2023-02-10 01:56:45 +00:00

167 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable file

from lib.utils import get_dir_location, to_camel_case
from lib.code.utils import clean_property_name
from .blocks import get_property_struct_name
from ..mappings import Mappings
COLLISION_BLOCKS_RS_DIR = get_dir_location(
def generate_block_shapes(blocks_pixlyzer: dict, shapes: dict, aabbs: dict, block_states_report, block_datas_burger, mappings: Mappings):
blocks, shapes = simplify_shapes(blocks_pixlyzer, shapes, aabbs)
code = generate_block_shapes_code(
blocks, shapes, block_states_report, block_datas_burger, mappings)
with open(COLLISION_BLOCKS_RS_DIR, 'w') as f:
def simplify_shapes(blocks: dict, shapes: dict, aabbs: dict):
new_id_increment = 0
new_shapes = {}
old_id_to_new_id = {}
old_id_to_new_id[None] = 0
new_shapes[0] = ()
new_id_increment += 1
used_shape_ids = set()
# determine the used shape ids
for _block_id, block_data in blocks.items():
block_shapes = [state.get('collision_shape')
for state in block_data['states'].values()]
for s in block_shapes:
for shape_id, shape in enumerate(shapes):
if shape_id not in used_shape_ids: continue
# pixlyzer gives us shapes as an index or list of indexes into the
# aabbs list
# and aabbs look like { "from": number or [x, y, z], "to": (number or vec3) }
# convert them to [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2]
shape = [shape] if isinstance(shape, int) else shape
shape = [aabbs[shape_aabb] for shape_aabb in shape]
shape = tuple([(
(tuple(part['from']) if isinstance(
part['from'], list) else ((part['from'],)*3))
+ (tuple(part['to']) if isinstance(part['to'], list)
else ((part['to'],)*3))
) for part in shape])
old_id_to_new_id[shape_id] = new_id_increment
new_shapes[new_id_increment] = shape
new_id_increment += 1
# now map the blocks to the new shape ids
new_blocks = {}
for block_id, block_data in blocks.items():
block_id = block_id.split(':')[-1]
block_shapes = [state.get('collision_shape')
for state in block_data['states'].values()]
new_blocks[block_id] = [old_id_to_new_id[shape_id]
for shape_id in block_shapes]
return new_blocks, new_shapes
def generate_block_shapes_code(blocks: dict, shapes: dict, block_states_report, block_datas_burger, mappings: Mappings):
# look at downloads/generator-mod-*/blockCollisionShapes.json for format of blocks and shapes
generated_shape_code = ''
for (shape_id, shape) in sorted(shapes.items(), key=lambda shape: int(shape[0])):
generated_shape_code += generate_code_for_shape(shape_id, shape)
# 1..100 | 200..300 => &SHAPE1,
generated_match_inner_code = ''
shape_ids_to_block_state_ids = {}
for block_id, shape_ids in blocks.items():
if isinstance(shape_ids, int):
shape_ids = [shape_ids]
block_report_data = block_states_report['minecraft:' + block_id]
block_data_burger = block_datas_burger[block_id]
for possible_state, shape_id in zip(block_report_data['states'], shape_ids):
block_state_id = possible_state['id']
if shape_id not in shape_ids_to_block_state_ids:
shape_ids_to_block_state_ids[shape_id] = []
# shape 1 is the most common so we have a _ => &SHAPE1 at the end
del shape_ids_to_block_state_ids[1]
for shape_id, block_state_ids in shape_ids_to_block_state_ids.items():
# convert them into ranges (so like 1|2|3 is 1..=3 instead)
block_state_ids_ranges = []
range_start_block_state_id = None
last_block_state_id = None
for block_state_id in sorted(block_state_ids):
if range_start_block_state_id is None:
range_start_block_state_id = block_state_id
if last_block_state_id is not None:
# check if the range is done
if block_state_id - 1 != last_block_state_id:
block_state_ids_ranges.append(f'{range_start_block_state_id}..={last_block_state_id}' if range_start_block_state_id != last_block_state_id else str(range_start_block_state_id))
range_start_block_state_id = block_state_id
last_block_state_id = block_state_id
block_state_ids_ranges.append(f'{range_start_block_state_id}..={last_block_state_id}' if range_start_block_state_id != last_block_state_id else str(range_start_block_state_id))
generated_match_inner_code += f'{"|".join(block_state_ids_ranges)} => &SHAPE{shape_id},\n'
generated_match_inner_code += '_ => &SHAPE1'
return f'''
//! Autogenerated block collisions for every block
// This file is generated from codegen/lib/code/ If you want to
// modify it, change that file.
use super::VoxelShape;
use crate::collision::{{self, Shapes}};
use azalea_block::*;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
pub trait BlockWithShape {{
fn shape(&self) -> &'static VoxelShape;
impl BlockWithShape for BlockState {{
fn shape(&self) -> &'static VoxelShape {{
match {{
def generate_code_for_shape(shape_id: str, parts: list[list[float]]):
def make_arguments(part: list[float]):
return ', '.join(map(lambda n: str(n).rstrip('0'), part))
code = ''
code += f'static SHAPE{shape_id}: Lazy<VoxelShape> = Lazy::new(|| {{'
steps = []
if parts == ():
for part in parts[1:]:
f'Shapes::or(s, collision::box_shape({make_arguments(part)}))')
if len(steps) == 1:
code += steps[0]
code += '{\n'
for step in steps[:-1]:
code += f' let s = {step};\n'
code += f' {steps[-1]}\n'
code += '}\n'
code += '});\n'
return code