import asyncio import os import random import traceback import uuid from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter from .utils import autofix_character assets_path = os.path.abspath('./assets/arcaea') def makeShadow(image, iterations, border, offset, backgroundColour, shadowColour): fullWidth = image.size[0] + abs(offset[0]) + 2 * border fullHeight = image.size[1] + abs(offset[1]) + 2 * border shadow =, (fullWidth, fullHeight), backgroundColour) shadowLeft = border + max(offset[0], 0) shadowTop = border + max(offset[1], 0) shadow.paste(shadowColour, (shadowLeft, shadowTop, shadowLeft + image.size[0], shadowTop + image.size[1])) for i in range(iterations): shadow = shadow.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) imgLeft = border - min(offset[0], 0) imgTop = border - min(offset[1], 0) shadow.paste(image, (imgLeft, imgTop)) return shadow def drawb30(Username, b30, r10, ptt, character, path='', official=False): # background if not official: bgimgpath = f'{assets_path}/world/' else: bgimgpath = f'{assets_path}/world_official/' bglist = os.listdir(bgimgpath) bgr = random.randint(0, len(bglist) - 1) bg = + f'/{bglist[bgr]}').convert("RGBA") bg = bg.resize((bg.size[0] * 2, bg.size[1] * 2)) offset = random.randint(0, 1024) if not official: if bg.width < 2489: bgmut = 2489 / bg.width bg = bg.resize((int(bg.width * bgmut), int(bg.height * bgmut))) b30img = bg.crop((0, offset, 2489, 1400 + offset)) else: if bg.width < 1975: bgmut = 1975 / bg.width bg = bg.resize((int(bg.width * bgmut), int(bg.height * bgmut))) b30img = bg.crop((0, offset, 1975, 1610 + offset)) if not official: # triangle tg ='{assets_path}/triangle.png') b30img.alpha_composite(tg.convert("RGBA"), (1580, 550)) # character character_img_path = f'{assets_path}/char/{str(character)}.png' if os.path.exists(character_img_path): character = b30img.alpha_composite(character.convert("RGBA"), (1660, 350)) else: asyncio.create_task(autofix_character(str(character))) # usercard overlay cardoverlay ='{assets_path}/card_overlay.png') if not official: b30img.alpha_composite(cardoverlay.convert("RGBA"), (1750, 1227)) else: b30img.alpha_composite(makeShadow(cardoverlay.convert("RGBA"), 2, 3, [3, 3], 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', '#000000'), (b30img.width - 500, 68)) # ptt pttimg = 'off' if ptt is not None and isinstance(ptt, (int, float)): if ptt >= 13.00: pttimg = 7 elif ptt >= 12.50: pttimg = 6 elif ptt >= 12.00: pttimg = 5 elif ptt >= 11.00: pttimg = 4 elif ptt >= 10.00: pttimg = 3 elif ptt >= 7.00: pttimg = 2 elif ptt >= 3.50: pttimg = 1 elif ptt >= 0: pttimg = 0 pttimg ='{assets_path}/ptt/rating_{str(pttimg)}.png') pttimg = pttimg.resize((75, 75)) if not official: b30img.alpha_composite(pttimg.convert("RGBA"), (1775, 1226)) else: b30img.alpha_composite(pttimg.convert("RGBA"), (b30img.width - 450, 67)) ptttext ="RGBA", (200, 200)) ptttext_width, ptttext_height = ptttext.size font1 = ImageFont.truetype(f'{assets_path}/Fonts/Exo-SemiBold.ttf', 30) font2 = ImageFont.truetype(f'{assets_path}/Fonts/Exo-SemiBold.ttf', 21) if ptt is not None and isinstance(ptt, (int, float)): rawptt = str(ptt).split('.') ptt1 = rawptt[0] ptt2 = rawptt[1] if len(ptt2) < 2: ptt2 += '0' font1_width, font1_height = font1.getsize(ptt1 + '.') font2_width, font2_height = font2.getsize(ptt2) pttimg ="RGBA", (font1_width + font2_width + 4, font1_height + 4)) drawptt = ImageDraw.Draw(pttimg) stroke_color = '#52495d' if int(ptt1) >= 13: stroke_color = '#81122F' drawptt.text((0, 0), ptt1 + '.', 'white', font=font1, stroke_width=2, stroke_fill=stroke_color) drawptt.text((font1_width, 9), ptt2, 'white', font=font2, stroke_width=2, stroke_fill=stroke_color) else: font1_width, font1_height = font1.getsize('--') pttimg ="RGBA", (font1_width, font1_height)) drawptt = ImageDraw.Draw(pttimg) drawptt.text((0, 0), '--', 'white', font=font1, stroke_width=2, stroke_fill='#52495d') pttimg_width, pttimg_height = pttimg.size ptttext.alpha_composite(pttimg, (int((ptttext_width - pttimg_width) / 2), int((ptttext_height - pttimg_height) / 2))) if not official: b30img.alpha_composite(ptttext, (1713, 1157)) else: b30img.alpha_composite(ptttext, (b30img.width - 512, 0)) # username userfont = ImageFont.truetype(f'{assets_path}/Fonts/GeosansLight.ttf', 45) textdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(b30img) if not official: textdraw.text((1871, 1225), Username, '#3a4853', font=userfont, stroke_width=2, stroke_fill='white') else: textdraw.text((b30img.width - 365, 70), Username, '#3a4853', font=userfont, stroke_width=2, stroke_fill='white') # b30 b30font = ImageFont.truetype(f'{assets_path}/Fonts/Exo-Medium.ttf', 17) br30 = f'B30: {str(b30)} R10: {str(r10)}' if not official: textdraw.text((1876, 1270), br30, '#3a4853', font=b30font, stroke_width=2, stroke_fill='white') else: textdraw.text((b30img.width - 360, 113), br30, '#3a4853', font=b30font, stroke_width=2, stroke_fill='white') # disclaimer disclaimer_font = ImageFont.truetype(f'{assets_path}/Fonts/Exo-Medium.ttf', 25) if official: textdraw.text( (5, 5), f'Based on ArcaeaLimitedAPI by Lowiro | Generated by Teahouse Studios "Akaribot"' f'\nThis service utilizes API functionality provided by and with permission from lowiro. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by lowiro.', '#3a4853', font=b30font, stroke_fill='white', stroke_width=2) else: textdraw.text((b30img.width - 490, 5), f'Based on BotArcAPI | Generated by Teahouse Studios "Akaribot"', '#3a4853', font=b30font, stroke_fill='white', stroke_width=2) # b30card i = 0 fname = 1 t = 0 s = 0 while True: try: cardimg ='{path}/{str(fname)}.png')) w = (15 if not official else 115) + 345 * i h = (15 if not official else 185) if s == 5: s = 0 t += 1 h = h + 220 * t w = w - 345 * 5 * t i += 1 cardimg = makeShadow(cardimg, 4, 9, [0, 3], 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', '#000000') b30img.alpha_composite(cardimg, (w, h)) fname += 1 s += 1 except FileNotFoundError: break except Exception: traceback.print_exc() break if __name__ == '__main__': else: savefilename = os.path.abspath(f'./cache/{str(uuid.uuid4())}.jpg') b30img.convert("RGB").save(savefilename) return savefilename if __name__ == '__main__': drawb30('OasisAkdfsfari', '10.250', '10.250', 12.31, '0', official=False)