Fork 0
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2021-05-23 01:05:52 +08:00

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import datetime
import re
import traceback
import aiohttp
from graia.application import MessageChain
from graia.application.message.elements.internal import Plain
from core import dirty_check as dirty
from core.template import sendMessage
def time_diff(time: str):
datetimed = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ').timestamp()
now =
diff = now - datetimed
diff = diff
t = diff / 60 / 60 / 24
dw = ' day(s)'
if t < 1:
t = diff / 60 / 60
dw = ' hour(s)'
if t < 1:
t = diff / 60
dw = ' minute(s)'
if t < 1:
t = diff
dw = ' second(s)'
diff = str(int(t)) + dw
return diff
async def dirty_check(text, *whitelist_check):
whitelist = [
if whitelist_check in whitelist:
return False
check = await dirty.check(text)
if check.find('<吃掉了>') != -1 or check.find('<全部吃掉了>') != -1:
return True
return False
async def query(url: str, fmt: str):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(url, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=20)) as req:
if hasattr(req, fmt):
return await getattr(req, fmt)()
raise ValueError(f"NoSuchMethod: {fmt}")
except Exception:
return False
async def repo(kwargs: dict, cmd: list):
obj = cmd[1].replace('@', '')
except IndexError:
obj = cmd[0].replace('@', '')
result = await query('' + obj, 'json')
if 'message' in result and result['message'] == 'Not Found':
raise RuntimeError('此仓库不存在。')
elif 'message' in result and result['message']:
raise RuntimeError(result['message'])
name = result['full_name']
url = result['html_url']
rid = result['id']
lang = result['language']
fork = result['forks_count']
star = result['stargazers_count']
watch = result['watchers_count']
mirror = result['mirror_url']
rlicense = 'Unknown'
if 'license' in result and result['license'] is not None:
if 'spdx_id' in result['license']:
rlicense = result['license']['spdx_id']
is_fork = result['fork']
created = result['created_at']
updated = result['updated_at']
parent = False
website = result['homepage']
if website is not None:
website = 'Website: ' + website + '\n'
website = False
if mirror is not None:
mirror = f' (This is a mirror of {mirror} )'
mirror = False
if is_fork:
parent_name = result['parent']['name']
parent = f' (This is a fork of {parent_name} )'
desc = result['description']
if desc is None:
desc = ''
desc = '\n' + result['description']
msg = f'''{name} ({rid}){desc}
Language · {lang} | Fork · {fork} | Star · {star} | Watch · {watch}
License: {rlicense}
Created {time_diff(created)} ago | Updated {time_diff(updated)} ago
if mirror:
msg += '\n' + mirror
if parent:
msg += '\n' + parent
is_dirty = await dirty_check(msg, result['owner']['login'])
if is_dirty:
msg = ''
await sendMessage(kwargs, MessageChain.create([Plain(msg)]))
except Exception as e:
await sendMessage(kwargs, '发生错误:' + str(e))
async def user(kwargs: dict, cmd: list):
obj = cmd[1]
result = await query('' + obj, 'json')
login = result['login']
name = result['name']
uid = result['id']
url = result['html_url']
utype = result['type']
if 'company' in result:
company = result['company']
company = False
following = result['following']
follower = result['followers']
repo = result['public_repos']
gist = result['public_gists']
is_staff = False
if 'license' in result:
if 'spdx_id' in result['license']:
is_staff = result['license']['spdx_id']
if 'twitter_username' in result:
twitter = result['twitter_username']
twitter = False
created = result['created_at']
updated = result['updated_at']
if 'blog' in result:
website = result['blog']
website = False
if 'location' in result:
location = result['location']
location = False
hireable = False
if 'hireable' in result:
hireable = result['hireable']
optional = []
if hireable:
if is_staff:
optional.append('GitHub Staff')
if company:
optional.append('Work · ' + company)
if twitter:
optional.append('Twitter · ' + twitter)
if website:
optional.append('Site · ' + website)
if location:
optional.append('Location · ' + location)
bio = result['bio']
if bio is None:
bio = ''
bio = '\n' + result['bio']
optional_text = '\n' + ' | '.join(optional)
msg = f'''{login} aka {name} ({uid}){bio}
Type · {utype} | Follower · {follower} | Following · {following} | Repo · {repo} | Gist · {gist}{optional_text}
Account Created {time_diff(created)} ago | Latest activity {time_diff(updated)} ago
is_dirty = await dirty_check(msg, login)
if is_dirty:
msg = ''
await sendMessage(kwargs, MessageChain.create([Plain(msg)]))
except Exception as error:
await sendMessage(kwargs, '发生错误:' + str(error))
async def search(kwargs: dict, cmd: list):
obj = cmd[1]
result = await query('' + obj, 'json')
items = result['items']
item_count_expected = int(result['total_count']) if result['total_count'] < 5 else 5
items_out = []
for item in items:
items_out.append(str(item['full_name'] + ': ' + item['html_url']))
except TypeError:
footnotes = f"另有 {result['total_count'] - 5} 个结果未显示。" if item_count_expected == 5 else ''
msg = f"搜索成功:共 {result['total_count']} 个结果。\n" + '\n'.join(items_out[0:item_count_expected]) + f'\n{footnotes}'
is_dirty = await dirty_check(msg)
if is_dirty:
msg = ''
await sendMessage(kwargs, MessageChain.create([Plain(msg)]))
except Exception as error:
await sendMessage(kwargs, '发生错误:' + str(error))
async def forker(kwargs: dict):
cmd = kwargs['trigger_msg']
cmd = re.sub(r'^github ', '', cmd).split(' ')
if cmd[0] == 'repo' or '/' in cmd[0]:
return await repo(kwargs, cmd)
elif cmd[0] in ['user', 'usr', 'organization', 'org']:
return await user(kwargs, cmd)
elif cmd[0] == 'search':
return await search(kwargs, cmd)
return await sendMessage(kwargs, '发生错误:指令使用错误,请选择 repo 或 user 工作模式。使用 ~help github 查看详细帮助。')
command = {'github': forker}
help = {'github': {'module': '查询 Github 的指定 repo仓库或用户详情或进行搜索。', 'help': '''~github repo <user>/<name> - 获取 GitHub 仓库信息。
~github <user|usr|organization|org> - 获取 GitHub 用户或组织信息。
~github search - 搜索 GitHub 上的仓库。'''}}