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多羅狼 2b53c5d7c3
2023-06-22 11:34:39 +08:00

220 lines
8 KiB

from datetime import datetime
from core.utils.http import get_url
from .maimaidx_api_data import get_record, get_plate
from .maimaidx_music import TotalList
total_list = TotalList()
plate_to_version = {
'': 'maimai',
'': 'maimai PLUS',
'': 'maimai GreeN',
'': 'maimai GreeN PLUS',
'': 'maimai ORANGE',
'': 'maimai ORANGE PLUS',
'': 'maimai ORANGE PLUS',
'': 'maimai PiNK',
'': 'maimai PiNK PLUS',
'': 'maimai PiNK PLUS',
'': 'maimai MURASAKi',
'': 'maimai MURASAKi PLUS',
'': 'maimai MURASAKi PLUS',
'': 'maimai MiLK',
'': 'MiLK PLUS',
'': 'maimai FiNALE',
'': 'maimai FiNALE',
'': 'maimai でらっくす',
'': 'maimai でらっくす PLUS',
'': 'maimai でらっくす PLUS',
'': 'maimai でらっくす Splash',
'': 'maimai でらっくす Splash PLUS',
'': 'maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE',
'': 'maimai でらっくす UNiVERSE PLUS',
'': 'maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL',
'fesp': 'maimai でらっくす FESTiVAL PLUS'
score_to_rank = {
(0.0, 50.0): "D",
(50.0, 60.0): "C",
(60.0, 70.0): "B",
(70.0, 75.0): "BB",
(75.0, 80.0): "BBB",
(80.0, 90.0): "A",
(90.0, 94.0): "AA",
(94.0, 97.0): "AAA",
(97.0, 98.0): "S",
(98.0, 99.0): "S+",
(99.0, 99.5): "SS",
(99.5, 100.0): "SS+",
(100.0, 100.5): "SSS",
(100.5, float('inf')): "SSS+",
combo_conversion = {
"fc": "FC",
"fcp": "FC+",
"ap": "AP",
"app": "AP+",
sync_conversion = {
"fs": "FS",
"fsp": "FS+",
"fsd": "FDX",
"fsdp": "FDX+",
diffs = {
0: "Basic",
1: "Advanced",
2: "Expert",
3: "Master",
4: "Re:MASTER",
achievementList = [50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0, 90.0, 94.0, 97.0, 98.0, 99.0, 99.5, 100.0, 100.5]
async def get_rank(msg, payload):
player_data = await get_record(msg, payload)
username = player_data['username']
rating = player_data['rating']
url = f""
rank_data = await get_url(url, 200, fmt='json')
sorted_data = sorted(rank_data, key=lambda x: x['ra'], reverse=True)
rank = None
total_rating = 0
total_rank = len(sorted_data)
for i, scoreboard in enumerate(sorted_data):
if scoreboard['username'] == username:
rank = i + 1
total_rating += scoreboard['ra']
if rank is None:
rank = total_rank
average_rating = total_rating / total_rank
surpassing_rate = (total_rank - rank) / total_rank * 100
time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
return time, total_rank, average_rating, username, rating, rank, surpassing_rate
async def get_player_score(msg, payload, input_id):
payload['version'] = list(set(version for version in plate_to_version.values()))
res = await get_plate(msg, payload)
verlist = res["verlist"]
music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(input_id)
level_scores = {level: [] for level in range(len(music['level']))}
for entry in verlist:
sid = entry["id"]
achievements = entry["achievements"]
fc = entry["fc"]
fs = entry["fs"]
level_index = entry["level_index"]
if str(sid) == input_id:
score_rank = next(
rank for interval, rank in score_to_rank.items() if interval[0] <= achievements < interval[1]
combo_rank = combo_conversion.get(fc, "")
sync_rank = sync_conversion.get(fs, "")
level_scores[level_index].append((diffs[level_index], achievements, score_rank, combo_rank, sync_rank))
output_lines = []
for level, scores in level_scores.items():
if scores:
output_lines.append(f"{diffs[level]} {music['level'][level]}")
for score in scores:
level, achievements, score_rank, combo_rank, sync_rank = score
entry_output = f"{achievements} {score_rank}"
if combo_rank and sync_rank:
entry_output += f" {combo_rank} {sync_rank}"
elif combo_rank or sync_rank:
entry_output += f" {sync_rank}{sync_rank}"
output_lines.append(f"{diffs[level]} {music['level'][level]}\n{msg.locale.t('')}")
return '\n'.join(output_lines)
async def get_level_process(message, payload, process, goal):
song_played = []
song_remain = []
scoreRank = list(score_to_rank.values())
comboRank = list(combo_conversion.values())
syncRank = list(sync_conversion.values())
combo_rank = list(combo_conversion.keys())
sync_rank = list(sync_conversion.keys())
payload['version'] = list(set(version for version in plate_to_version.values()))
res = await get_plate(message, payload)
verlist = res["verlist"]
goal = goal.upper()
if goal in scoreRank:
achievement = achievementList[scoreRank.index(goal) - 1]
for song in verlist:
if song['level'] == process and song['achievements'] < achievement:
song_remain.append([song['id'], song['level_index']])
song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']])
elif goal in comboRank:
combo_index = comboRank.index(goal)
for song in verlist:
if song['level'] == process and ((song['fc'] and combo_rank.index(song['fc']) < combo_index) or not song['fc']):
song_remain.append([song['id'], song['level_index']])
song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']])
elif goal in syncRank:
sync_index = syncRank.index(goal)
for song in verlist:
if song['level'] == process and ((song['fs'] and sync_rank.index(song['fs']) < sync_index) or not song['fs']):
song_remain.append([song['id'], song['level_index']])
song_played.append([song['id'], song['level_index']])
for music in (await total_list.get()):
for i, lv in enumerate(music.level[2:]):
if lv == process and [int(, i + 2] not in song_played:
song_remain.append([int(, i + 2])
song_remain = sorted(song_remain, key=lambda i: int(i[1]))
song_remain = sorted(song_remain, key=lambda i: int(i[0]))
songs = []
for song in song_remain:
music = (await total_list.get()).by_id(str(song[0]))
songs.append([, music.title, diffs[song[1]], music.ds[song[1]], song[1], music.type])
msg = ''
if len(song_remain) > 0:
if len(song_remain) < 50:
song_record = [[s['id'], s['level_index']] for s in verlist]
msg += f"{message.locale.t('maimai.message.process.level.last', process=process, goal=goal)}\n"
for i, s in enumerate(sorted(songs, key=lambda i: i[3])):
self_record = ''
if [int(s[0]), s[-1]] in song_record:
record_index = song_record.index([int(s[0]), s[-1]])
if goal in scoreRank:
self_record = str(verlist[record_index]['achievements']) + '%'
elif goal in comboRank:
if verlist[record_index]['fc']:
self_record = comboRank[combo_rank.keys().index(verlist[record_index]['fc'])]
elif goal in syncRank:
if verlist[record_index]['fs']:
self_record = syncRank[sync_rank.index(verlist[record_index]['fs'])]
self_record = message.locale.t('maimai.message.process.no_record')
msg += f"{s[0]}\u200B.{s[1]}{' (DX)' if s[5] == 'DX' else ''} {s[2]} {s[3]} {self_record}\n"
msg = f"{message.locale.t('maimai.message.process.level', song_remain=len(song_remain), process=process, goal=goal)}"
msg = f"{message.locale.t('maimai.message.process.level.completed', process=process, goal=goal)}"
return msg, len(song_remain)