from typing import Any import json import socket import ipaddress from core.utils import get_url import os iso = json.load(open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( __file__)) + '/iso.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8')) async def check_ip(ip: str): info = ipaddress.ip_address(ip) ip_property = '' real_ip = None skip_geoip = False if info.is_global: ip_property = 'global' skip_geoip = True elif info.is_reserved: ip_property = 'reserved' skip_geoip = True elif info.is_multicast: ip_property = 'multicast' elif info.is_link_local: ip_property = 'link_local' skip_geoip = True elif info.is_loopback: ip_property = 'loopback' skip_geoip = True elif info.is_unspecified: ip_property = 'unspecified' skip_geoip = True elif info.is_private: ip_property = 'private' elif isinstance(info, ipaddress.IPv6Address): if info.ipv4_mapped: ip_property = 'ipv4_mapped' real_ip = info.ipv4_mapped.compressed elif info.sixtofour: ip_property = 'sixtofour' real_ip = info.sixtofour.compressed elif info.teredo: ip_property = 'teredo' ip = str(info.teredo) elif info.is_site_local: ip_property = 'site_local' res = { 'ip': ip, 'version': info.version, 'country_code': None, 'country': None, 'region_code': None, 'region': None, 'city': None, 'postal_code': None, 'contient_code': None, 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'organization': None, 'asn': None, 'asn_organization': None, 'offset': None, 'reverse': [], 'ip_property': ip_property, 'real_ip': real_ip } if not skip_geoip: data = json.loads(await get_url('' + ip)) reverse = socket.getnameinfo((ip, 0), 0) res['reverse'] = reverse[0] for key in res: if key in data: res[key] = data[key] return res def parse_coordinate(axis: str, value: float): if axis == 'latitude': return f'{value}°{"N" if value > 0 else "S"}' elif axis == 'longitude': return f'{value}°{"E" if value > 0 else "W"}' async def format_ip(info: dict[str, Any]): ip_property = { 'global': '全局', 'private': '私有', 'reserved': '保留', 'multicast': '多播', 'link_local': '链路本地', 'loopback': '回环', 'unspecified': '未指定', 'ipv4_mapped': 'IPv4 映射', 'sixtofour': '6to4 ', 'teredo': 'Teredo ', 'site_local': '站点本地' } return f'''\ {info['ip']} 类型:IPv{info['version']} {ip_property[info['ip_property']]}地址{f""" 实际 IP:{info['real_ip']}""" if info['real_ip'] is not None else ''}{f""" 位置:{iso[info['country_code']]}""" if info['country_code'] is not None else ''}{info['region'] if info['region'] is not None else ''}{info['city'] if info['city'] is not None else ''}{f"({parse_coordinate('longitude', info['longitude'])}, {parse_coordinate('latitude', info['latitude'])})" if info['longitude'] is not None and info['latitude'] is not None else ''}{f""" 邮编:{info['postal_code']}""" if info['postal_code'] is not None else ''}{f""" 组织:{info['organization']}""" if info['organization'] is not None else ''}{f""" ASN:{info['asn']}""" if info['asn'] is not None else ''}{f"({info['asn_organization']})" if info['asn_organization'] is not None else ''}{f""" 时区:UTC{(info['offset'] / 3600):+g}""" if info['offset'] is not None else ''}{f""" 反向解析:{info['reverse']}""" if info['reverse'] is not None and info['reverse'] != info['ip'] else ''}'''