from typing import List, Union from PIL import Image from core.builtins import (Plain, Image as BImage, confirm_command, Bot, FetchTarget as FetchTargetT, FetchedSession as FetchedSessionT) from core.builtins.message import MessageSession as MessageSessionT from core.builtins.message.chain import MessageChain from core.logger import Logger from core.types import Session, MsgInfo, FinishedSession as FinS, AutoSession class FinishedSession(FinS): async def delete(self): """ 用于删除这条消息。 """ print("(Tried to delete message, but I'm a console so I cannot do it :< )") class Template(MessageSessionT): session: Union[Session, AutoSession] class Feature: image = True voice = False forward = False delete = True wait = True async def send_message(self, message_chain, quote=True, disable_secret_check=False, allow_split_image=True) -> FinishedSession: message_chain = MessageChain(message_chain) self.sent.append(message_chain) msg_list = [] for x in message_chain.as_sendable(embed=False): if isinstance(x, Plain): msg_list.append(x.text) print(x.text)'[Bot] -> [{}]: {x.text}') if isinstance(x, BImage): image_path = await x.get() img ='[Bot] -> [{}]: Image: {image_path}') return FinishedSession(self, [0], ['There should be a callable here... hmm...']) async def wait_confirm(self, message_chain=None, quote=True, delete=True): send = None if message_chain is not None: send = await self.send_message(message_chain) print("(发送“是”或符合确认条件的词语来确认)") print(self.session.auto_interactions) if self.session.auto_interactions: c = self.session.auto_interactions[0] del self.session.auto_interactions[0] else: c = input('Confirm: ') print(c) if message_chain is not None and delete: await send.delete() if c in confirm_command: return True return False async def wait_anyone(self, message_chain=None, quote=True, delete=True): send = None if message_chain is not None: send = await self.send_message(message_chain) if self.session.auto_interactions: c = self.session.auto_interactions[0] del self.session.auto_interactions[0] else: c = input('Confirm: ') print(c) if message_chain is not None and delete: await send.delete() self.session.message = c return self async def wait_reply(self, message_chain, quote=True, all_=False, append_instruction=True): message_chain = MessageChain(message_chain) if append_instruction: message_chain.append(Plain(self.locale.t("message.reply.prompt"))) send = await self.send_message(message_chain, quote) c = input('Reply: ') return Template(target=MsgInfo(target_id='TEST|Console|0', sender_id='TEST|0', sender_name='', target_from='TEST|Console', sender_from='TEST', client_name='TEST', message_id=0, reply_id=None), session=AutoSession(message=c, target='TEST|Console|0', sender='TEST|0', auto_interactions=None)) def as_display(self, text_only=False): return self.session.message async def to_message_chain(self): return MessageChain(Plain(self.session.message)) async def delete(self): print( f"(Tried to delete {self.session.message}, but I'm a console so I cannot do it :< )") return True async def check_permission(self): print("(Tried to check your permissions, but this is a console. Have fun!)") return True async def check_native_permission(self): print("(Tried to check your native permissions, but this is a console. Have fun!)") return True def check_super_user(self): print("(Try to check if you are superuser, but this is a unit test environment. Have fun!)") return True async def sleep(self, s): print("(Tried to sleep for %d seconds, skip.)" % s) sendMessage = send_message waitConfirm = wait_confirm waitReply = wait_reply waitAnyone = wait_anyone asDisplay = as_display toMessageChain = to_message_chain checkPermission = check_permission checkNativePermission = check_native_permission checkSuperUser = check_super_user class Typing: def __init__(self, msg: MessageSessionT): self.msg = msg async def __aenter__(self): print('Console is typing...') async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass class FetchedSession(FetchedSessionT): async def send_message(self, message_chain, disable_secret_check=False): """ 用于向获取对象发送消息。 :param message_chain: 消息链,若传入str则自动创建一条带有Plain元素的消息链 :param disable_secret_check: 是否禁用消息检查(默认为False) :return: 被发送的消息链 """ return await self.parent.send_message(message_chain, disable_secret_check=disable_secret_check, quote=False) class FetchTarget(FetchTargetT): name = 'TEST' @staticmethod async def fetch_target(target_id, sender_id=None) -> FetchedSession: return FetchedSession('TEST|Console', '0', 'TEST', '0') @staticmethod async def post_message(module_name, message, user_list: List[FetchedSession] = None, i18n=False, **kwargs): fetch = await FetchTarget.fetch_target('0') if i18n: await fetch.send_message(fetch.parent.locale.t(message, **kwargs)) else: await fetch.send_message(message) Bot.MessageSession = Template Bot.FetchTarget = FetchTarget