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2023-09-03 19:49:14 +08:00

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# mkey - parental controls master key generator for certain video game consoles
# Copyright (C) 2015-2019, Daz Jones (Dazzozo) <>
# Copyright (C) 2015-2019, SALT
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import os
import struct
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256, HMAC
from Crypto.Util import Counter
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor
class MkeyGenerator:
__props = {
"RVL": {
"traits": ["big-endian"],
"algorithms": ["v0"],
"v0": {
"poly": 0xEDB88320,
"xorout": 0xAAAA,
"addout": 0x14C1,
"TWL": {
"algorithms": ["v0"],
"v0": {
"poly": 0xEDB88320,
"xorout": 0xAAAA,
"addout": 0x14C1,
"CTR": {
"algorithms": ["v0", "v1", "v2"],
"v0": {
"poly": 0xEDBA6320,
"xorout": 0xAAAA,
"addout": 0x1657,
"v1": {
"hmac_file": "ctr_%02x.bin",
"v2": {
"mkey_file": "ctr_%02x_%02x.bin",
"aes_file": "ctr_aes_%02x.bin",
"WUP": {
"traits": ["big-endian"],
"algorithms": ["v0", "v2"],
"v0": {
"poly": 0xEDBA6320,
"xorout": 0xAAAA,
"addout": 0x1657,
"v2": {
"traits": ["no-versions"],
"mkey_file": "wup_%02x.bin",
"aes_file": "wup_aes_%02x.bin",
"HAC": {
"algorithms": ["v3", "v4"],
"v3": {
"hmac_file": "hac_%02x.bin",
"v4": {
"hmac_file": "hac_%02x.bin",
devices = __props.keys()
default_device = "CTR"
def __init__(self, debug=False):
self._dbg = debug
self._data_path = 'modules/mkey/data'
# Read AES key (v2).
def _read_aes_key(self, file_name):
file_path = os.path.join(self._data_path, file_name)
if self._dbg:
print("Using %s." % file_path)
mkey_aes_key = open(file_path, "rb").read()
aes_key_len = 0x10
if len(mkey_aes_key) != aes_key_len:
raise ValueError("Size of AES key %s is invalid (expected 0x%02X, got 0x%02X)." %
file_name, aes_key_len)
return mkey_aes_key
# Read masterkey.bin (v2).
def _read_mkey_file(self, file_name):
file_path = os.path.join(self._data_path, file_name)
if self._dbg:
print("Using %s." % file_path)
data = open(file_path, "rb").read()
mkey_len = 0x40
if len(data) != mkey_len:
raise ValueError("Size of masterkey.bin %s is invalid (expected 0x%02X, got 0x%02X)." %
file_name, mkey_len)
mkey_data = struct.unpack("BB14x16s32s", data)
return mkey_data
# Read HMAC key (v1/v3/v4).
def _read_hmac_key(self, file_name):
file_path = os.path.join(self._data_path, file_name)
if self._dbg:
print("Using %s." % file_path)
mkey_hmac_key = open(file_path, "rb").read()
hmac_key_len = 0x20
if len(mkey_hmac_key) != hmac_key_len:
raise ValueError("Size of HMAC key %s is invalid (expected 0x%02X, got 0x%02X)." %
file_name, hmac_key_len)
return mkey_hmac_key
def _detect_algorithm(self, device, inquiry):
props = self.__props[device]
algorithms = props["algorithms"]
if len(inquiry) == 8:
if "v0" in algorithms:
return "v0"
raise ValueError("v0 algorithm not supported by %s." % device)
elif len(inquiry) == 10:
version = int((int(inquiry) / 10000000) % 100)
if "v1" in algorithms and version < 10:
return "v1"
elif "v2" in algorithms:
return "v2"
elif "v3" in algorithms:
return "v3"
raise ValueError("v1/v2/v3 algorithms not supported by %s." % device)
elif len(inquiry) == 6:
if "v4" in algorithms:
return "v4"
raise ValueError("v4 algorithm not supported by %s." % device)
raise ValueError("Inquiry number must be 6, 8 or 10 digits.")
# CRC-32 implementation (v0).
def _calculate_crc(self, poly, xorout, addout, inbuf):
crc = 0xFFFFFFFF
for byte in inbuf:
if not isinstance(byte, int):
byte = ord(byte)
crc = crc ^ byte
for i in range(8):
mask = -(crc & 1)
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ (poly & mask)
crc ^= xorout
crc += addout
return crc
def _generate_v0(self, props, inquiry, month, day):
poly = props["poly"]
xorout = props["xorout"]
addout = props["addout"]
# Create the input buffer.
inbuf = "%02u%02u%04u" % (month, day, inquiry % 10000)
inbuf = inbuf.encode("ascii")
if self._dbg:
print("CRC polynomial: 0x%08X." % poly)
print("CRC xor-out: 0x%X." % xorout)
print("CRC add-out: 0x%X." % addout)
print("CRC input:")
output = self._calculate_crc(poly, xorout, addout, inbuf)
if self._dbg:
print("Output word: %u.\n" % output)
# Truncate to 5 decimal digits to form the final master key.
master_key = output % 100000
return "%05d" % master_key
def _generate_v1_v2(self, props, inquiry, month, day):
algorithm = props["algorithm"]
traits = props["traits"]
if self._data_path and not os.path.isdir(self._data_path):
self._data_path = None
if not self._data_path:
raise ValueError("v1/v2 attempted, but data directory doesn't exist or was not specified.")
# Extract key ID fields from inquiry number.
# If this system uses masterkey.bin, there is an AES key for the region which is also required.
# This key is used to decrypt the encrypted HMAC key stored in masterkey.bin. See below.
region = int((inquiry / 1000000000) % 10)
version = int((inquiry / 10000000) % 100)
# The v2 algorithm uses a masterkey.bin file that can be updated independently of the rest of the system,
# avoiding the need for recompiling the parental controls application. The format consists of an ID field,
# used to identify the required key files for the user's inquiry number, a HMAC key encrypted using AES-128-CTR,
# and the AES counter value for decrypting it.
# Obviously, what is missing from this list is the AES key itself, unique to each region, which is usually
# hardcoded within the parental controls application (i.e. .rodata).
# The 3DS implementation stores the masterkey.bin file in the CVer title, which is updated anyway for every
# system update (it also contains the user-facing system version number). The AES key is stored in mset
# (System Settings) .rodata.
# The Wii U implementation does away with the masterkey.bin versioning, and uses a masterkey.bin that does
# not change between system versions (though still between regions). This comes from a dedicated title for
# each region that is still at v0. The Wii U AES keys are stored in pcl (Parental Controls) .rodata.
# As a result, the unused ("version") digits in the inquiry number are extra console-unique filler
# (derived from MAC address).
if algorithm == "v2":
if "no-versions" in traits:
file_name = props["mkey_file"] % region
file_name = props["mkey_file"] % (region, version)
(mkey_region, mkey_version, mkey_ctr, mkey_hmac_key) = self._read_mkey_file(file_name)
file_name = props["aes_file"] % region
mkey_aes_key = self._read_aes_key(file_name)
# The 3DS-only v1 algorithm uses a raw HMAC key stored in mset .rodata.
# No encryption is used for this. Similar to v2 on Wii U, the version field is unused.
# The unused ("version") digits again are extra console-unique filler (derived from MAC address).
# This was short-lived, and corresponds to system versions 7.0.0 and 7.1.0.
file_name = props["hmac_file"] % region
mkey_hmac_key = self._read_hmac_key(file_name)
if self._dbg:
# If v2, we must decrypt the HMAC key using an AES key from .rodata.
# The HMAC key is encrypted in masterkey.bin (offset 0x20->0x40) using AES-128-CTR.
# The counter is also stored in masterkey.bin (offset 0x10->0x20).
if algorithm == "v2":
# Verify the region field.
if mkey_region != region:
raise ValueError("%s has an incorrect region field (expected 0x%02X, got 0x%02X)." %
file_name, region, mkey_region)
# Verify the version field.
if mkey_version != version and "no-versions" not in traits:
raise ValueError("%s has an incorrect version field (expected 0x%02X, got 0x%02X)." %
file_name, version, mkey_version)
if self._dbg:
print("AES key:")
print("AES counter:")
print("Encrypted HMAC key:")
# Decrypt the HMAC key.
ctr =, initial_value=bytes_to_long(mkey_ctr))
ctx =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
mkey_hmac_key = ctx.decrypt(mkey_hmac_key)
# Create the input buffer.
inbuf = "%02u%02u%010u" % (month, day, inquiry % 10000000000)
inbuf = inbuf.encode("ascii")
if self._dbg:
print("HMAC key:")
print("Hash input:")
outbuf =, inbuf, digestmod=SHA256).digest()
if self._dbg:
print("Hash output:")
# Wii U is big endian.
if "big-endian" in traits:
output = struct.unpack_from(">I", outbuf)[0]
output = struct.unpack_from("<I", outbuf)[0]
if self._dbg:
print("Output word: %u.\n" % output)
# Truncate to 5 decimal digits to form the final master key.
master_key = output % 100000
return "%05d" % master_key
def _generate_v3_v4(self, props, inquiry, aux=None):
algorithm = props["algorithm"]
traits = props["traits"]
if self._data_path and not os.path.isdir(self._data_path):
self._data_path = None
if not self._data_path:
raise ValueError("v3/v4 attempted, but data directory doesn't exist or was not specified.")
if algorithm == "v4" and not aux:
raise ValueError("v4 attempted, but no auxiliary string (device ID required).")
if algorithm == "v4" and len(aux) != 16:
raise ValueError("v4 attempted, but auxiliary string (device ID) of invalid length.")
if algorithm == "v4":
version = int((inquiry / 10000) % 100)
version = int((inquiry / 100000000) % 100)
file_name = props["hmac_file"] % version
mkey_hmac_key = self._read_hmac_key(file_name)
if self._dbg:
# Create the input buffer.
if algorithm == "v4":
inbuf = "%06u" % (inquiry % 1000000)
inbuf = "%010u" % (inquiry % 10000000000)
inbuf = inbuf.encode("ascii")
if algorithm == "v4":
inbuf += struct.pack(">I", 1)
device_id = struct.pack('<Q', int(aux, 16))
mkey_hmac_seed = device_id + mkey_hmac_key
if self._dbg:
print("HMAC key seed:")
mkey_hmac_key =
if self._dbg:
print("HMAC key:")
print("Hash input:")
if algorithm == "v4":
outbuf =, inbuf, digestmod=SHA256).digest()
tmpbuf = outbuf
for i in range(1, 10000):
tmpbuf =, tmpbuf, digestmod=SHA256).digest()
outbuf = strxor(outbuf, tmpbuf)
outbuf =, inbuf, digestmod=SHA256).digest()
if self._dbg:
print("Hash output:")
output = struct.unpack_from("<Q", outbuf)[0] & 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF
if self._dbg:
print("Output word: %u.\n" % output)
# Truncate to 8 decimal digits to form the final master key.
master_key = output % 100000000
return "%08d" % master_key
def generate(self, inquiry, month=None, day=None, aux=None, device=None):
inquiry = inquiry.replace(" ", "")
if not inquiry.isdigit():
raise ValueError("Inquiry string must represent a decimal number.")
if month is None:
month =
if day is None:
day =
if month < 1 or month > 12:
raise ValueError("Month must be between 1 and 12.")
if day < 1 or day > 31:
raise ValueError("Day must be between 1 and 31.")
if not device:
device = self.default_device
if device not in self.devices:
raise ValueError("Unsupported device: %s." % device)
# We can glean information about the required algorithm from the inquiry number.
algorithm = self._detect_algorithm(device, inquiry)
inquiry = int(inquiry, 10)
# Prepare the local properties structure.
props = self.__props[device].copy()
traits = props["traits"] if "traits" in props else []
# Extract the properties for the selected algorithm.
algoprops = props[algorithm]
algotraits = algoprops["traits"] if "traits" in algoprops else []
# Destroy unused algorithm info.
for i in props["algorithms"]:
del props[i]
del props["algorithms"]
# Merge the algorithm properties and the device properties.
# Merge the algorithm traits and device traits.
traits = list(set(algotraits) | set(traits))
props.update({"algorithm": algorithm, "traits": traits})
# Perform calculation of master key.
if algorithm == "v0":
output = self._generate_v0(props, inquiry, month, day)
elif algorithm == "v1" or algorithm == "v2":
output = self._generate_v1_v2(props, inquiry, month, day)
elif algorithm == "v3" or algorithm == "v4":
output = self._generate_v3_v4(props, inquiry, aux)
return output
def get_mkey(inquiry, month, day, aux, device):
mkey = MkeyGenerator()
master_key = mkey.generate(inquiry, month, day, aux, device)
return master_key