2024-07-12 06:24:47 -05:00

579 lines
19 KiB
Executable file

use crate::heightmap::Heightmap;
use crate::heightmap::HeightmapKind;
use crate::palette::PalettedContainer;
use crate::palette::PalettedContainerKind;
use azalea_block::BlockState;
use azalea_buf::{BufReadError, McBufReadable, McBufWritable};
use azalea_core::position::{BlockPos, ChunkBlockPos, ChunkPos, ChunkSectionBlockPos};
use nohash_hasher::IntMap;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use simdnbt::owned::NbtCompound;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{
io::{Cursor, Write},
sync::{Arc, Weak},
use tracing::{debug, trace, warn};
const SECTION_HEIGHT: u32 = 16;
/// An efficient storage of chunks for a client that has a limited render
/// distance. This has support for using a shared [`ChunkStorage`].
pub struct PartialChunkStorage {
/// The center of the view, i.e. the chunk the player is currently in.
view_center: ChunkPos,
chunk_radius: u32,
view_range: u32,
// chunks is a list of size chunk_radius * chunk_radius
chunks: Vec<Option<Arc<RwLock<Chunk>>>>,
/// A storage for chunks where they're only stored weakly, so if they're not
/// actively being used somewhere else they'll be forgotten. This is used for
/// shared worlds.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ChunkStorage {
pub height: u32,
pub min_y: i32,
pub map: IntMap<ChunkPos, Weak<RwLock<Chunk>>>,
/// A single chunk in a world (16*?*16 blocks). This only contains the blocks
/// and biomes. You can derive the height of the chunk from the number of
/// sections, but you need a [`ChunkStorage`] to get the minimum Y
/// coordinate.
pub struct Chunk {
pub sections: Vec<Section>,
/// Heightmaps are used for identifying the surface blocks in a chunk.
/// Usually for clients only `WorldSurface` and `MotionBlocking` are
/// present.
pub heightmaps: HashMap<HeightmapKind, Heightmap>,
/// A section of a chunk, i.e. a 16*16*16 block area.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Section {
pub block_count: u16,
pub states: PalettedContainer,
pub biomes: PalettedContainer,
/// Get the actual stored view distance for the selected view distance. For some
/// reason Minecraft actually stores an extra 3 chunks.
pub fn calculate_chunk_storage_range(view_distance: u32) -> u32 {
u32::max(view_distance, 2) + 3
impl Default for Section {
fn default() -> Self {
Section {
block_count: 0,
states: PalettedContainer::new(PalettedContainerKind::BlockStates),
biomes: PalettedContainer::new(PalettedContainerKind::Biomes),
impl Default for Chunk {
fn default() -> Self {
Chunk {
sections: vec![Section::default(); (384 / 16) as usize],
heightmaps: HashMap::new(),
impl PartialChunkStorage {
pub fn new(chunk_radius: u32) -> Self {
let view_range = chunk_radius * 2 + 1;
PartialChunkStorage {
view_center: ChunkPos::new(0, 0),
chunks: vec![None; (view_range * view_range) as usize],
/// Update the chunk to center the view on. This should be called when the
/// client receives a `SetChunkCacheCenter` packet.
pub fn update_view_center(&mut self, view_center: ChunkPos) {
// this code block makes it force unload the chunks that are out of range after
// updating the view center. it's usually fine without it but the commented code
// is there in case you want to temporarily uncomment to test something
// ```
// for index in 0..self.chunks.len() {
// let chunk_pos = self.chunk_pos_from_index(index);
// if !in_range_for_view_center_and_radius(&chunk_pos, view_center, self.chunk_radius) {
// self.chunks[index] = None;
// }
// }
// ```
self.view_center = view_center;
/// Get the center of the view. This is usually the chunk that the player is
/// in.
pub fn view_center(&self) -> ChunkPos {
pub fn view_range(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn index_from_chunk_pos(&self, chunk_pos: &ChunkPos) -> usize {
let view_range = self.view_range as i32;
let x = i32::rem_euclid(chunk_pos.x, view_range) * view_range;
let z = i32::rem_euclid(chunk_pos.z, view_range);
(x + z) as usize
pub fn chunk_pos_from_index(&self, index: usize) -> ChunkPos {
let view_range = self.view_range as i32;
// find the base from the view center
let base_x = self.view_center.x.div_euclid(view_range) * view_range;
let base_z = self.view_center.z.div_euclid(view_range) * view_range;
// add the offset from the base
let offset_x = index as i32 / view_range;
let offset_z = index as i32 % view_range;
ChunkPos::new(base_x + offset_x, base_z + offset_z)
pub fn in_range(&self, chunk_pos: &ChunkPos) -> bool {
in_range_for_view_center_and_radius(chunk_pos, self.view_center, self.chunk_radius)
pub fn set_block_state(
pos: &BlockPos,
state: BlockState,
chunk_storage: &ChunkStorage,
) -> Option<BlockState> {
if pos.y < chunk_storage.min_y
|| pos.y >= (chunk_storage.min_y + chunk_storage.height as i32)
return None;
let chunk_pos = ChunkPos::from(pos);
let chunk_lock = chunk_storage.get(&chunk_pos)?;
let mut chunk = chunk_lock.write();
Some(chunk.get_and_set(&ChunkBlockPos::from(pos), state, chunk_storage.min_y))
pub fn replace_with_packet_data(
&mut self,
pos: &ChunkPos,
data: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>,
heightmaps: &NbtCompound,
chunk_storage: &mut ChunkStorage,
) -> Result<(), BufReadError> {
debug!("Replacing chunk at {:?}", pos);
if !self.in_range(pos) {
warn!("Ignoring chunk since it's not in the view range: {pos:?}");
return Ok(());
let chunk = Chunk::read_with_dimension_height(
self.set(pos, Some(chunk), chunk_storage);
trace!("Loaded chunk {pos:?}");
/// Get a [`Chunk`] within render distance, or `None` if it's not loaded.
/// Use [`ChunkStorage::get`] to get a chunk from the shared storage.
pub fn limited_get(&self, pos: &ChunkPos) -> Option<&Arc<RwLock<Chunk>>> {
if !self.in_range(pos) {
"Chunk at {:?} is not in the render distance (center: {:?}, {} chunks)",
pos, self.view_center, self.chunk_radius,
return None;
let index = self.index_from_chunk_pos(pos);
/// Get a mutable reference to a [`Chunk`] within render distance, or
/// `None` if it's not loaded. Use [`ChunkStorage::get`] to get
/// a chunk from the shared storage.
pub fn limited_get_mut(&mut self, pos: &ChunkPos) -> Option<&mut Option<Arc<RwLock<Chunk>>>> {
if !self.in_range(pos) {
return None;
let index = self.index_from_chunk_pos(pos);
Some(&mut self.chunks[index])
/// Set a chunk in the shared storage and reference it from the limited
/// storage. Use [`Self::limited_set`] if you already have an
/// `Arc<RwLock<Chunk>>`.
/// # Panics
/// If the chunk is not in the render distance.
pub fn set(&mut self, pos: &ChunkPos, chunk: Option<Chunk>, chunk_storage: &mut ChunkStorage) {
let new_chunk;
// add the chunk to the shared storage
if let Some(chunk) = chunk {
match*pos) {
Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
if let Some(old_chunk) = e.get_mut().upgrade() {
*old_chunk.write() = chunk;
new_chunk = Some(old_chunk);
} else {
let chunk_lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(chunk));
new_chunk = Some(chunk_lock);
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
let chunk_lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(chunk));
new_chunk = Some(chunk_lock);
} else {
// don't remove it from the shared storage, since it'll be removed
// automatically if this was the last reference
new_chunk = None;
self.limited_set(pos, new_chunk);
/// Set a chunk in our limited storage, useful if your chunk is already
/// referenced somewhere else and you want to make it also be referenced by
/// this storage.
/// Use [`Self::set`] if you don't already have an `Arc<RwLock<Chunk>>`.
/// # Panics
/// If the chunk is not in the render distance.
pub fn limited_set(&mut self, pos: &ChunkPos, chunk: Option<Arc<RwLock<Chunk>>>) {
if let Some(chunk_mut) = self.limited_get_mut(pos) {
*chunk_mut = chunk;
/// Get an iterator over all the chunks in the storage.
pub fn chunks(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Option<Arc<RwLock<Chunk>>>> {
impl ChunkStorage {
pub fn new(height: u32, min_y: i32) -> Self {
ChunkStorage {
map: IntMap::default(),
pub fn get(&self, pos: &ChunkPos) -> Option<Arc<RwLock<Chunk>>> {|chunk| chunk.upgrade())
pub fn get_block_state(&self, pos: &BlockPos) -> Option<BlockState> {
let chunk_pos = ChunkPos::from(pos);
let chunk = self.get(&chunk_pos)?;
let chunk =;
chunk.get(&ChunkBlockPos::from(pos), self.min_y)
pub fn set_block_state(&self, pos: &BlockPos, state: BlockState) -> Option<BlockState> {
if pos.y < self.min_y || pos.y >= (self.min_y + self.height as i32) {
return None;
let chunk_pos = ChunkPos::from(pos);
let chunk = self.get(&chunk_pos)?;
let mut chunk = chunk.write();
Some(chunk.get_and_set(&ChunkBlockPos::from(pos), state, self.min_y))
pub fn in_range_for_view_center_and_radius(
chunk_pos: &ChunkPos,
view_center: ChunkPos,
chunk_radius: u32,
) -> bool {
(chunk_pos.x - view_center.x).unsigned_abs() <= chunk_radius
&& (chunk_pos.z - view_center.z).unsigned_abs() <= chunk_radius
impl Chunk {
pub fn read_with_dimension_height(
buf: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>,
dimension_height: u32,
min_y: i32,
heightmaps_nbt: &NbtCompound,
) -> Result<Self, BufReadError> {
let section_count = dimension_height / SECTION_HEIGHT;
let mut sections = Vec::with_capacity(section_count as usize);
for _ in 0..section_count {
let section = Section::read_from(buf)?;
let mut heightmaps = HashMap::new();
for (name, heightmap) in heightmaps_nbt.iter() {
let Ok(kind) = HeightmapKind::from_str(&name.to_str()) else {
warn!("Unknown heightmap kind: {name}");
let Some(data) = heightmap.long_array() else {
warn!("Heightmap {name} is not a long array");
let data: Vec<u64> = data.iter().map(|x| *x as u64).collect();
let heightmap = Heightmap::new(kind, dimension_height, min_y, data);
heightmaps.insert(kind, heightmap);
Ok(Chunk {
pub fn get(&self, pos: &ChunkBlockPos, min_y: i32) -> Option<BlockState> {
get_block_state_from_sections(&self.sections, pos, min_y)
#[must_use = "Use Chunk::set instead if you don't need the previous state"]
pub fn get_and_set(
&mut self,
pos: &ChunkBlockPos,
state: BlockState,
min_y: i32,
) -> BlockState {
let section_index = section_index(pos.y, min_y);
// TODO: make sure the section exists
let section = &mut self.sections[section_index as usize];
let chunk_section_pos = ChunkSectionBlockPos::from(pos);
let previous_state = section.get_and_set(chunk_section_pos, state);
for heightmap in self.heightmaps.values_mut() {
heightmap.update(pos, state, &self.sections);
pub fn set(&mut self, pos: &ChunkBlockPos, state: BlockState, min_y: i32) {
let section_index = section_index(pos.y, min_y);
// TODO: make sure the section exists
let section = &mut self.sections[section_index as usize];
let chunk_section_pos = ChunkSectionBlockPos::from(pos);
section.set(chunk_section_pos, state);
for heightmap in self.heightmaps.values_mut() {
heightmap.update(pos, state, &self.sections);
/// Get the block state at the given position from a list of sections. Returns
/// `None` if the position is out of bounds.
pub fn get_block_state_from_sections(
sections: &[Section],
pos: &ChunkBlockPos,
min_y: i32,
) -> Option<BlockState> {
if pos.y < min_y {
// y position is out of bounds
return None;
let section_index = section_index(pos.y, min_y) as usize;
if section_index >= sections.len() {
// y position is out of bounds
return None;
let section = &sections[section_index];
let chunk_section_pos = ChunkSectionBlockPos::from(pos);
impl McBufWritable for Chunk {
fn write_into(&self, buf: &mut impl Write) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
for section in &self.sections {
impl Debug for PartialChunkStorage {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("view_center", &self.view_center)
.field("chunk_radius", &self.chunk_radius)
.field("view_range", &self.view_range)
// .field("chunks", &self.chunks)
.field("chunks", &format_args!("{} items", self.chunks.len()))
impl McBufReadable for Section {
fn read_from(buf: &mut Cursor<&[u8]>) -> Result<Self, BufReadError> {
let block_count = u16::read_from(buf)?;
// this is commented out because the vanilla server is wrong
// assert!(
// block_count <= 16 * 16 * 16,
// "A section has more blocks than what should be possible. This is a bug!"
// );
let states = PalettedContainer::read_with_type(buf, &PalettedContainerKind::BlockStates)?;
for i in {
if !BlockState::is_valid_state( as u32) {
return Err(BufReadError::Custom(format!(
"Invalid block state {} (index {i}) found in section.",
let biomes = PalettedContainer::read_with_type(buf, &PalettedContainerKind::Biomes)?;
Ok(Section {
impl McBufWritable for Section {
fn write_into(&self, buf: &mut impl Write) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
impl Section {
pub fn get(&self, pos: ChunkSectionBlockPos) -> BlockState {
// TODO: use the unsafe method and do the check earlier
let state = self
.get(pos.x as usize, pos.y as usize, pos.z as usize);
// if there's an unknown block assume it's air
pub fn get_and_set(&mut self, pos: ChunkSectionBlockPos, state: BlockState) -> BlockState {
let previous_state =
.get_and_set(pos.x as usize, pos.y as usize, pos.z as usize,;
// if there's an unknown block assume it's air
pub fn set(&mut self, pos: ChunkSectionBlockPos, state: BlockState) {
.set(pos.x as usize, pos.y as usize, pos.z as usize,;
impl Default for PartialChunkStorage {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Default for ChunkStorage {
fn default() -> Self {
Self::new(384, -64)
/// Get the index of where a section is in a chunk based on its y coordinate
/// and the minimum y coordinate of the world.
pub fn section_index(y: i32, min_y: i32) -> u32 {
if y < min_y {
warn!("y ({y}) must be at most {min_y}");
trace!("y ({y}) must be at least {min_y}")
let min_section_index = min_y >> 4;
((y >> 4) - min_section_index) as u32
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_section_index() {
assert_eq!(section_index(0, 0), 0);
assert_eq!(section_index(128, 0), 8);
assert_eq!(section_index(127, 0), 7);
assert_eq!(section_index(0, -64), 4);
assert_eq!(section_index(-64, -64), 0);
assert_eq!(section_index(-49, -64), 0);
assert_eq!(section_index(-48, -64), 1);
assert_eq!(section_index(128, -64), 12);
fn test_out_of_bounds_y() {
let mut chunk_storage = ChunkStorage::default();
let mut partial_chunk_storage = PartialChunkStorage::default();
&ChunkPos { x: 0, z: 0 },
&mut chunk_storage,
.get_block_state(&BlockPos { x: 0, y: 319, z: 0 })
.get_block_state(&BlockPos { x: 0, y: 320, z: 0 })
.get_block_state(&BlockPos { x: 0, y: 338, z: 0 })
.get_block_state(&BlockPos { x: 0, y: -64, z: 0 })
.get_block_state(&BlockPos { x: 0, y: -65, z: 0 })
fn test_chunk_pos_from_index() {
let mut partial_chunk_storage = PartialChunkStorage::new(5);
partial_chunk_storage.update_view_center(ChunkPos::new(0, -1));
partial_chunk_storage.index_from_chunk_pos(&ChunkPos::new(2, -1))
ChunkPos::new(2, -1),