mat 6eee543a33
Pathfinder (#25)
Pathfinding is very much not done, but it works enough and I want to get this merged.
TODO: fast replanning, goals that aren't a single node, falling moves (it should be able to play the dropper), parkour moves
2022-11-12 23:54:05 -06:00

61 lines
1.7 KiB
Executable file

import re
import os
# utilities that could be used for things other than codegen
def to_snake_case(name: str):
s = re.sub('([A-Z])', r'_\1', name)
return s.lower().strip('_')
def to_camel_case(name: str):
s = re.sub('[_ ](\w)', lambda m:,
name.replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_'))
s = upper_first_letter(s)
# if the first character is a number, we need to add an underscore
# maybe we could convert it to the number name (like 2 would become "two")?
if s[0].isdigit():
s = f'_{s}'
return s
def upper_first_letter(name: str):
return name[0].upper() + name[1:]
def padded_hex(n: int):
return f'0x{n:02x}'
class PacketIdentifier:
def __init__(self, packet_id: int, direction: str, state: str):
self.packet_id = packet_id
self.direction = direction
self.state = state
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.packet_id == other.packet_id and self.direction == other.direction and self.state == other.state
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.packet_id, self.direction, self.state))
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.packet_id} {self.direction} {self.state}'
def __repr__(self):
return f'PacketIdentifier({self.packet_id}, {self.direction}, {self.state})'
def group_packets(packets: list[PacketIdentifier]):
packet_groups: dict[tuple[str, str], list[int]] = {}
for packet in packets:
key = (packet.direction, packet.state)
if key not in packet_groups:
packet_groups[key] = []
return packet_groups
def get_dir_location(name: str):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), name)