import re from core.builtins import Bot, Plain, Image as BImage from core.component import module from core.logger import Logger from core.utils.image import msgchain2image from modules.maimai.libraries.maimaidx_api_data import get_alias, get_cover from modules.maimai.libraries.maimaidx_music import Music, TotalList from modules.maimai.libraries.maimaidx_project import get_level_process, get_plate_process, get_player_score total_list = TotalList() level_list = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '7+', '8', '8+', '9', '9+', '10', '10+', '11', '11+', '12', '12+', '13', '13+', '14', '14+', '15'] diff_label = ['Basic', 'Advanced', 'Expert', 'Master', 'Re:MASTER'] diff_label_abbr = ['bas', 'adv', 'exp', 'mas', 'rem'] diff_label_zhs = ['绿', '黄', '红', '紫', '白'] diff_label_zht = ['綠', '黃', '紅'] def song_txt(music: Music): return [Plain(f"{}\u200B. {music.title}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n"), BImage(get_cover(, ), Plain(f"\n{'/'.join(str(ds) for ds in music.ds)}")] def get_diff(diff): diff = diff.lower() diff_label_lower = [label.lower() for label in diff_label] if diff in diff_label_zhs: level = diff_label_zhs.index(diff) elif diff in diff_label_zht: level = diff_label_zht.index(diff) elif diff in diff_label_abbr: level = diff_label_abbr.index(diff) elif diff in diff_label_lower: level = diff_label_lower.index(diff) else: level = None return level mai_regex = module('maimai_regex', desc='{}', recommend_modules=['maimai'], alias='mai_regex', developers=['DoroWolf'], support_languages=['zh_cn', 'zh_tw']) @mai_regex.handle(re.compile(r"(.+)\s?是什[么麼]歌"), desc='{}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): name = msg.matched_msg.groups()[0] if name[:2].lower() == "id": sid = name[2:] music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) if not music: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) else: sid_list = await get_alias(msg, name, get_music=True) if len(sid_list) == 0: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) elif len(sid_list) > 1: res = msg.locale.t("") + "\n" for sid in sorted(sid_list, key=int): s = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) res += f"{s['id']}\u200B. {s['title']}{' (DX)' if s['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n" await msg.finish(res.strip()) else: music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(str(sid_list[0])) if not music: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) file = get_cover(music['id']) await msg.finish( [Plain(f"{music['id']}\u200B. {music['title']} {' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n"), BImage(f"{file}"), Plain(msg.locale.t("", artist=music['basic_info']['artist'], genre=music['basic_info']['genre'], bpm=music['basic_info']['bpm'], version=music['basic_info']['from'], level='/'.join((str(ds) for ds in music['ds']))))]) @mai_regex.handle(re.compile(r"(.+)\s?有什[么麼]分\s?(.+)?"), desc='{}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): name = msg.matched_msg.groups()[0] username = msg.matched_msg.groups()[1] if name[:2].lower() == "id": sid = name[2:] else: sid_list = await get_alias(msg, name, get_music=True) if len(sid_list) == 0: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) elif len(sid_list) > 1: res = msg.locale.t("") + "\n" for sid in sorted(sid_list, key=int): s = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) res += f"{s['id']}\u200B. {s['title']}{' (DX)' if s['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n" await msg.finish(res.strip()) else: sid = str(sid_list[0]) music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) if not music: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) if username is None and == "QQ": payload = {'qq': msg.session.sender} else: if username is None: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.no_username")) payload = {'username': username} output = await get_player_score(msg, payload, sid) file = get_cover(music['id']) await msg.finish( [Plain(f"{music['id']}\u200B. {music['title']}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n"), BImage(f"{file}"), Plain(output)]) @mai_regex.handle(re.compile(r"(?:id)?(\d+)\s?有什(么别|麼別)名", flags=re.I), desc='{}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): sid = msg.matched_msg.groups()[0] music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(sid) if not music: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found")) title = f"{music['id']}\u200B. {music['title']}{' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}" alias = await get_alias(msg, sid) if len(alias) == 0: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.alias.alias_not_found")) else: result = msg.locale.t("maimai.message.alias", title=title) + "\n" result += "\n".join(alias) await msg.finish([Plain(result.strip())]) file = get_cover(music['id']) await msg.finish( [Plain(f"{music['id']}\u200B. {music['title']} {' (DX)' if music['type'] == 'DX' else ''}\n"), BImage(f"{file}"), Plain(msg.locale.t("", artist=music['basic_info']['artist'], genre=music['basic_info']['genre'], bpm=music['basic_info']['bpm'], version=music['basic_info']['from'], level='/'.join((str(ds) for ds in music['ds']))))]) @mai_regex.handle(re.compile(r"(随个|隨個)\s?((?:dx|DX|sd|SD|标准|標準)\s?)?([绿綠黄黃红紅紫白]?)\s?([0-9]+\+?)"), desc="{}") async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): res = msg.matched_msg if res: try: if res.groups()[1] in ["dx", "DX"]: tp = ["DX"] elif res.groups()[1] in ["sd", "SD"] or res.groups()[1] in ["标准", "標準"]: tp = ["SD"] else: tp = ["SD", "DX"] level = res.groups()[3] if res.groups()[2] == "": music_data = (await total_list.get()).filter(level=level, type=tp) else: music_data = (await total_list.get()).filter(level=level, diff=[get_diff(res.groups()[2])], type=tp) if len(music_data) == 0: rand_result = msg.locale.t("maimai.message.music_not_found") else: rand_result = song_txt(music_data.random()) await msg.finish(rand_result) except Exception as e: Logger.error(e) await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.random.error")) @mai_regex.handle(re.compile(r"(.?)([極极将舞神者]舞?)[进進]度\s?(.+)?"), desc='{}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): plate = msg.matched_msg.groups()[0] + msg.matched_msg.groups()[1] username = msg.matched_msg.groups()[2] if username is None and == "QQ": payload = {'qq': msg.session.sender} else: if username is None: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.no_username")) payload = {'username': username} if plate == '真将' or (plate[1] == '者' and plate[0] != '霸'): await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('maimai.message.plate.plate_not_found')) output, get_img = await get_plate_process(msg, payload, plate) if get_img: img = await msgchain2image([Plain(output)]) await msg.finish([BImage(img)]) else: await msg.finish(output.strip()) @mai_regex.handle(re.compile(r"([0-9]+\+?)\s?(.+)[进進]度\s?(.+)?"), desc='{}') async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession): goal_list = [ "A", "AA", "AAA", "S", "S+", "SS", "SS+", "SSS", "SSS+", "FC", "FC+", "AP", "AP+", "FS", "FS+", "FDX", "FDX+"] level = msg.matched_msg.groups()[0] goal = msg.matched_msg.groups()[1] username = msg.matched_msg.groups()[2] if username is None and == "QQ": payload = {'qq': msg.session.sender} else: if username is None: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.no_username")) payload = {'username': username} if level in level_list: level_num = int(level.split('+')[0]) if level_num < 8: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.process.less_than_8")) else: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.process.error.goal_invalid")) if goal.upper() not in goal_list: await msg.finish(msg.locale.t("maimai.message.process.error.goal_invalid")) output, songs = await get_level_process(msg, payload, level, goal) if songs <= 10 or songs >= 50: await msg.finish(output.strip()) else: img = await msgchain2image([Plain(output)]) await msg.finish([BImage(img)])