import json import os import re import traceback import uuid from urllib.parse import urljoin import aiohttp from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from config import Config from core.template import logger_info infobox_render = Config('infobox_render') async def get_infobox_pic(link, pagelink, headers): if not infobox_render: return False try: logger_info('Starting find infobox..') wlink = re.sub(r'api.php', '', link) link = re.sub(r'(?:w/|)api.php', '', link) try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session: async with session.get(pagelink, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=20)) as req: html = await except: traceback.print_exc() return False soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') pagename = uuid.uuid4() url = os.path.abspath(f'./cache/{pagename}.html') if os.path.exists(url): os.remove(url) logger_info('Downloaded raw.') open_file = open(url, 'a', encoding='utf-8') find_infobox = soup.find(class_='notaninfobox') # 我 if find_infobox is None: # 找 find_infobox = soup.find(class_='portable-infobox') # 找 if find_infobox is None: # 找 find_infobox = soup.find(class_='infobox') # 找 if find_infobox is None: # 找 find_infobox = soup.find(class_='tpl-infobox') # 找 if find_infobox is None: # 找 find_infobox = soup.find(class_='infoboxtable') # 找 if find_infobox is None: # 找 find_infobox = soup.find(class_='infotemplatebox') # 找 if find_infobox is None: # 找 find_infobox = soup.find(class_='skin-infobox') # 找 if find_infobox is None: # 找 find_infobox = soup.find(class_='songbox') # 找 (arcw) if find_infobox is not None: find_infobox = find_infobox.parent # 曲线救国,以后再找新办法( if find_infobox is None: # 找 find_infobox = soup.find(class_='songtable') # 找 (arcw) if find_infobox is None: # 找 return False # 找你妈,不找了<-咱还是回家吧 logger_info('Find infobox, start modding...') for x in soup.find_all(rel='stylesheet'): if x.has_attr('href'): x.attrs['href'] = re.sub(';', '&', urljoin(wlink, x.get('href'))) open_file.write(str(x)) def join_url(base, target): target = target.split(' ') targetlist = [] for x in target: if x.find('/') != -1: x = urljoin(base, x) targetlist.append(x) else: targetlist.append(x) target = ' '.join(targetlist) return target for x in find_infobox.find_all(['a', 'img', 'span']): if x.has_attr('href'): x.attrs['href'] = join_url(link, x.get('href')) if x.has_attr('src'): x.attrs['src'] = join_url(link, x.get('src')) if x.has_attr('srcset'): x.attrs['srcset'] = join_url(link, x.get('srcset')) if x.has_attr('style'): x.attrs['style'] = re.sub(r'url\(/(.*)\)', 'url(' + link + '\\1)', x.get('style')) replace_link = find_infobox open_file.write(str(replace_link)) open_file.close() read_file = open(url, 'r', encoding='utf-8') html = {'content':} logger_info('Start rendering...') picname = os.path.abspath(f'./cache/{pagename}.jpg') if os.path.exists(picname): os.remove(picname) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with, headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, data=json.dumps(html)) as resp: with open(picname, 'wb+') as jpg: jpg.write(await return picname except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return False