# Azalea NBT A fast NBT serializer and deserializer. - Gzip and Zlib compression - All data is owned for ease-of-use - Serde support with the `serde` feature. # Examples ``` use azalea_nbt::{Nbt, NbtCompound}; use std::io::Cursor; let buf = include_bytes!("../tests/hello_world.nbt"); let tag = Nbt::read(&mut Cursor::new(&buf[..])).unwrap(); assert_eq!( tag, Nbt::Compound(NbtCompound::from_iter(vec![( "hello world".into(), Nbt::Compound(NbtCompound::from_iter(vec![( "name".into(), Nbt::String("Bananrama".into()), )])) )])) ); ``` # Benchmarks At the time of writing, Azalea NBT is the fastest NBT decoder (approximately twice as fast as Graphite NBT, the second fastest) and on-par with the fastest NBT encoders (sometimes the fastest, depending on the data). You can run the benchmarks to compare against other NBT libraries with `cargo bench --bench compare` and the normal benchmarks with `cargo bench --bench nbt`. Note: For best performance, use `RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native'`.