mirror of
synced 2024-11-03 11:53:58 +00:00
205 lines
4 KiB
205 lines
4 KiB
using Gtk 4.0;
using Adw 1;
Popover pop_actions {
styles [
Box {
orientation: vertical;
margin-top: 6;
margin-bottom: 6;
margin-start: 6;
margin-end: 6;
// Button btn_share {
// valign: center;
// label: _("Share preset");
// tooltip-text: _("Share Preset");
// styles ["flat"]
// }
// Separator {
// }
.GtkModelButton btn_report {
text: _("Report an Issue…");
template GradiencePresetRow : Adw.ExpanderRow {
Button star_button {
valign: center;
styles [
Stack value_stack {
valign: center;
hhomogeneous: false;
interpolate-size: true;
transition-type: crossfade;
Button apply_button {
valign: center;
icon-name: "checkmark-large-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Apply Preset");
clicked => on_apply_button_clicked();
styles [
Entry name_entry {
text: "Name";
changed => on_name_entry_changed();
ToggleButton name_entry_toggle {
valign: center;
icon-name: "document-edit-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Rename Preset");
toggled => on_name_entry_toggled();
styles [
MenuButton {
valign: center;
popover: pop_actions;
icon-name: "view-more-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("More Options");
styles [
Adw.ActionRow description {
title: _("Description");
subtitle: _("Sorry, but this preset don't have a description.");
Adw.ActionRow {
Gtk.Box badge_list {
spacing: 6;
margin-start: 6;
margin-end: 6;
Label no_badges {
valign: center;
label: _("No Badges");
styles [
Button remove_button {
valign: center;
label: _("Remove preset");
tooltip-text: _("Remove Preset");
clicked => on_remove_button_clicked();
styles ["destructive-action"]
//Gtk.ListBoxRow {
// activatable: false;
// Gtk.Grid {
// styles ["content"]
// row-spacing: 6;
// column-spacing: 6;
// Gtk.Label {
// styles ["dim-label"]
// valign: center;
// halign: center;
// label: _("By @GradienceTeam");
// xalign: 0;
// yalign: 0;
// layout {
// row: 0;
// column: 0;
// }
// }
// Box {
// layout {
// row: 0;
// column: 1;
// }
// orientation: horizontal;
// valign: center;
// spacing: 8;
// CheckButton light {
// name: "light";
// group: dark;
// active: true;
// styles ["variant"]
// }
// CheckButton dark {
// name: "dark";
// styles ["variant"]
// }
// Separator s {
// }
// CheckButton a {
// name: "red";
// active: true;
// styles ["variant"]
// }
// CheckButton b {
// name: "orange";
// group: a;
// styles ["variant"]
// }
// CheckButton c {
// name: "yellow";
// group: a;
// styles ["variant"]
// }
// CheckButton d {
// name: "green";
// group: a;
// styles ["variant"]
// }
// CheckButton e {
// name: "blue";
// group: a;
// styles ["variant"]
// }
// }
// }