import traceback from core.elements import MessageSession, Image, Plain, Url from core.elements.others import ErrorMessage from import get_url from modules.github.utils import time_diff, dirty_check, darkCheck async def repo(msg: MessageSession): try: result = await get_url('' + msg.parsed_msg[''], fmt='json') if 'message' in result and result['message'] == 'Not Found': raise RuntimeError('此仓库不存在。') elif 'message' in result and result['message']: raise RuntimeError(result['message']) rlicense = 'Unknown' if 'license' in result and result['license'] is not None: if 'spdx_id' in result['license']: rlicense = result['license']['spdx_id'] is_fork = result['fork'] parent = False if result['homepage'] is not None: website = 'Website: ' + str(Url(result['homepage'])) + '\n' else: website = '' if result['mirror_url'] is not None: mirror = f' (This is a mirror of {str(Url(result["mirror_url"]))} )' else: mirror = '' if is_fork: parent_name = result['parent']['name'] parent = f' (This is a fork of {parent_name} )' desc = result['description'] if desc is None: desc = '' else: desc = '\n' + result['description'] message = f'''{result['full_name']} ({result['id']}){desc} Language · {result['language']} | Fork · {result['forks_count']} | Star · {result['stargazers_count']} | Watch · {result['watchers_count']} License: {rlicense} Created {time_diff(result['created_at'])} ago | Updated {time_diff(result['updated_at'])} ago {website}{str(Url(result['html_url']))}''' if mirror: message += '\n' + mirror if parent: message += '\n' + parent is_dirty = await dirty_check(message, result['owner']['login']) or darkCheck(message) if is_dirty: message = '' await msg.sendMessage([Plain(message)]) else: await msg.sendMessage([Plain(message), Image( path=f'{result["full_name"]}')]) except Exception as e: if result['message'] == 'Not Found': await msg.sendMessage('发生错误:查无此人,请检查拼写是否正确。') else: await msg.sendMessage(ErrorMessage(str(e))) traceback.print_exc()