import aiohttp async def get_data(url: str, fmt: str): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=20)) as req: if hasattr(req, fmt): return await getattr(req, fmt)() else: raise ValueError(f"NoSuchMethod: {fmt}") async def main(): try: data = await get_data('', "json") except (ConnectionError, OSError): # Probably... return "发生错误:土豆熟了" for v in data: if not v['archived']: return f'最新版:{v.get("name")} \n(数据来源于MoJira,可能会比官方发布要早一段时间。信息仅供参考。)' return "出了点问题,快去锤develop(" command = {'mcdv': 'mcdv'}