import os import re import traceback from html import escape from typing import List, Union import aiohttp import ujson as json from tabulate import tabulate from config import Config from core.logger import Logger from .cache import random_cache_path web_render = Config('web_render_local') class ImageTable: def __init__(self, data, headers): = data self.headers = headers async def image_table_render(table: Union[ImageTable, List[ImageTable]], save_source=False): if not web_render: return False try: tblst = [] if isinstance(table, ImageTable): table = [table] max_width = 500 for tbl in table: d = [] for row in cs = [] for c in row: cs.append(re.sub(r'\n', '
', escape(c))) d.append(cs) w = len(tbl.headers) * 500 if w > max_width: max_width = w tblst.append(re.sub(r'|
', '', tabulate(d, tbl.headers, tablefmt='unsafehtml'))) tblst = '' + '\n'.join(tblst) + '
' css = """ """ html = {'content': tblst + css, 'width': w, 'mw': False} if save_source: fname = random_cache_path() + '.html' with open(fname, 'w') as fi: fi.write(tblst + css) picname = random_cache_path() + '.jpg' if os.path.exists(picname): os.remove(picname) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with, headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, data=json.dumps(html)) as resp: with open(picname, 'wb+') as jpg: jpg.write(await return picname except Exception: Logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False __all__ = ['ImageTable', 'image_table_render', 'web_render']