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2023-03-01 22:39:32 +08:00

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import asyncio
import os
import random
import re
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt
from core.builtins import Bot
from core.builtins import Image, Plain
from core.component import on_command
from core.logger import Logger
from core.utils.cache import random_cache_path
from core.utils.http import get_url, download_to_cache
from core.utils.i18n import get_target_locale
csr_link = '' # ChemSpider 的链接
special_id = ["22398", "140526", "4509317", "4509318", "4510681", "4510778", "4512975", "4514248", "4514266", "4514293",
"4514330", "4514408", "4514534", "4514586", "4514603", "4515054", "4573995", "4574465", "4575369",
"4575371", "4885606", "4885717", "4886482", "4886484", "20473555", "21865276",
"21865280"] # 可能会导致识别问题的物质如部分单质ID这些 ID 的图片将会在本地调用
@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), reraise=True)
async def search_csr(id=None): # 根据 ChemSpider 的 ID 查询 ChemSpider 的链接,留空(将会使用缺省值 None则随机查询
if id is not None: # 如果传入了 ID则使用 ID 查询
answer_id = id
answer_id = random.randint(1, 116000000) # 否则随机查询一个题目
answer_id = str(answer_id)"ChemSpider ID: " + answer_id)
get = await get_url(csr_link + '/Search.aspx?q=' + answer_id, 200, fmt='text') # 在 ChemSpider 上搜索此化学式或 ID
soup = BeautifulSoup(get, 'html.parser') # 解析 HTML
name = soup.find('span',
id='ctl00_ctl00_ContentSection_ContentPlaceHolder1_RecordViewDetails_rptDetailsView_ctl00_prop_MF').text # 获取化学式名称
values_ = re.split(r'[A-Za-z]+', name) # 去除化学式名称中的字母
value = 0 # 起始元素记数,忽略单个元素(有无意义不大)
for v in values_: # 遍历剔除字母后的数字
if v.isdigit():
value += int(v) # 加一起
wh = 500 * value // 100
if wh < 500:
wh = 500
return {'id': answer_id, 'name': name,
'image': f'{answer_id}' +
(f"&w={wh}&h={wh}" if answer_id not in special_id else ""), 'length': value}
cc = on_command('chemical_code', alias={'cc': 'chemical_code',
'chemicalcode': 'chemical_code',
'captcha': 'chemical_code captcha'},
desc='{chemical_code.desc}', developers=['OasisAkari'])
play_state = {} # 创建一个空字典用于存放游戏状态
@cc.handle('{{}}') # 直接使用 cc 命令将触发此装饰器
async def chemical_code_by_random(msg: Bot.MessageSession):
await chemical_code(msg) # 将消息会话传入 chemical_code 函数
@cc.handle('captcha {{}}')
async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession):
await chemical_code(msg, captcha_mode=True)
@cc.handle('stop {{}}')
async def s(msg: Bot.MessageSession):
state = play_state.get(, False) # 尝试获取 play_state 中是否有此对象的游戏状态
lang = get_target_locale(msg)
if state: # 若有
if state['active']: # 检查是否为活跃状态
play_state[]['active'] = False # 标记为非活跃状态
await msg.sendMessage(lang.t('chemical_code.stop.stopped', answer=play_state[]["answer"]), quote=False) # 发送存储于 play_state 中的答案
await msg.sendMessage(lang.t('chemical_code.stop.nothing'))
await msg.sendMessage(lang.t('chemical_code.stop.nothing'))
@cc.handle('<csid> {{}}')
async def chemical_code_by_id(msg: Bot.MessageSession):
lang = get_target_locale(msg)
id = msg.parsed_msg['<csid>'] # 从已解析的消息中获取 ChemSpider ID
if (id.isdigit() and int(id) > 0): # 如果 ID 为纯数字
await chemical_code(msg, id) # 将消息会话和 ID 一并传入 chemical_code 函数
await msg.finish(lang.t('chemical_code.csid.invalid'))
async def chemical_code(msg: Bot.MessageSession, id=None, captcha_mode=False):
lang = get_target_locale(msg)
# 要求传入消息会话和 ChemSpider IDID 留空将会使用缺省值 None
if in play_state and play_state[][
'active']: # 检查对象(群组或私聊)是否在 play_state 中有记录及是否为活跃状态
await msg.finish(lang.t('chemical_code.running'))
play_state.update({ {'active': True}}) # 若无,则创建一个新的记录并标记为活跃状态
csr = await search_csr(id) # 尝试获取 ChemSpider ID 对应的化学式列表
except Exception as e: # 意外情况
traceback.print_exc() # 打印错误信息
play_state[]['active'] = False # 将对象标记为非活跃状态
return await msg.finish(lang.t('chemical_code.error'))
# print(csr)
play_state[]['answer'] = csr['name'] # 将正确答案标记于 play_state 中存储的对象中'Answer: {csr["name"]}') # 在日志中输出正确答案'Image: {csr["image"]}') # 在日志中输出图片链接
download = False
if csr["id"] in special_id: # 如果正确答案在 special_id 中
file_path = os.path.abspath(f'./assets/chemicalcode/special_id/{csr["id"]}.png')'File path: {file_path}') # 在日志中输出文件路径
exists_file = os.path.exists(file_path) # 尝试获取图片文件是否存在
if exists_file:
download = file_path
if not download:
download = await download_to_cache(csr['image']) # 从结果中获取链接并下载图片
with as im: # 打开下载的图片
im = im.convert("RGBA") # 转换为 RGBA 格式
image ="RGBA", im.size, 'white') # 创建新图片
image.alpha_composite(im, (0, 0)) # 将图片合并到新图片中
newpath = random_cache_path() + '.png' # 创建新文件名 # 保存新图片
set_timeout = csr['length'] // 30
if set_timeout < 2:
set_timeout = 2
async def ans(msg: Bot.MessageSession, answer): # 定义回答函数的功能
wait = await msg.waitAnyone() # 等待对象内的任意人回答
if play_state[]['active']: # 检查对象是否为活跃状态
if wait.asDisplay() != answer: # 如果回答不正确'{wait.asDisplay()} != {answer}') # 输出日志
return await ans(wait, answer) # 进行下一轮检查
await wait.sendMessage(lang.t('chemical_code.correct'))
play_state[]['active'] = False # 将对象标记为非活跃状态
async def timer(start): # 计时器函数
if play_state[]['active']: # 检查对象是否为活跃状态
if - start > 60 * set_timeout: # 如果超过2分钟
await msg.sendMessage(lang.t('chemical_code.timeup', answer=play_state[]["answer"]))
play_state[]['active'] = False
else: # 如果未超时
await asyncio.sleep(1) # 等待1秒
await timer(start) # 重新调用计时器函数
if not captcha_mode:
await msg.sendMessage([Image(newpath),
Plain(lang.t('chemical_code.normal.text', times=set_timeout))])
time_start = # 记录开始时间
await asyncio.gather(ans(msg, csr['name']), timer(time_start)) # 同时启动回答函数和计时器函数
result = await msg.waitNextMessage(
[Image(newpath), Plain(lang.t('chemical_code.captcha.text', times=set_timeout))])
if play_state[]['active']: # 检查对象是否为活跃状态
if result.asDisplay() == csr['name']:
await result.sendMessage(lang.t('chemical_code.correct'))
await result.sendMessage(lang.t('chemical_code.incorrect', answer=play_state[]["answer"]))
play_state[]['active'] = False