tfuxu e412a2c537
GNOME Shell theming support (#679)
Signed-off-by: tfuxu <>
Co-authored-by: 0xMRTT <>
Co-authored-by: 0xMRTT <>
Co-authored-by: daudix-UFO <>
2023-05-04 13:24:18 +00:00

77 lines
3.9 KiB

// When color definition differs for dark and light variant,
// it gets @if-ed depending on $variant
@import '_palette.scss';
$is_highcontrast: "false";
$_dark_base_color: darken(desaturate({{bg_color}}, 2%), 2%);
$base_color: $_dark_base_color;
$bg_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($base_color, 5%), lighten($base_color, 5%));
$fg_color: if($variant == 'light', transparentize(black, .2), {{fg_color}});
$accent_fg_color: {{accent_fg_color}};
$selected_fg_color: if($variant == 'light', $accent_fg_color, {{selected_fg_color}});
$selected_bg_color: {{selected_bg_color}};
$selected_borders_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($selected_bg_color, 15%), darken($selected_bg_color, 30%)); // NOTE: Unused in GNOME Shell 43
$borders_color: if($variant == 'light', transparentize($fg_color, .5), transparentize($fg_color, .9));
$borders_edge: if($variant == 'light', rgba(255,255,255,0.8), lighten($bg_color, 5%));
$link_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($selected_bg_color, 10%), lighten($selected_bg_color, 20%));
$link_visited_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($selected_bg_color, 20%), lighten($selected_bg_color, 10%)); // NOTE: Unused in GNOME Shell 43
$warning_color: {{warning_bg_color}};
$error_color: {{error_bg_color}};
$success_color: {{success_bg_color}}; // NOTE: Unused in GNOME Shell 43
$destructive_color: {{destructive_bg_color}};
// NOTE: Used also in overview for folder colors, in search results, partially in text and for indicators below app icons
$osd_fg_color: {{osd_fg_color}};
$osd_bg_color: $_dark_base_color; // hardcoded for both light & dark
$osd_insensitive_bg_color: transparentize(mix($osd_fg_color, opacify($osd_bg_color, 1), 10%), 0.5); // NOTE: Unused in GNOME Shell 43
$osd_insensitive_fg_color: if($variant == 'light', mix($osd_fg_color, $osd_bg_color, 80%), mix($osd_fg_color, $osd_bg_color, 70%));
$osd_borders_color: transparentize(black, 0.3);
$osd_outer_borders_color: transparentize($osd_fg_color, 0.98);
$shadow_color: if($variant == 'light', rgba(0,0,0,0.1), rgba(0,0,0,0.2));
// button
$button_mix_factor: 5%;
// cards
$card_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($bg_color, 5%), lighten($bg_color, 2%)); // TODO: Allow to modify this value
$card_outer_borders_color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.98);
// notifications
$bubble_buttons_color: if($variant == 'light', darken($bg_color, 12%), lighten($bg_color, 10%));
// overview background color
$system_bg_color: darken(desaturate({{system_bg_color}}, 2%), 2%);
//insensitive state derived colors
$insensitive_fg_color: mix($fg_color, $bg_color, 50%);
$insensitive_bg_color: mix($bg_color, $base_color, 60%);
$insensitive_borders_color: mix($borders_color, $base_color, 60%); // NOTE: Unused in GNOME Shell 43
//colors for the backdrop state, derived from the main colors.
// NOTE: This entire section doesn't seem to be used anywhere in GNOME Shell 43
$backdrop_base_color: if($variant =='light', darken($base_color,1%), lighten($base_color,1%));
$backdrop_bg_color: $bg_color;
$backdrop_fg_color: mix($fg_color, $backdrop_bg_color, 80%);
$backdrop_insensitive_color: if($variant =='light', darken($backdrop_bg_color,15%), lighten($backdrop_bg_color,15%));
$backdrop_borders_color: mix($borders_color, $bg_color, 90%);
$backdrop_dark_fill: mix($backdrop_borders_color,$backdrop_bg_color, 35%);
// derived checked colors
$checked_bg_color: if($variant=='light', darken($bg_color, 7%), lighten($bg_color, 7%));
$checked_fg_color: if($variant=='light', darken($fg_color, 7%), lighten($fg_color, 7%)); // NOTE: Unused in GNOME Shell 43
// derived hover colors
$hover_bg_color: if($variant=='light', darken($bg_color, 3%), lighten($bg_color, 10%));
$hover_fg_color: if($variant=='light', darken($fg_color, 5%), lighten($fg_color, 10%));
// derived active colors
$active_bg_color: if($variant=='light', darken($bg_color, 5%), lighten($bg_color, 12%));
$active_fg_color: if($variant=='light', darken($fg_color, 5%), lighten($fg_color, 12%));