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2023-04-14 23:28:56 +08:00

139 lines
12 KiB

"": "Add custom command alias.",
"": "Remove custom command alias.",
"": "Reset custom command alias.",
"": "List custom command alias.",
"core.alias.message.add.invalid_prefix": "The command corresponding to the added alias must start with a command prefix, please check.",
"core.alias.message.add.success": "Custom command alias added: ${arg1} -> ${arg2}",
"core.alias.message.add.already_in": "[${arg1}] alias already exists in custom alias list.",
"core.alias.message.remove.success": "Custom command alias removed: ${arg1}",
"core.alias.message.remove.not_found": "[${arg1}] alias does not exist in custom alias list.",
"core.alias.message.reset.success": "The custom command alias has been reset.",
"core.alias.message.list.none": "The custom command alias list is empty.",
"core.alias.message.list.lists": "Custom command alias list: ",
"core.alias.message.list.table.header.alias": "Alias",
"core.alias.message.list.table.header.command": "Command",
"": "Enable single/multiple module(s).",
"": "Enable all modules.",
"": "Disable single/multiple modules.",
"": "Disable all modules.",
"": "Reload single/multiple module(s).",
"": "View all available modules.",
"": "View details of a module.",
"": "View help list.",
"core.module.option.g": "Perform global operations of the channels.",
"core.module.message.enable.not_found": "Failed: Module \"${module}\" does not exist.",
"core.module.message.enable.permission.denied": "Failed: you don't have permission to enable \"${module}\".",
"core.module.message.enable.base": "Failed: \"${module}\" is a base module, thus cannot be disabled.",
"core.module.message.enable.qqchannel_global.success": "Success: Enabled module \"${module}\" for all text channels.",
"core.module.message.enable.already": "Failed: Module \"${module}\" is already enabled.",
"core.module.message.enable.success": "Success: Enabled module \"${module}\".",
"": "Help information for module ${module}: ",
"core.module.message.disable.not_found": "Failed: Module \"${module}\" does not exist.",
"core.module.message.disable.permission.denied": "Failed: You don't have permission to disable \"${module}\".",
"core.module.message.disable.base": "Failed: \"${module}\" is a base module, thus cannot be disabled.",
"core.module.message.disable.qqchannel_global.success": "Success: Disabled module \"${module}\" for all text channels.",
"core.module.message.disable.already": "Failed: Module \"${module}\" is already disabled.",
"core.module.message.disable.success": "Success: Disabled module \"${module}\".",
"core.module.message.reload.not_bound": "Failed: Module \"${module}\" does not bound.",
"core.module.message.reload.base": "Failed: \"${module}\" is a base module, thus cannot be reloaded.",
"core.module.message.reload.confirm": "This action will reload the following modules at the same time: \n${modules}\nContinue?",
"core.module.message.reload.permission.denied": "Failed: You don't have permission to reload modules.",
"core.module.message.recommends": "It is recommended to enable the following module(s) at the same time: \n${msgs}\nProceed?",
"": "This module supports regular expressions, the message will match with the following: ",
"": "(${msg})",
"": "No description",
"": "Module author: ",
"": "Module Author",
"": "Web document:",
"": "Base Module List",
"": "Help",
"": "Command Aliases",
"": "Extended Module List",
"": "This module may not exist, please check your input.",
"": "Here are the help documents shown only show the enabled modules. If you need to view the help documents of all modules, please use the command \"${prefix}module list\".\nYou can also consult the web documentation for help:\n\nIf you have sufficient funds, welcome to sponsor on AFDian: \n",
"": "Base Command: ",
"": "Extension Command: ",
"": "Use \"${prefix}help <module name>\" to see details.\nUse \"${prefix}module list\" to view all available modules.\nYou can also access web documents: \n",
"": "Currently available module(s):",
"core.module.message.reload.success": "Success: Reload module: ",
"core.module.message.reload.with": ", and ${reloadCnt} files in this module.",
"core.module.message.reload.no_more": ", no remaining files were found.",
"core.module.message.reload.failed": "Failed to reload module.",
"": "Set custom command prefix.",
"": "Remove custom command prefix.",
"": "Reset custom command prefix.",
"core.prefix.message.add.success": "Custom command prefix has been added: ${prefix}\nHelp documents will be displayed by default using this prefix.",
"core.prefix.message.add.already": "This command already exists in the custom prefix list.",
"core.prefix.message.remove.success": "Custom command prefix removed: ",
"core.prefix.message.remove.not_found": "This command prefix does not exist in the custom prefix list.",
"core.prefix.message.reset": "The custom command prefix has been reset.",
"core.superuser.message.invalid": "Invalid ID format. Please use command \"${prefix}whoami\" to view user ID.",
"core.superuser.message.add.success": "Success: Has set ${user} to superuser.",
"core.superuser.message.remove.success": "Success: Removed ${user} from superuser.",
"": "Number of times the commands have executed (from ${first_record}): ${counts}",
"": "Command analytics is not enabled.",
"": "Last 30 days for command ${module} calls (from ${first_record}): ",
"core.set.message.invalid": "Invalid ID format.",
"core.set.message.confirm.init": "This group is not initialized. Are you sure you want to do it?",
"core.set.message.module.success": "The following modules were successfully configured for the object: ",
"core.set.message.option.success": "The following parameters were set for the object: ${k} -> ${v}",
"core.abuse.message.check.warns": "${user} has been warned ${warns} time(s).",
"core.abuse.message.warn.success": "Successfully warned ${user} ${counts} time(s). This user has been warned ${warn_counts} time(s).",
"core.abuse.message.revoke.success": "Successfully removed ${user}'s warnings ${counts} time(s). This user has been warned ${warn_counts} time(s).",
"core.abuse.message.clear.success": "The warning for ${user} has been successfully cleared.",
"core.abuse.message.untempban.success": "The temporary limit for ${user} has been successfully removed.",
"core.abuse.message.ban.success": "Successfully banned ${user}.",
"core.abuse.message.unban.success": "Successfully unbanned ${user}.",
"core.restart.message.wait": "There are ${count} command(s) being executed, the bot will reboot after the execution.",
"core.restart.message.restarting": "Restarting...",
"core.restart.message.prompt": "As the robot is rebooting, you have been forced to cancel this execution command.\nPlease re-execute the command later.",
"core.restart.message.timeout": "Wait timeout, force restarting...",
"core.confirm": "Are you sure?",
"core.resume.message.processing": "Resuming ${counts} messages...",
"core.resume.message.done": "Resume complete.",
"core.resume.message.nothing": "No messages to be resumed.",
"core.resume.message.skip": "Skip a message, resuming ${counts} messages...",
"": "View robot version.",
"core.version.message": "Current robot version: ${version_tag} (${commit})",
"": "Get robot status.",
"": "System startup time: ${system_boot_time}\nRobot is running: ${bot_running_time}\nPython version: ${python_version}\nProcessor model: ${cpu_brand}\nCurrent processor usage: ${cpu_usage}%\nPhysical memory: ${ram}M Utilized: ${ram_percent}%\nSwap memory: ${swap}M Utilized: ${swap_percent}%\nDisk capacity: ${disk_space}G/${disk_space_total}G",
"": "Unable to fetch.",
"": "Commands available to group administrators.",
"": "Set members as robot administrators, implement the function of managing the robot without setting members as group administrators. It's no longer needed to set up it when you are already a group administrator.",
"": "Unmember robot administrator.",
"": "List all robot administrators.",
"core.admin.message.list": "Robot administrators manually set in the current group: ",
"core.admin.message.list.none": "There are currently no manual robot administrators.",
"core.admin.message.already": "This member is already a robot administrator.",
"": "Limit someone to use robots in the group.",
"": "Unlimit someone to use robots in the group.",
"core.ban.message.self": "You cannot do this for yourself!",
"core.ban.message.already": "This member is already banned from using robot.",
"core.ban.message.invalid": "Invalid ID format. The format should be \"${target}|<User ID>\".",
"core.ban.message.not_yet": "This member is not banned from using robot.",
"": "Use to set robot language.",
"": "Set the language for robots.",
"core.locale.message.invalid": "Language format error, supported languages are: ${lang}.",
"": "Get the ID of the user account that sent the command inside the robot.",
"core.whoami.message.admin": "(You have admin privileges for this conversation)",
"core.whoami.message.botadmin": "(You have robot admin privileges for this conversation)",
"core.whoami.message.superuser": "(You have superuser permission)",
"core.whoami.message": "Your ID is: ${senderid}\nThe ID of this conversation is: ${targetid}",
"": "Toggle whether to display input prompts.",
"core.toggle.message.typing.disable": "Input prompt disabled.",
"core.toggle.message.typing.enable": "Input prompt enabled.",
"": "Toggles whether to display command check prompts.",
"core.toggle.message.check.disable": "Check prompt disabled.",
"core.toggle.message.check.enable": "Check prompt enabled.",
"": "Make the robot stop sending message.",
"core.mute.message.disable": "Successfully unmuted.",
"core.mute.message.enable": "Successfully muted.",
"": "Let the robot leave the group.",
"core.leave.message": "Goodbye.",
"core.leave.confirm": "Are you sure? This action is irreversible.",
"": "[This message will be revoked after 1 minute]",
"core.module.message.enable.unsupported_language": "Note: Module\"${module}\" does not support the current language. This module may not display content under the current language correctly.",
"": "Get the number of petals in the current group.",
"core.petal.message": "${petal} petals remains in the current group."