feat: Bump to 0.8.0-beta2, update dependencies and tweak UI

This commit is contained in:
David Lapshin 2024-01-04 03:33:59 +03:00
parent 9edabcc80c
commit 0c3ba09d5e
34 changed files with 97 additions and 415 deletions

View file

@ -107,3 +107,4 @@ ninja -C builddir run
> **Note**
> During testing and development, as a convenience, you can use the `local.sh` script to quickly rebuild local builds.
> If you want to use CLI in local builds, you should type: `./local_cli.sh <command>` instead of `gradience-cli`.

View file

@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
@ -51,8 +53,8 @@
"sources": [
"type": "archive",
"url": "https://github.com/lxml/lxml/releases/download/lxml-4.9.3/lxml-4.9.3.tar.gz",
"sha256": "48628bd53a426c9eb9bc066a923acaa0878d1e86129fd5359aee99285f4eed9c"
"url": "https://github.com/lxml/lxml/releases/download/lxml-5.0.0-1/lxml-5.0.0.tar.gz",
"sha256": "67216b13a832adb984cfd20437261236f8c05fc19a0f7d4c59c235fddb17dfdb"
@ -62,7 +64,7 @@
"sources" : [
"type" : "git",
"url" : "https://gitlab.gnome.org/jwestman/blueprint-compiler",
"url" : "https://gitlab.gnome.org/jwestman/blueprint-compiler.git",
"branch" : "main"
@ -93,7 +95,7 @@
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/sass/libsass.git",
"tag": "3.6.5"
"tag": "3.6.6"
"type": "script",
@ -120,8 +122,8 @@
"sources": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/flatpak/libportal",
"tag": "main"
"url": "https://github.com/flatpak/libportal.git",
"branch": "main"

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"app-id" : "com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience",
"runtime" : "org.gnome.Platform",
"runtime-version" : "44",
"runtime-version" : "45",
"sdk" : "org.gnome.Sdk",
"command" : "gradience",
"finish-args" : [
@ -22,10 +22,11 @@
@ -52,8 +53,8 @@
"sources": [
"type": "archive",
"url": "https://github.com/lxml/lxml/releases/download/lxml-4.9.3/lxml-4.9.3.tar.gz",
"sha256": "48628bd53a426c9eb9bc066a923acaa0878d1e86129fd5359aee99285f4eed9c"
"url": "https://github.com/lxml/lxml/releases/download/lxml-5.0.0-1/lxml-5.0.0.tar.gz",
"sha256": "67216b13a832adb984cfd20437261236f8c05fc19a0f7d4c59c235fddb17dfdb"
@ -68,23 +69,6 @@
"name" : "dconf",
"buildsystem" : "meson",
"config-opts": [
"sources" : [
"type" : "archive",
"url" : "https://download.gnome.org/sources/dconf/0.40/dconf-0.40.0.tar.xz",
"sha256" : "cf7f22a4c9200421d8d3325c5c1b8b93a36843650c9f95d6451e20f0bcb24533"
"name": "sassc",
"sources": [
@ -111,7 +95,7 @@
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/sass/libsass.git",
"tag": "3.6.5"
"tag": "3.6.6"
"type": "script",
@ -133,13 +117,13 @@
"config-opts": [
"sources": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/flatpak/libportal.git",
"tag": "0.6"
"tag": "0.7.1"

View file

@ -86,6 +86,14 @@
<release version="0.8.0-beta2" date="2024-01-4" type="development">
<description translatable="no">
<p>Gradience 0.8.0-beta2 release is the second beta for upcoming major release.</p>
<li>See GitHub releases for more info</li>
<release version="0.8.0-beta1" date="2023-06-16" type="development">
<description translatable="no">
<p>Gradience 0.8.0-beta1 release is the first beta for upcoming major release.</p>

View file

@ -34,13 +34,15 @@
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@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 8365bebebdc9833ddc66252d6d758ac69ea98c08
Subproject commit cc95cdf36c7c52ffa5d34dcf337e1523db89de26

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ template $GradienceBuiltinPresetRow : Adw.ActionRow {
Button apply_button {
valign: center;
icon-name: "checkmark-large-symbolic";
icon-name: "checkmark-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Apply Preset");
clicked => $on_apply_button_clicked();
styles [

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ template $GradienceExplorePresetRow : Adw.ActionRow {
Button apply_button {
valign: center;
icon-name: "checkmark-large-symbolic";
icon-name: "checkmark-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Download and Apply");
clicked => $on_apply_button_clicked();

View file

@ -4,11 +4,8 @@ ShortcutsWindow help_overlay {
modal: true;
ShortcutsSection {
section-name: "shortcuts";
max-height: 10;
ShortcutsGroup {
title: C_("shortcut window", "General");
title: _("General");
ShortcutsShortcut {
title: C_("shortcut window", "Show Shortcuts");

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ template $GradienceMonetThemingGroup : Adw.PreferencesGroup {
Adw.ActionRow file-chooser-row {
title: _("Select an Image");
title: _("Background Image");
activatable-widget: file-chooser-button;

View file

@ -11,17 +11,20 @@ template $GradiencePluginRow : Adw.ActionRow {
state-set => $on_switch_toggled();
Button settings-button {
valign: center;
icon-name: "settings-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Preferences");
clicked => $on_settings_plugin_clicked();
// TODO: Detect if plugin has preferences, and if it does display the
// settings button
styles [
// [suffix]
// Button settings-button {
// valign: center;
// icon-name: "settings-symbolic";
// tooltip-text: _("Preferences");
// clicked => $on_settings_plugin_clicked();
// styles [
// "flat",
// ]
// }
Button remove-button {

View file

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ template $GradiencePreferencesWindow : Adw.PreferencesWindow {
Gtk.Button custom_repository_apply {
valign: center;
icon-name: "checkmark-large-symbolic";
icon-name: "checkmark-symbolic";

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ template $GradiencePresetRow : Adw.ExpanderRow {
Button apply_button {
valign: center;
icon-name: "checkmark-large-symbolic";
icon-name: "checkmark-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Apply Preset");
clicked => $on_apply_button_clicked();
styles ["flat"]
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ template $GradiencePresetRow : Adw.ExpanderRow {
Button report_button {
valign: center;
icon-name: "bug-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Report Preset Issue");
tooltip-text: _("Report an Issue");
clicked => $on_report_button_clicked();

View file

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ template $GradiencePresetWindow : Adw.Window {
tooltip-text: _("Open in File Manager");
clicked => $on_file_manager_button_clicked();
Adw.ButtonContent {
icon-name: "folder-symbolic";
icon-name: "folder-open-symbolic";

View file

@ -31,6 +31,15 @@ template $GradienceMainWindow : Adw.ApplicationWindow {
action-name: "app.apply_color_scheme";
Button save-preset-button {
action-name: "app.save_preset";
tooltip-text: _("Save Preset");
Adw.ButtonContent {
icon-name: "document-save-symbolic";
Button {
icon-name: "applications-science-symbolic";
@ -58,15 +67,6 @@ template $GradienceMainWindow : Adw.ApplicationWindow {
icon-name: "palette-symbolic";
Button save-preset-button {
action-name: "app.save_preset";
tooltip-text: _("Save Preset");
Adw.ButtonContent {
icon-name: "drive-symbolic";
MenuButton errors-button {
styles ["raised", "error"]

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class GradienceSaveDialog(Adw.MessageDialog):
self.app = self.parent.get_application()
self.body = _(
"Saving preset to <tt>{0}</tt>. If that preset already "
"Saving preset to \n <small><i><tt>{0}</tt></i></small>. \n If that preset already "
"exists, it will be overwritten."
@ -74,3 +74,4 @@ class GradienceSaveDialog(Adw.MessageDialog):
"save", Adw.ResponseAppearance.SUGGESTED

View file

@ -408,25 +408,18 @@ class GradienceApplication(Adw.Application):
def mark_as_dirty(self):
self.is_dirty = True
_("Unsaved Changes")
self.props.active_window.save_preset_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Unsaved Changes"))
def clear_dirty(self):
self.is_dirty = False
_("Save Changes")
self.props.active_window.save_preset_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Save Preset"))
def reload_variables(self):
parsing_errors = []

View file

@ -404,3 +404,4 @@ class GradiencePresetWindow(Adw.Window):
self._repos = {**self.user_repositories, **self.preset_repos}

View file

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class GradienceMonetThemingGroup(Adw.PreferencesGroup):
def setup_palette_shades(self):
self.monet_palette_shades = GradiencePaletteShades(
"monet", _("Monet Palette"), 6
"monet", _("Palette"), 6
self.app.pref_palette_shades["monet"] = self.monet_palette_shades
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class GradienceMonetThemingGroup(Adw.PreferencesGroup):
def setup_theme_row(self):
self.theme_row = Adw.ComboRow()
theme_store = Gtk.StringList()

View file

@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ class GradiencePresetRow(Adw.ExpanderRow):
# self.share_button.connect("clicked", self.on_share_btn_clicked)
if name in self.win.app.favourite:
self.star_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Remove from Favorites"))
self.star_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Add to Favorites"))
# def on_share_btn_clicked(self, *_args):

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
version: '0.8.0-beta1',
version: '0.8.0-beta2',
meson_version: '>= 0.59.0',
default_options: [ 'warning_level=2',