[package] description = "Send and receive Minecraft packets." edition = "2021" license = "MIT" name = "azalea-protocol" repository = "https://github.com/mat-1/azalea/tree/main/azalea-protocol" version = "0.6.0" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [dependencies] async-compression = { version = "^0.3.8", features = [ "tokio", "zlib", ], optional = true } async-recursion = "1.0.0" azalea-auth = { path = "../azalea-auth", version = "^0.6.0" } azalea-block = { path = "../azalea-block", default-features = false, version = "^0.6.0" } azalea-brigadier = { path = "../azalea-brigadier", version = "^0.6.0", features = [ "azalea-buf", ] } azalea-buf = { path = "../azalea-buf", version = "^0.6.0" } azalea-chat = { path = "../azalea-chat", version = "^0.6.0" } azalea-core = { path = "../azalea-core", optional = true, version = "^0.6.0", features = [ "serde", ] } azalea-crypto = { path = "../azalea-crypto", version = "^0.6.0" } azalea-inventory = { version = "0.1.0", path = "../azalea-inventory" } azalea-nbt = { path = "../azalea-nbt", version = "^0.6.0", features = [ "serde", ] } azalea-protocol-macros = { path = "./azalea-protocol-macros", version = "^0.6.0" } azalea-registry = { path = "../azalea-registry", version = "^0.6.0" } azalea-world = { path = "../azalea-world", version = "^0.6.0" } bevy_ecs = { version = "0.10.0", default-features = false } byteorder = "^1.4.3" bytes = "^1.1.0" flate2 = "1.0.25" futures = "0.3.24" futures-util = "0.3.24" log = "0.4.17" serde = { version = "^1.0", features = ["serde_derive"] } serde_json = "^1.0.93" thiserror = "1.0.37" tokio = { version = "^1.24.2", features = ["io-util", "net", "macros"] } tokio-util = { version = "0.7.4", features = ["codec"] } trust-dns-resolver = { version = "^0.22.0", default-features = false, features = [ "tokio-runtime", ] } uuid = "1.1.2" [features] connecting = [] default = ["packets"] packets = ["connecting", "dep:async-compression", "dep:azalea-core"] strict_registry = ["packets"] [dev-dependencies] anyhow = "^1.0.65" tracing = "^0.1.36" tracing-subscriber = "^0.3.15" once_cell = "1.17.0"