//! A "simple" server that gets login information and proxies connections. //! After login all connections are encrypted and Azalea cannot read them. use azalea_protocol::{ connect::Connection, packets::{ handshaking::{ client_intention_packet::ClientIntentionPacket, ClientboundHandshakePacket, ServerboundHandshakePacket, }, login::{serverbound_hello_packet::ServerboundHelloPacket, ServerboundLoginPacket}, status::{ clientbound_pong_response_packet::ClientboundPongResponsePacket, clientbound_status_response_packet::{ ClientboundStatusResponsePacket, Players, Version, }, ServerboundStatusPacket, }, ConnectionProtocol, PROTOCOL_VERSION, }, read::ReadPacketError, }; use futures::FutureExt; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::error::Error; use tokio::{ io::{self, AsyncWriteExt}, net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}, }; use tracing::Level; use tracing::{error, info, warn}; const LISTEN_ADDR: &str = ""; const PROXY_ADDR: &str = ""; const PROXY_DESC: &str = "An Azalea Minecraft Proxy"; // String must be formatted like "data:image/png;base64," static PROXY_FAVICON: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| None); static PROXY_VERSION: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| Version { name: "1.19.3".to_string(), protocol: PROTOCOL_VERSION as i32, }); const PROXY_PLAYERS: Players = Players { max: 1, online: 0, sample: Vec::new(), }; const PROXY_SECURE_CHAT: Option = Some(false); #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_max_level(Level::INFO).init(); // Bind to an address and port let listener = TcpListener::bind(LISTEN_ADDR).await?; loop { // When a connection is made, pass it off to another thread let (stream, _) = listener.accept().await?; tokio::spawn(handle_connection(stream)); } } async fn handle_connection(stream: TcpStream) -> anyhow::Result<()> { stream.set_nodelay(true)?; let ip = stream.peer_addr()?; let mut conn: Connection = Connection::wrap(stream); // The first packet sent from a client is the intent packet. // This specifies whether the client is pinging // the server or is going to join the game. let intent = match conn.read().await { Ok(packet) => match packet { ServerboundHandshakePacket::ClientIntention(packet) => { info!( "New connection: {0}, Version {1}, {2:?}", ip.ip(), packet.protocol_version, packet.intention ); packet } }, Err(e) => { let e = e.into(); warn!("Error during intent: {e}"); return Err(e); } }; match intent.intention { // If the client is pinging the proxy, // reply with the information below. ConnectionProtocol::Status => { let mut conn = conn.status(); loop { match conn.read().await { Ok(p) => match p { ServerboundStatusPacket::StatusRequest(_) => { conn.write( ClientboundStatusResponsePacket { description: PROXY_DESC.into(), favicon: PROXY_FAVICON.clone(), players: PROXY_PLAYERS.clone(), version: PROXY_VERSION.clone(), enforces_secure_chat: PROXY_SECURE_CHAT, } .get(), ) .await?; } ServerboundStatusPacket::PingRequest(p) => { conn.write(ClientboundPongResponsePacket { time: p.time }.get()) .await?; break; } }, Err(e) => match *e { ReadPacketError::ConnectionClosed => { break; } e => { warn!("Error during status: {e}"); return Err(e.into()); } }, } } } // If the client intends to join the proxy, // wait for them to send the `Hello` packet to // log their username and uuid, then forward the // connection along to the proxy target. ConnectionProtocol::Login => { let mut conn = conn.login(); loop { match conn.read().await { Ok(p) => { if let ServerboundLoginPacket::Hello(hello) = p { info!( "Player \'{0}\' from {1} logging in with uuid: {2}", hello.name, ip.ip(), hello.profile_id.to_string() ); tokio::spawn(transfer(conn.unwrap()?, intent, hello).map(|r| { if let Err(e) = r { error!("Failed to proxy: {e}"); } })); break; } } Err(e) => match *e { ReadPacketError::ConnectionClosed => { break; } e => { warn!("Error during login: {e}"); return Err(e.into()); } }, } } } _ => { warn!("Client provided weird intent: {:?}", intent.intention); } } Ok(()) } async fn transfer( mut inbound: TcpStream, intent: ClientIntentionPacket, hello: ServerboundHelloPacket, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let outbound = TcpStream::connect(PROXY_ADDR).await?; let name = hello.name.clone(); outbound.set_nodelay(true)?; // Repeat the intent and hello packet // recieved earlier to the proxy target let mut outbound_conn: Connection = Connection::wrap(outbound); outbound_conn.write(intent.get()).await?; let mut outbound_conn = outbound_conn.login(); outbound_conn.write(hello.get()).await?; let mut outbound = outbound_conn.unwrap()?; // Split the incoming and outgoing connections in // halves and handle each pair on separate threads. let (mut ri, mut wi) = inbound.split(); let (mut ro, mut wo) = outbound.split(); let client_to_server = async { io::copy(&mut ri, &mut wo).await?; wo.shutdown().await }; let server_to_client = async { io::copy(&mut ro, &mut wi).await?; wi.shutdown().await }; tokio::try_join!(client_to_server, server_to_client)?; info!("Player \'{name}\' left the game"); Ok(()) }