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2023-03-18 19:31:45 +08:00

104 lines
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import asyncio
import os
import uuid
import aiohttp
import ujson as json
from config import Config
from core.logger import Logger
from .drawb30img import drawb30
from .drawsongimg import dsimg
from .utils import autofix_b30_song_background
assets_path = os.path.abspath('./assets/arcaea')
async def getb30(usercode, official=False):
headers = {"User-Agent": Config('botarcapi_agent')}
d = 0
last5rank = 0
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
url = Config("botarcapi_url")
async with session.get(url + f"user/best30?usercode={usercode}&withsonginfo=True", headers=headers) as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
return {'status': False,
'text': f'{str(resp.status)}[Ke:Image,path={str(resp.status)}.jpg]'}
a = await resp.text()
loadjson = json.loads(a)
if loadjson["status"] == 0:
b30 = round(loadjson["content"]["best30_avg"], 4)
r10 = round(loadjson["content"]["recent10_avg"], 4)
newdir = f'./cache/{str(uuid.uuid4())}'
newdir = os.path.abspath(newdir)
tracknames = {}
realptts = {}
ptts = {}
scores = {}
last5list = ''
run_lst = []
songsinfo = {}
for x in loadjson["content"]["best30_list"]:
songsinfo[x['song_id'] + str(x['difficulty'])] = loadjson["content"]["best30_songinfo"][d]
d = d + 1
async def draw_jacket(x, d):
difficulty = '???'
if x['difficulty'] == 0:
difficulty = 'PST'
elif x['difficulty'] == 1:
difficulty = 'PRS'
elif x['difficulty'] == 2:
difficulty = 'FTR'
elif x['difficulty'] == 3:
difficulty = 'BYD'
trackname = songsinfo[x['song_id'] + str(x['difficulty'])]['name_en']
tracknames[x['song_id'] + difficulty] = trackname + f' ({difficulty})'
imgpath = f'{assets_path}/b30background_img{"_official" if official else ""}/{x["song_id"]}_{str(x["difficulty"])}.jpg '
if not os.path.exists(imgpath):
imgpath = f'{assets_path}/b30background_img{"_official" if official else ""}/{x["song_id"]}.jpg'
realptt = songsinfo[x['song_id'] + str(x['difficulty'])]['rating']
realptts[x['song_id'] + difficulty] = realptt
ptt = x['rating']
ptts[x['song_id'] + difficulty] = ptt
score = x['score']
scores[x['song_id'] + difficulty] = score
if not os.path.exists(imgpath):
imgpath = f'{assets_path}/b30background_img{"_official" if official else ""}/random.jpg'
byd=False if x[
'difficulty'] != 3 else True))
dsimg(os.path.abspath(imgpath), d, trackname, x['difficulty'], score, ptt, realptt,
x['perfect_count'], x['near_count'], x['miss_count'], x['time_played'], newdir)
run_lst.append(draw_jacket(x, d))
await asyncio.gather(*run_lst)
for last5 in loadjson["content"]["best30_list"][-5:]:
last5rank += 1
if last5['difficulty'] == 0:
difficulty = 'PST'
if last5['difficulty'] == 1:
difficulty = 'PRS'
if last5['difficulty'] == 2:
difficulty = 'FTR'
if last5['difficulty'] == 3:
difficulty = 'BYD'
trackname = tracknames[last5['song_id'] + difficulty]
realptt = realptts[last5['song_id'] + difficulty]
ptt = ptts[last5['song_id'] + difficulty]
score = scores[last5['song_id'] + difficulty]
last5list += f'[{last5rank}] {trackname}\n[{last5rank}] {score} / {realptt / 10} -> {round(ptt, 4)}\n'
username = loadjson["content"]['account_info']['name']
ptt = int(loadjson["content"]['account_info']['rating']) / 100
character = loadjson["content"]['account_info']['character']
filename = drawb30(username, b30, r10, ptt, character, newdir, official=official)
filelist = os.listdir(newdir)
for x in filelist:
return {'status': True, 'b30': b30, 'r10': r10, 'last5list': last5list, 'file': filename}
return {'status': False, 'errcode': loadjson['status']}