tfuxu 50e38bc198
chore: update UI definitions to Blueprint 0.8.0 syntax
* update `blueprint-compiler` in release Flatpak manifest to 0.10.0
2023-08-15 23:58:35 +02:00

192 lines
4 KiB

using Gtk 4.0;
using Adw 1;
template $GradienceMainWindow : Adw.ApplicationWindow {
title: _("Gradience");
default-width: 950;
default-height: 650;
ShortcutController {
Shortcut {
trigger: "<primary>q";
action: "action(window.close)";
Adw.ToastOverlay toast_overlay {
Adw.Leaflet leaflet {
can-navigate-back: true;
can-unfold: false;
Gtk.Box main_view {
orientation: vertical;
Adw.HeaderBar titlebar {
centering-policy: strict;
Button apply-button {
styles ["suggested-action"]
label: _("Apply");
tooltip-text: _("Apply Preset");
action-name: "app.apply_color_scheme";
Button {
icon-name: "applications-science-symbolic";
tooltip-text: _("Show Preview Window");
visible: false;
Adw.ViewSwitcherTitle title {
stack: view_stack;
Gtk.MenuButton {
tooltip-text: _("Main Menu");
icon-name: "open-menu-symbolic";
menu-model: main-menu;
MenuButton presets-dropdown {
menu-model: presets-menu;
label: _("Presets");
tooltip-text: _("Presets Menu");
icon-name: "palette-symbolic";
Button save-preset-button {
action-name: "app.save_preset";
tooltip-text: _("Save Preset");
Adw.ButtonContent {
icon-name: "drive-symbolic";
MenuButton errors-button {
styles ["raised", "error"]
tooltip-text: _("CSS Errors");
icon-name: "dialog-warning-symbolic";
popover: errors-popover;
Gtk.Box {
orientation: vertical;
Adw.ViewStack view_stack {
vexpand: true;
hexpand: true;
Adw.ViewStackPage {
name: "colors";
title: _("_Colors");
icon-name: "larger-brush-symbolic";
child: Adw.PreferencesPage content-colors { };
use-underline: true;
Adw.ViewStackPage {
name: "theming";
title: _("_Theming");
icon-name: "color-picker-symbolic";
child: Adw.PreferencesPage content-theming { };
use-underline: true;
Adw.ViewStackPage {
name: "plugins";
title: _("_Advanced");
icon-name: "settings-symbolic";
child: Adw.PreferencesPage content-plugins { };
use-underline: true;
Adw.ViewSwitcherBar {
stack: view_stack;
reveal: bind title.title-visible;
menu main-menu {
section {
item {
label: _("Preferences");
action: "app.preferences";
item {
label: _("Keyboard Shortcuts");
action: "";
item {
label: _("About Gradience");
action: "app.about";
menu presets-menu {
section {
label: _("Built-In Presets");
item {
label: "Adwaita";
action: "app.load_preset";
target: "adwaita";
item {
label: "Adwaita Dark";
action: "app.load_preset";
target: "adwaita-dark";
item {
label: "Pretty Purple";
action: "app.load_preset";
target: "pretty-purple";
item {
label: _("Manage Presets");
action: "app.manage_presets";
Popover errors-popover {
ListBox errors-list {
selection-mode: none;
Label {
margin-top: 6;
margin-bottom: 6;
margin-start: 6;
margin-end: 6;
halign: start;
styles ["dim-label"]
max-width-chars: 30;
wrap: true;
justify: left;