import os import toml from os.path import abspath from core.exceptions import ConfigFileNotFound config_filename = 'config.toml' config_path = abspath('./config/' + config_filename) old_cfg_file_path = abspath('./config/config.cfg') def convert_cfg_to_toml(): import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser() config_dict = {} for section in config.sections(): config_dict[section] = dict(config[section]) for x in config_dict: for y in config_dict[x]: if config_dict[x][y] == "True": config_dict[x][y] = True elif config_dict[x][y] == "False": config_dict[x][y] = False elif config_dict[x][y].isdigit(): config_dict[x][y] = int(config_dict[x][y]) with open(config_path, 'w') as f: f.write(toml.dumps(config_dict)) os.remove(old_cfg_file_path) class CFG: value = None _ts = None @classmethod def load(cls): if not os.path.exists(config_path): if os.path.exists(old_cfg_file_path): convert_cfg_to_toml() else: raise ConfigFileNotFound(config_path) from None cls.value = toml.loads(open(config_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read()) cls._ts = os.path.getmtime(config_path) @classmethod def get(cls, q): q = q.lower() if os.path.getmtime(config_path) != cls._ts: cls.load() value_s = cls.value.get('secret') value_n = cls.value.get('cfg') value = value_s.get(q) if value is None: value = value_n.get(q) return value @classmethod def write(cls, q, value, secret=False): q = q.lower() if os.path.getmtime(config_path) != cls._ts: cls.load() value_s = cls.value.get('secret') value_n = cls.value.get('cfg') if q in value_s: value_s[q] = value elif q in value_n: value_n[q] = value else: if secret: value_s[q] = value else: value_n[q] = value cls.value['secret'] = value_s cls.value['cfg'] = value_n with open(config_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(toml.dumps(cls.value)) cls.load() @classmethod def delete(cls, q): q = q.lower() if os.path.getmtime(config_path) != cls._ts: cls.load() value_s = cls.value.get('secret') value_n = cls.value.get('cfg') if q in value_s: del value_s[q] elif q in value_n: del value_n[q] else: return False cls.value['secret'] = value_s cls.value['cfg'] = value_n with open(config_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(toml.dumps(cls.value)) cls.load() return True CFG.load() Config = CFG.get