import asyncio import random from datetime import datetime from core.builtins import Bot from core.component import module from core.logger import Logger from core.petal import gained_petal, lost_petal from core.utils.cooldown import CoolDown fish = module('fish', desc='{}', alias={"retract": "fish retract"}, developers=['OasisAkari']) play_state = {} # 创建一个空字典用于存放游戏状态 fish_list = { 'tiny': ['bitterling', 'pale-chub', 'goldfish', 'pop-eyed-goldfish', 'killifish', 'tadpole', 'guppy', 'nibble-fish', 'rainbow-fish', 'sea-butterfly', 'sea-horse'], 'small': ['crucian-carp', 'ranchu-goldfish', 'frog', 'loach', 'bluegill', 'pond-smelt', 'angel-fish', 'betta', 'piranha', 'butterfly-fish', 'anchovy', 'horse-mackerel', 'barrel-eye'], 'medium': ['dace', 'yellow-perch', 'tilapia', 'cherry-salmon', 'char', 'golden-trout', 'zebra-turkeyfish', 'blow-fish', 'barred-knifejaw', 'squid'], 'large': ['carp', 'koi', 'soft-shelled-turtle', 'giant-snakehead', 'black-bass', 'saddled-bichir', 'red-snapper', 'football-fish'], 'very-large': ['pike', 'string-fish', 'dorado', 'gar', 'sea-bass', 'giant-trevally', 'mahi-mahi', 'ray'], 'long-thin': ['moray-eel', 'ribbon-eel'], 'very-large-finned': ['saw-shark', 'hammerhead-shark', 'great-white-shark', 'whale-shark'], 'huge': ['sturgeon', 'oar-fish', 'coelacanth', 'tuna', 'blue-marlin'], } fish_list_by_name = {x: y for y in fish_list for x in fish_list[y]} async def finish_fish(msg: Bot.MessageSession): play_state[]['active'] = False if != 'TEST|Console': qc = CoolDown('fish', msg, all=True) qc.reset() if play_state[]['hooked']: rand_result = random.randint(1, 100) if rand_result < 98: fish_name_key = 'fish.message.type.' + play_state[]['fish_name'] fish_name = msg.locale.t(fish_name_key, fallback_failed_prompt=False) if fish_name == fish_name_key: fish_name = play_state[]['fish_name'] fish_words_key = 'fish.message.fished.' + play_state[]['fish_name'] fish_words = msg.locale.t(fish_words_key, fallback_failed_prompt=False) if fish_words == fish_words_key: fish_words = msg.locale.t('fish.message.fished', name=fish_name) text = f'{fish_words}\n' + \ (f'{msg.locale.t("fish.message.size")}' f'{msg.locale.t("fish.message.size." + play_state[]["fish_type"])}') if play_state[]['hooked_time'] < 2: if g := gained_petal(msg, 1): text += '\n' + g await msg.finish(text, quote=False) else: send = msg.locale.t('fish.message.failed.' + str(random.randint(1, 3))) if g := lost_petal(msg, 1): send += '\n' + g await msg.finish(send, quote=False) else: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("fish.message.fished.nothing"), quote=False) @fish.command('{{}}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): if in play_state and play_state[]['active']: return await finish_fish(msg) if != 'TEST|Console': qc = CoolDown('fish', msg, all=True) c = qc.check(30) if c != 0: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('message.cooldown', time=int(c), cd_time='30')) play_state.update({ {'active': True, 'hooked': False}}) async def generate_fish(msg: Bot.MessageSession): fish_name = random.choice(list(fish_list_by_name.keys())) fish_type = fish_list_by_name[fish_name] play_state[]['fish_type'] = fish_type play_state[]['fish_name'] = fish_name hooked_time_chance = random.randint(1, 100) if 0 <= hooked_time_chance < 70: hooked_time = random.randint(1, 2) elif 70 <= hooked_time_chance < 80: hooked_time = random.randint(3, 4) elif 80 <= hooked_time_chance < 90: hooked_time = random.randint(5, 6) elif 90 <= hooked_time_chance < 95: hooked_time = random.randint(7, 8) elif 95 <= hooked_time_chance < 98: hooked_time = random.randint(9, 10) else: hooked_time = random.randint(11, 30) Logger.debug(f'fish_type: {fish_type}, fish_name: {fish_name}, hooked_time: {hooked_time}') play_state[]['hooked_time'] = hooked_time return hooked_time hooked_time = await generate_fish(msg) wait_time = random.randint(5, 30) async def timer(start, wait_time=0, hooked_time=0, wait_repeat=0, hook_repeat=0): # 计时器函数 if play_state[]['active']: # 检查对象是否为活跃状态 if - start > 120: # 如果超过2分钟 await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t('fish.message.timeout'), quote=False) play_state[]['active'] = False else: # 如果未超时 if hook_repeat < 3: repeat_state = 'green' elif hook_repeat < 6: repeat_state = 'blue' elif hook_repeat < 9: repeat_state = 'yellow' else: repeat_state = 'red' if wait_time <= 0: if hooked_time <= 0: if play_state[]['active']: play_state[]['hooked'] = False await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t(f"fish.message.escaped.{repeat_state}.{random.randint(1, 3)}"), quote=False) hooked_time = await generate_fish(msg) wait_time = random.randint(5, 30) wait_repeat = 0 hook_repeat = 0 else: play_state[]['hooked'] = True if hooked_time % 1 == 0: await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t(f"fish.message.hooked.{repeat_state}.{random.randint(1, 3)}"), quote=False) hook_repeat += 1 hooked_time -= 0.25 else: if wait_time % 10 == 0: wait_repeat += 1 await msg.send_message(f'.' * wait_repeat, quote=False) wait_time -= 0.25 await asyncio.sleep(0.25) await timer(start, wait_time, hooked_time, wait_repeat, hook_repeat) # 重新调用计时器函数 await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t('fish.message.start', prefix=msg.prefixes[0])) Bot.ExecutionLockList.remove(msg) await asyncio.create_task(timer(, wait_time, hooked_time)) @fish.handle('retract {{}}') @fish.regex(r'^(?:收杆|收)$') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): if in play_state and play_state[]['active']: return await finish_fish(msg) else: rand_result = random.randint(1, 100) if rand_result < 98: send = msg.locale.t('fish.message.not_started.1', prefix=msg.prefixes[0]) else: send = msg.locale.t('fish.message.not_started.2') if g := lost_petal(msg, 1): send += '\n' + g await msg.finish(send)