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Action - com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo.Phase
actionPhaseFrameNumber - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo
affirmative() - Method in enum
affirmative() - Method in enum
allUnits - Variable in class
ARENA - Static variable in class
The valid area in which all units can go during the entire game.
attack - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
attackDamageTower - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
attackDamageWalker - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
attackerLocation - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MeleeEvent
attackerPlayerId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MeleeEvent
attackerType - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.AttackEvent
attackerUnitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MeleeEvent
attackerUnitType - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MeleeEvent
AttackEvent() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.AttackEvent
attackRange - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
attemptRemoveStructure(Coords) - Method in class
attemptRemoveStructureMultiple(List<Coords>) - Method in class
attemptSpawn(Coords, UnitType) - Method in class
Spawn a unit in a location if able, returning whether it successfully spawned the unit.
attemptSpawnMultiple(List<Coords>, UnitType) - Method in class
Spawn a certain unit type in as many locations as possible, returning the number successful.
attemptUpgrade(Coords) - Method in class
attemptUpgradeMultiple(List<Coords>) - Method in class
await() - Method in class
Blocking, non-nullable.
awaitTimeout(long) - Method in class
Nullable, blocking, timeouts.


basePlayerHealthDamage - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
bitDecayPerRound - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
bitGrowthRate - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
bitRampBitCapGrowthRate - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
bits - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerStats
Bits -
bitsCanStackOnDeployment - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
bitsPerRound - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
BlockedByWall - com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding.IllegalPathStart
BOARD_SIZE - Static variable in class
breach - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
breacherId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.BreachEvent
breacherType - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.BreachEvent
breacherType - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DamageEvent
BreachEvent() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.BreachEvent


CannotRemoveException - Exception in
Exception thrown when a move builder is used to attempt to remove a structrue, which cannot be removed.
CannotRemoveException(CanRemove) - Constructor for exception
CannotSpawnException - Exception in
Exception thrown when a move builder is used to attempt to spawn a unit, which cannot be spawned.
CannotSpawnException(CanSpawn) - Constructor for exception
CanRemove - Enum in
The result of querying whether a structure can be removed at a particular location, denoting either that it can be removed, or the reason why it cannot.
canRemoveStructure(Coords) - Method in class
Result of whether a structure can be removed at a location.
canSpawn(Coords, UnitType, int) - Method in class
Result of whether a unit can be spawned at a location.
CanSpawn - Enum in
The result of querying whether a unit can be spawned at a particular location, denoting either that it can be spawned, or the reason why it cannot.
close() - Method in class
com.c1games.terminal.algo - package com.c1games.terminal.algo - package - package
com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding - package com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding
com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization - package com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization
com.c1games.terminal.algo.units - package com.c1games.terminal.algo.units
com.c1games.terminal.pathtest - package com.c1games.terminal.pathtest
com.c1games.terminal.starteralgo - package com.c1games.terminal.starteralgo
config - Variable in class
config() - Method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.GameIO
Get the deserialized config file, possibly waiting to receive this from the game.
config() - Method in class
Config - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
GSON-based representation of the deserialized config file.
Config() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config
Config.Debug - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
Config.Mechanics - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
Config.RealUnitInformation - Interface in com.c1games.terminal.algo
Config.Resources - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
Config.UnitInformation - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
Config.UnitInformationDisplay - Interface in com.c1games.terminal.algo
coords - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.BreachEvent
coords - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DamageEvent
coords - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DeathEvent
Coords - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
Two-dimensional, integer coordinates.
Coords(int, int) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Coords
cores - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerStats
Cores -
coresForPlayerDamage - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
coresPerRound - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
cost() - Method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.RealUnitInformation
cost() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
cost1 - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
cost2 - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
crashed - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats


damage - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.AttackEvent
damage - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.BreachEvent
damage - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
damage - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DamageEvent
damage - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SelfDestructEvent
damageDealt - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MeleeEvent
DamageEvent() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DamageEvent
damageGrowthBasedOnY - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
damagerId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DamageEvent
data - Variable in class
death - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
DeathEvent() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DeathEvent
debug - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config
debug() - Static method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.GameIO
A printstream to log data which will become visible to the client/user.
Debug() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Debug
DefaultGameIO - Class in
The default implementation of game IO which interacts with the game engine through the standard input, output, and error.
DefaultGameIO() - Constructor for class
demolisher - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
Demolisher - com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
Deploy - com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo.Phase
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.JsonDeserializeClassFromTuple
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.JsonDeserializeEnumFromInt
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.TypedListDeserializer
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.UnitTypeDeserializer
desiredNextLocation - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MoveEvent
destroyedUnitType - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DeathEvent
destroyOwnUnitDelay - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
destroyOwnUnitRefund - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
destroyOwnUnitsEnabled - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
display - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
distance(Coords) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Coords
duration - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats
dynamic_resource_destroyed - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats
dynamic_resource_spent - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats
dynamic_resource_spoiled - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats


EDGE_BOTTOM_LEFT - Static variable in class
EDGE_BOTTOM_RIGHT - Static variable in class
EDGE_LISTS - Static variable in class
For each direction constant, declared above, an array of all the coordinates which compose that edge.
EDGE_TOP_LEFT - Static variable in class
EDGE_TOP_RIGHT - Static variable in class
EndGame - com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo.Phase
endStats - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
EndStats() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats
Error - com.c1games.terminal.algo.PlayerId
events - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
Events() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
explodingUnitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SelfDestructEvent
explodingUnitOwner - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SelfDestructEvent


FrameData - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
GSON-based representation of the data received every frame denoting the game state.
FrameData() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
FrameData.EndStats - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.EndStats.Winner - Enum in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events.AttackEvent - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events.BreachEvent - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events.DamageEvent - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events.DeathEvent - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events.MeleeEvent - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events.MoveEvent - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events.SelfDestructEvent - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.Events.SpawnEvent - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.PlayerStats - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.PlayerUnit - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.PlayerUnitList - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.PlayerUnits - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.TurnInfo - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo
FrameData.TurnInfo.Phase - Enum in com.c1games.terminal.algo
frames - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats


GameIO - Interface in com.c1games.terminal.algo
Input and output with the game engine.
GameLoop - Interface in
An interface for a simple, single-threaded game loop, which the user can implement and then plug into a game loop driver to create a working algo.
GameLoopDriver - Class in
Code that accepts some @code GameLoop object and runs it for the duration of the game.
GameLoopDriver(GameLoop) - Constructor for class
GameState - Class in
An object derived from frame data which can be used to compose a move, before eventually sending it into the GameIO object.
GameState(Config, FrameData) - Constructor for class
getAttackers(Coords) - Method in class
getDisplay() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
getDisplay() - Method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformationDisplay
getEdgeFromStart(Coords) - Static method in class
getHitRadius - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
getInfoAt(Coords) - Method in class
Could return empty list
getPath() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding.Pathfinder
Get the computed path that a unit at the start point will follow.
getRemoveAt(Coords) - Method in class
getShorthand() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
getShorthand() - Method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformationDisplay
getSpawnCommands() - Method in class
Get the spawn commands necessary to submit to the engine to take this turn.
getString(UnitType) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitTypeAtlas
getUnitType(String) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitTypeAtlas
getWallAt(Coords) - Method in class
gson(UnitTypeAtlas) - Static method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
gson(UnitTypeAtlas) - Static method in class
Produce a gson instance capable of serializing a spawncommand.
GSON - Static variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config


health - Variable in class


icon - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
iconxScale - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
iconyScale - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
id - Variable in class
IllegalPathStart - Enum in com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding
A reason why pathfinding from a particular tile is illegal, used by the IllegalPathStart exception.s
IllegalPathStartException - Exception in com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding
IllegalPathStartException(IllegalPathStart) - Constructor for exception com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding.IllegalPathStartException
inArena(Coords) - Static method in class
infoCoords - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent
infoUnitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent
InfoUnitPresent -
initialize(GameIO, Config) - Method in interface
Callback for receiving the config data at the beginning of the game.
initialize(GameIO, Config) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.starteralgo.StarterAlgo
integrity - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerStats
interceptor - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
Interceptor - com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
IS_ON_EDGE - Static variable in class
For each direction constant, declared above, a boolean grid denoting whether this cell is on the corresponding edge.
isInfo(int) - Method in class
isInfo(UnitType) - Method in class
isStructure(int) - Method in class
isStructure(UnitType) - Method in class


JsonDeserializeClassFromTuple<T> - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization
GSON deserializer that deserializes a class from an array, deserializing each the value of each field, in order, from that corresponding index in the array.
JsonDeserializeClassFromTuple(Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.JsonDeserializeClassFromTuple
JsonDeserializeEnumFromInt<T> - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization
GSON deserializer which deserializes an enum from an integer, simply producing the variant of the enum with the index that corresponds to the JSON iterator.
JsonDeserializeEnumFromInt(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.JsonDeserializeEnumFromInt
JsonSerializeClassToTuple<T> - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization
GSON deserializer that deserializes a class into an array, serializing each the value of each field, in order, into that corresponding index in the array.
JsonSerializeClassToTuple(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.JsonSerializeClassToTuple


lastFrame() - Method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.GameIO
Get the last frame returned by nextTurnFrame or nextFrameAnyType.
lastFrame() - Method in class


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.c1games.terminal.pathtest.PathTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.c1games.terminal.starteralgo.StarterAlgo
MapBounds - Class in
Static constants representing the constant status of different tiles on the map, such as whether it is on an edge, on on the board.
maxBits - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
mechanics - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config
Mechanics() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
melee - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
MeleeEvent() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MeleeEvent
meleeMultiplier - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
move - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
MoveEvent() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MoveEvent


neighbors() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Coords
newLocation - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MoveEvent
nextFrameAnyType() - Method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.GameIO
Wait for the next frame data from the engine for any type.
nextFrameAnyType() - Method in class
nextMoveBuilder() - Method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.GameIO
Wait for the next turn frame, and then use it to construct a move builder.
nextMoveBuilder() - Method in class
nextTurnFrame() - Method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.GameIO
Waits for the next frame from the engine of the Action phase, which corresponds to the beginning of the turn.
nextTurnFrame() - Method in class
NotEnoughResources -
NotOnEdge -
NoUnitPresent -
NoUnitPresent -
numberAffordable(UnitType) - Method in class
How many of a certain unit type we can afford.
numberAffordable(UnitType, boolean) - Method in class
How many of a certain unit type we can afford.


oldLocation - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MoveEvent
onActionFrame(GameIO, GameState) - Method in interface
Callback for processing an action frame data received between deploy phases.
onActionFrame(GameIO, GameState) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.starteralgo.StarterAlgo
Save process action frames.
onTurn(GameIO, GameState) - Method in interface
Callback for configuring a movebuilder each action frame, which the game loop driver will then submit as a turn.
onTurn(GameIO, GameState) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.starteralgo.StarterAlgo
Make a move in the game.
OutOfBounds -
OutOfBounds -
OutsideOfArena - com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding.IllegalPathStart
owner - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MoveEvent
owner - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SpawnEvent
owner - Variable in class


p1Stats - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
p1Units - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
p2Stats - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
p2Units - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
pathfind(Coords, int) - Method in class
Use the code within the pathfinding package to compute the path that a mobile unit would take if placed on a particular coordinate, assuming that the layout of the walls do not change.
Pathfinder - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding
This class computes data pertaining to the pathfinding from a particular point on the board, based on the random access representation of the board created by movebuilder.
Pathfinder(GameState, Coords, int) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding.Pathfinder
PathTest - Class in com.c1games.terminal.pathtest
PathTest() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.pathtest.PathTest
phase - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo
placeUpgrade(Coords) - Method in class
player1 - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats
Player1 - com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.Winner
Player1 - com.c1games.terminal.algo.PlayerId
player2 - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats
Player2 - com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.Winner
Player2 - com.c1games.terminal.algo.PlayerId
PlayerEndStats() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats
PlayerId - Enum in com.c1games.terminal.algo
PlayerStats() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerStats
PlayerUnit() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnit
PlayerUnitList(List<FrameData.PlayerUnit>) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnitList
PlayerUnits() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
points_scored - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats
printActStrings - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Debug
printBotErrors - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Debug
printHitStrings - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Debug
printMapString - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Debug
printPlayerGetHitStrings - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Debug
printPlayerInputStrings - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Debug
printTStrings - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Debug


reason - Variable in exception com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding.IllegalPathStartException
reasonCannotRemove - Variable in exception
reasonCannotSpawn - Variable in exception
receive() - Method in class
Nullable, non-blocking.
remove - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
Remove - com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
removeStructure(Coords) - Method in class
Attempt to remove an existing structure that we own, or throw an exception if unable.
removing - Variable in class
rerouteMidRound - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
Resource - Enum in
A type of resource which the player accumulates and can spend on moves.
resources - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config
Resources() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
roundStartBitRamp - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
run() - Method in class


scanner - Variable in class
scout - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
Scout - com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
selfDestruct - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
SelfDestructEvent() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SelfDestructEvent
selfDestructRadius - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
serialize(UnitType, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.UnitTypeSerializer
serialize(T, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.JsonSerializeClassToTuple
shield - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
shieldAmount - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent
shieldBonusPerY - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
shieldDecay - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
shieldDecayPerFrame - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
ShieldEvent() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent
shieldPerUnit - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
shieldRange - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
shorthand - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
source - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.AttackEvent
source - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SelfDestructEvent
sourcePlayer - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.AttackEvent
sourceUnitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.AttackEvent
spawn - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
spawn(Coords, UnitType) - Method in class
Attempt to spawn a unit at a location, or throw an exception if unable.
SpawnCommand - Class in
The GSON-serializable representation of the spawn commands which are sent in a list to the game engine at the end of a turn.
SpawnCommand(UnitType, int, int) - Constructor for class
SpawnEvent() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SpawnEvent
spawningUnitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SpawnEvent
spawningUnitType - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SpawnEvent
spawnLocation - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SpawnEvent
speed - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
stability - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnit
StarterAlgo - Class in com.c1games.terminal.starteralgo
Java implementation of the standard starter algo.
StarterAlgo() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.starteralgo.StarterAlgo
startHealth - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
StartIndexAt - Annotation Type in com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization
Annotation for JsonDeserializeEnumFromInt which can change the indexing of the enum variants from 0 to some other integer, such as 1.
startingBits - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
startingCores - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
startingHP - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
stationary_resource_left_on_board - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats
stationary_resource_spent - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats
stepsRequiredSelfDestruct - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
structureBuildTime - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
submitTurn(GameState) - Method in interface com.c1games.terminal.algo.GameIO
Given a set of moves created by a move buider, submit those to the engine as our actions for this turn.
submitTurn(GameState) - Method in class
support - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
Support - com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
supportCoords - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent
supportOwner - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent
supportType - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent
supportUnitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent


target - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.AttackEvent
targets - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SelfDestructEvent
targetUnitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.AttackEvent
TerminatedStringReader - Class in
A reader of framed strings from an inputstream.
TerminatedStringReader(InputStream, char) - Constructor for class
Tie - com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.Winner
timeTakenLastTurnMillis - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerStats
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Debug
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Mechanics
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Coords
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.AttackEvent
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.BreachEvent
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DamageEvent
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DeathEvent
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MeleeEvent
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MoveEvent
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SelfDestructEvent
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.ShieldEvent
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SpawnEvent
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerStats
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnit
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
toString() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo
toString() - Method in exception
toString() - Method in exception
toString() - Method in exception com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding.IllegalPathStartException
total_computation_time - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.PlayerEndStats
TowerUnitCategory - Static variable in class
turnInfo - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData
TurnInfo() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo
turnIntervalForBitCapSchedule - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
turnIntervalForBitSchedule - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.Resources
turnNumber - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo
turns - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats
turret - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
Turret - com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
TypedListDeserializer<L,​E> - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization
GSON deserializer for a class which is represented by another list of elements.
TypedListDeserializer(Function<List<E>, L>, Class<E>) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.TypedListDeserializer


Unit - Class in
A unit which is at a certain position on the map.
Unit(UnitType, float, String, PlayerId, Config) - Constructor for class
UnitAlreadyPresent -
unitCategory - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
unitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DeathEvent
unitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MoveEvent
unitId - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnit
unitInformation - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config
unitInformation - Variable in class
UnitInformation() - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
UnitInformation(Config.UnitInformation) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
Is a deep copy
unitOwner - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.BreachEvent
unitOwner - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DamageEvent
unitOwner - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.DeathEvent
unitType - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MoveEvent
unitType - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.SelfDestructEvent
UnitType - Enum in com.c1games.terminal.algo.units
UnitTypeAtlas - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo.units
Lookup between java-represented unit types and string representations, as denoted in the config file.
UnitTypeAtlas(Config) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitTypeAtlas
UnitTypeDeserializer - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization
GSON deserializer for unit types from their shorthand strings as defined in the config.
UnitTypeDeserializer(UnitTypeAtlas) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.UnitTypeDeserializer
unitTypeFromShorthand(String) - Method in class
UnitTypeSerializer - Class in com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization
GSON serializer for unit types to their shorthand strings as defined in the config.
UnitTypeSerializer(UnitTypeAtlas) - Constructor for class com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.UnitTypeSerializer
upgrade - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
upgrade - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
upgrade() - Method in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Config.UnitInformation
This function should only be called by Because this should never be called on the unit information in the config directly but on an instance copy of this in a unit.
upgrade() - Method in class
Upgrade - com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
upgraded - Variable in class


value() - Method in annotation type com.c1games.terminal.algo.serialization.StartIndexAt
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.Winner
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo.Phase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding.IllegalPathStart
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.PlayerId
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats.Winner
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.TurnInfo.Phase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.pathfinding.IllegalPathStart
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.PlayerId
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
victimLocation - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.Events.MeleeEvent


WalkerUnitCategory - Static variable in class
wall - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnits
Wall - com.c1games.terminal.algo.units.UnitType
winner - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.EndStats
WrongSideOfMap -
WrongSideOfMap -


x - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Coords
x - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnit
x - Variable in class


y - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.Coords
y - Variable in class com.c1games.terminal.algo.FrameData.PlayerUnit
y - Variable in class
Yes -
Yes -
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