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2023-10-22 15:57:21 +08:00

156 lines
7.4 KiB

import asyncio
import os
import random
import re
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt
from core.builtins import Bot
from core.builtins import Image, Plain
from core.component import module
from core.logger import Logger
from core.utils.cache import random_cache_path
from core.utils.cooldown import CoolDown
from core.utils.http import get_url, download_to_cache
from core.utils.text import remove_prefix
from modules.core.su_utils import gained_petal
fish = module('fish',
desc='{}', developers=['OasisAkari'])
play_state = {} # 创建一个空字典用于存放游戏状态
fish_list = {
'tiny': ['bitterling', 'pale-chub', 'goldfish', 'pop-eyed-goldfish', 'killifish', 'tadpole', 'guppy', 'nibble-fish',
'rainbow-fish', 'sea-butterfly', 'sea-horse'],
'small': ['crucian-carp', 'ranchu-goldfish', 'frog', 'loach', 'bluegill',
'pond-smelt', 'angel-fish', 'betta', 'piranha', 'butterfly-fish', 'anchovy',
'medium': ['dace', 'yellow-perch', 'tilapia', 'cherry-salmon', 'char', 'golden-trout',
'blow-fish', 'barred-knifejaw', 'squid'],
'large': ['carp', 'koi', 'soft-shelled-turtle', 'giant-snakehead', 'black-bass',
'saddled-bichir', 'red-snapper', 'football-fish'],
'very-large': ['pike', 'string-fish',
'dorado', 'gar', 'sea-bass', 'giant-trevally', 'mahi-mahi', 'ray'],
'long-thin': ['moray-eel', 'ribbon-eel'],
'very-large-finned': ['saw-shark', 'hammerhead-shark', 'great-white-shark', 'whale-shark'],
'huge': ['sturgeon', 'oar-fish', 'coelacanth', 'tuna', 'blue-marlin'],
async def finish_fish(msg: Bot.MessageSession):
play_state[]['active'] = False
if != 'TEST|Console':
qc = CoolDown('fish', msg)
if play_state[]['hooked']:
fish_name_key = 'fish.message.type.' + play_state[]['fish_name']
fish_name = msg.locale.t(fish_name_key, fallback_failed_prompt=False)
if fish_name == fish_name_key:
fish_name = play_state[]['fish_name']
fish_words_key = 'fish.message.fished.' + play_state[]['fish_name']
fish_words = msg.locale.t(fish_words_key, fallback_failed_prompt=False)
if fish_words == fish_words_key:
fish_words = msg.locale.t('fish.message.fished', name=fish_name)
text = f'{fish_words}\n' + \
f'体型:{msg.locale.t("fish.message.size." + play_state[]["fish_type"])}'
if play_state[]['hooked_time'] < 2:
if g := gained_petal(msg, 1):
text += '\n' + g
await msg.finish(text, quote=False)
await msg.finish('你收回了鱼竿,什么都没有钓到。', quote=False)
async def fish(msg: Bot.MessageSession):
if != 'TEST|Console':
qc = CoolDown('fish', msg)
c = qc.check(60)
if c != 0:
await msg.finish(msg.locale.t('message.cooldown', time=int(c), cd_time='60'))
if in play_state and play_state[]['active']:
return await finish_fish(msg)
play_state.update({ {'active': True, 'hooked': False}})
async def ans(msg: Bot.MessageSession): # 定义回答函数的功能
wait = await msg.wait_anyone() # 等待对象内的任意人回答
if play_state[]['active']: # 检查对象是否为活跃状态
if (wait_text := wait.as_display(text_only=True)) in ['', '收杆']:
return await finish_fish(msg)
return ans(msg)
async def generate_fish(msg: Bot.MessageSession):
fish_type = random.choice(list(fish_list.keys()))
fish_name = random.choice(fish_list[fish_type])
play_state[]['fish_type'] = fish_type
play_state[]['fish_name'] = fish_name
hooked_time_chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if 0 <= hooked_time_chance < 70:
hooked_time = random.randint(1, 2)
elif 70 <= hooked_time_chance < 80:
hooked_time = random.randint(3, 4)
elif 80 <= hooked_time_chance < 90:
hooked_time = random.randint(5, 6)
elif 90 <= hooked_time_chance < 95:
hooked_time = random.randint(7, 8)
elif 95 <= hooked_time_chance < 98:
hooked_time = random.randint(9, 10)
hooked_time = random.randint(11, 30)
Logger.debug(f'fish_type: {fish_type}, fish_name: {fish_name}, hooked_time: {hooked_time}')
play_state[]['hooked_time'] = hooked_time
return hooked_time
hooked_time = await generate_fish(msg)
wait_time = random.randint(5, 30)
async def timer(start, wait_time=0, hooked_time=0, wait_repeat=0, hook_repeat=0): # 计时器函数
if play_state[]['active']: # 检查对象是否为活跃状态
if - start > 120: # 如果超过2分钟
await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t('fish.message.timeout'), quote=False)
play_state[]['active'] = False
else: # 如果未超时
if hook_repeat < 3:
repeat_state = 'green'
elif hook_repeat < 6:
repeat_state = 'blue'
elif hook_repeat < 9:
repeat_state = 'yellow'
repeat_state = 'red'
if wait_time <= 0:
if hooked_time <= 0:
if play_state[]['active']:
play_state[]['hooked'] = False
await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t(f"fish.message.escaped.{repeat_state}.{random.randint(1, 3)}"),
hooked_time = await generate_fish(msg)
wait_time = random.randint(5, 30)
wait_repeat = 0
hook_repeat = 0
if hooked_time % 1 == 0:
await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t(f"fish.message.hooked.{repeat_state}.{random.randint(1, 3)}"),
hook_repeat += 1
play_state[]['hooked'] = True
hooked_time -= 0.25
if wait_time % 10 == 0:
wait_repeat += 1
await msg.send_message(f'.' * wait_repeat, quote=False)
wait_time -= 0.25
await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
await timer(start, wait_time, hooked_time, wait_repeat, hook_repeat) # 重新调用计时器函数
await msg.send_message(msg.locale.t('fish.message.start'))
await asyncio.gather(ans(msg), timer(, wait_time, hooked_time))