', 'app']: song_remain_basic.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 1 and song['fc'] not in ['ap', 'app']: song_remain_advanced.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 2 and song['fc'] not in ['ap', 'app']: song_remain_expert.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if song['level_index'] == 3 and song['fc'] not in ['ap', 'app']: song_remain_master.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) if version == '舞' and song['level_index'] == 4 and song['fc'] not in ['ap', 'app']: song_remain_remaster.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']]) else: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate.plate_not_found')) for music in (await total_list.get()): # 将未游玩歌曲ID加入目标列表 if music['basic_info']['from'] in payload['version']: if [int(, 0] not in song_played: song_remain_basic.append([int(, 0]) if [int(, 1] not in song_played: song_remain_advanced.append([int(, 1]) if [int(, 2] not in song_played: song_remain_expert.append([int(, 2]) if [int(, 3] not in song_played: song_remain_master.append([int(, 3]) if version in ['舞', '霸'] and len(music.level) == 5 and [int(, 4] not in song_played: song_remain_remaster.append([int(, 4]) song_remain_basic = sorted(song_remain_basic, key=lambda i: int(i[0])) # 根据ID排序结果 song_remain_advanced = sorted(song_remain_advanced, key=lambda i: int(i[0])) song_remain_expert = sorted(song_remain_expert, key=lambda i: int(i[0])) song_remain_master = sorted(song_remain_master, key=lambda i: int(i[0])) song_remain_remaster = sorted(song_remain_remaster, key=lambda i: int(i[0])) for song in song_remain_basic + song_remain_advanced + song_remain_expert + song_remain_master + song_remain_remaster: # 循环查询歌曲信息 music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(str(song[0])) if music.ds[song[1]] > 13.6: # 将难度为13+以上的谱面加入列表 song_remain_difficult.append([, music.title, diffs[song[1]], music.ds[song[1]], song[1], music.type]) if version == '真': # 真代歌曲不包含“​ジングルベル” song_remain_basic = [music for music in song_remain_basic if music[0] != JINGLEBELL_SONG_ID] song_remain_advanced = [music for music in song_remain_advanced if music[0] != JINGLEBELL_SONG_ID] song_remain_expert = [music for music in song_remain_expert if music[0] != JINGLEBELL_SONG_ID] song_remain_master = [music for music in song_remain_master if music[0] != JINGLEBELL_SONG_ID] song_remain_remaster = [music for music in song_remain_remaster if music[0] != JINGLEBELL_SONG_ID] song_remain_difficult = [music for music in song_remain_difficult if int(music[0]) != JINGLEBELL_SONG_ID] song_remain: list[list] = song_remain_basic + song_remain_advanced + \ song_remain_expert + song_remain_master + song_remain_remaster prompt = msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate', plate=plate, song_remain_basic=len(song_remain_basic), song_remain_advanced=len(song_remain_advanced), song_remain_expert=len(song_remain_expert), song_remain_master=len(song_remain_master)) if version in ['舞', '霸']: # 霸者和舞牌需要Re:MASTER难度 prompt += msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate.remaster', song_remain_remaster=len(song_remain_remaster)) prompt += msg.locale.t('message.end') await msg.send_message(prompt.strip()) song_record = [[s['id'], s['level_index']] for s in verlist] output = '' if len(song_remain_difficult) > 0: if len(song_remain_difficult) < 50: # 若剩余歌曲小于50个则显示 output += msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate.difficult.last') + '\n' for i, s in enumerate(sorted(song_remain_difficult, key=lambda i: i[3])): # 根据定数排序结果 self_record = '' if [int(s[0]), s[-2]] in song_record: # 显示剩余13+以上歌曲信息 record_index = song_record.index([int(s[0]), s[-2]]) if goal in ['将', '者']: self_record = str(verlist[record_index]['achievements']) + '%' elif goal in ['極', '极', '神']: if verlist[record_index]['fc']: self_record = comboRank[combo_rank.index(verlist[record_index]['fc'])] elif goal == '舞舞': if verlist[record_index]['fs']: self_record = syncRank[sync_rank.index(verlist[record_index]['fs'])] output += f"{s[0]}\u200B. {s[1]}{' (DX)' if s[5] == 'DX' else ''} {s[2]} {s[3]} {self_record}".strip() + '\n' if len(song_remain_difficult) > 10: # 若剩余歌曲大于10个则使用图片形式 get_img = True else: output += msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate.difficult', song_remain=len(song_remain_difficult)) elif len(song_remain) > 0: for i, s in enumerate(song_remain): m = (await total_list.get()).by_id(str(s[0])) ds = m.ds[s[1]] song_remain[i].append(ds) if len(song_remain) < 50: # 若剩余歌曲小于50个则显示 output += msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate.last') + '\n' for i, s in enumerate(sorted(song_remain, key=lambda i: i[2])): # 根据难度排序结果 m = (await total_list.get()).by_id(str(s[0])) self_record = '' if [int(s[0]), s[-2]] in song_record: # 显示剩余歌曲信息 record_index = song_record.index([int(s[0]), s[-2]]) if goal in ['将', '者']: self_record = str(verlist[record_index]['achievements']) + '%' elif goal in ['極', '极', '神']: if verlist[record_index]['fc']: self_record = comboRank[combo_rank.index(verlist[record_index]['fc'])] elif goal == '舞舞': if verlist[record_index]['fs']: self_record = syncRank[sync_rank.index(verlist[record_index]['fs'])] output += f"{}\u200B. {m.title}{' (DX)' if m.type == 'DX' else ''} {diffs[s[1]]} {m.ds[s[1]]} {self_record}".strip( ) + '\n' if len(song_remain) > 10: # 若剩余歌曲大于10个则使用图片形式 get_img = True else: output += msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate.difficult.completed') else: output += msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate.completed', plate=plate) return output, get_img def get_global_data(music, level_index): stats = music.stats[level_index] fc_data_pair = [(c.upper() if c else 'Not FC', count) for c, count in zip([''] + comboRank, stats.fc_dist)] acc_data_pair = [(s.upper(), count) for s, count in zip(scoreRank, stats.dist)] fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 8)) # Combo Plot labels, counts = zip(*fc_data_pair) colors =, 1, len(labels))) axs[0].pie(counts, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90, colors=colors) axs[0].set_title('Combo') # Sync Plot labels, counts = zip(*acc_data_pair) colors =, 1, len(labels))) axs[1].pie(counts, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=90, colors=colors) axs[1].set_title('Sync') plt.suptitle(f'{} {music.title} {diffs[level_index]}', color='#2c343c') plt.legend(labels, loc='upper left') # Save the plot to an image file data_path = random_cache_path() path = f'{data_path}.png' fig.savefig(path) return path