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2023-03-31 18:03:41 +08:00

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from config import Config
from core.dirty_check import check_bool
from core.builtins import Bot
from core.component import module
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent, Tool
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.utilities import WolframAlphaAPIWrapper, GoogleSerperAPIWrapper
from core.exceptions import NoReportException
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, openai_api_key=Config('openai_api_key'), model_kwargs={'frequency_penalty': 0.0, 'presence_penalty': 0.0})
search = GoogleSerperAPIWrapper(serper_api_key=Config('serper_api_key'))
wolfram = WolframAlphaAPIWrapper(wolfram_alpha_appid=Config('wolfram_alpha_appid'))
tools = [
name = 'Search',,
description='A wrapper around Google Search. useful for when you need to answer questions about current events. You should ask targeted questions and ask as few questions as possible. Input should be a search query.'
name = 'Wolfram Alpha',,
description='A wrapper around Wolfram Alpha. Useful for when you need to answer questions about Math, Science, Technology, Culture, Society and Everyday Life. Input should be a search query.'
agent_kwargs = {
'prefix': '''You are AkariBot (Chinese: 小可), a helpful assistant. Answer the following questions as best you can, except that you must refuse to answer any question regarding to anything political or ideological. Output the final answer with the language of the original question. You have access to the following tools:''',
'suffix': '''Begin! Remember, only respond in the format I specified. It's okay to give your message as a Final Answer if you don't think they are necessary.'''
mrkl = initialize_agent(tools, llm, agent="chat-zero-shot-react-description", agent_kwargs=agent_kwargs)
mrkl_verbose = initialize_agent(tools, llm, agent="chat-zero-shot-react-description", agent_kwargs=agent_kwargs, verbose=True)
a = module('ask', developers=['Dianliang233'], desc='{}', required_superuser=True)
@a.handle('<question> [-v] {{}}', options_desc={'-v': '{}'})
async def _(msg: Bot.MessageSession):
question = msg.parsed_msg['<question>']
if await check_bool(question):
raise NoReportException('')
if msg.parsed_msg['-v']:
res =
res =
if await check_bool(res):
raise NoReportException('')
await msg.finish(res)