Anthony Wang 13f72e74e6
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Add 3 very old drafts from my old blog
2024-01-11 13:58:20 -05:00

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title: "Analyzing My Packages"
date: 2020-11-25 22:03:34 -0600
draft: true
type: "post"
tags: ["Linux"]
Recently, I ran `yay -Ps`, and I was horrified to discover that I have a total of **1614** packages installed, including **193** explicitly installed packages. How did my slim and lean Arch install become so bloated? I thought it would be a good exercise to go through my list of explicity installed packages and figure out why each of them was installed.
## Core
### Essentials
- `base`
- `bash-completion`
- `linux`
- `linux-firmware`
- `linux-headers`
- `sudo`
### Arch stuff
- `arch-install-scripts`
- `archlinux-wallpaper`
- `pacgraph`
- `reflector`
- `yay-bin`
### Boot and dual-boot stuff
- `efibootmgr`
- `grub`
- `intel-ucode`
- `ntfs-3g`
- `os-prober`
### CLI tools
- `bpytop`
- `emacs`
- `fish`
- `fzf`
- `htop`
- `hyperfine`
- `nano`
- `neofetch`
- `tldr`
- `vi`
- `vim`
- `youtube-dl`
## Graphics
### Graphics
- `intel-media-driver`
- `libva-utils`
- `vulkan-intel`
- `weston`
- `xdotool`
- `xf86-video-nouveau`
- `xorg-server-xwayland`
- `xorg-xbacklight`
- `xorg-xhost`
### KDE Plasma
- `breeze-grub`
- `dolphin-plugins`
- `kcm-wacomtablet`
- Everything in `kde-applications-meta` minus `kde-accessibility-meta`, `kde-education-meta`, and `kde-games-meta` (`kde-applications-meta` comes with about 70 applications just starting with K, so you need to remove the heavy hitters to reduce bloat)
- `plasma-meta`
- `plasma-wayland-session`
- `packagekit-qt5`
- `xdg-user-dirs`
### i3
- `dmenu`
- `feh`
- `i3-wm`
- `i3lock`
- `i3status`
### Web browsers
- `brave-bin`
- `browsh-bin`
- `chromium`
- `firefox`
- `links`
- `lynx`
### Awesome free and open-source apps
- `audacity`
- `blender`
- `gimp`
- `gparted`
- `inkscape`
- `krita`
- `libreoffice-fresh`
- `mpv`
- `obs-studio`
- `vscodium-bin`
- `xournalpp`
### Games and emulators
- `2048-py`
- `dolphin-emu`
- Everything in the `libretro` package group.
- `supertux`
- `supertuxkart`
- `yuzu-mainline-bin`
## Developer
### Stuff in `base-devel`
- `autoconf`
- `automake`
- `bison`
- `fakeroot`
- `flex`
- `groff`
- `m4`
- `make`
- `patch`
- `pkgconf`
### Git
- `git`
- `github-cli`
- `github-desktop-bin`
### Java
- `eclipse-java-bin`
- `jdk-openjdk`
### Python
- `jupyterlab`
- `pypy3`
- `python-pip`
- `python-poetry`
- `python-pylint`
- `python-tox`
- `python-wheel`
- `sagemath`
- `sagemath-jupyter`
- `tk`
- `twine`
### Ruby
- `ruby`
- `ruby-bundler`
- `rubygems`
### zsh
- `zsh`
- `zsh-autosuggestions`
- `zsh-completions`
- `zsh-syntax-highlighting`
- `powerline`
- `powerline-fonts`
## Other useful stuff
### Laptop tools
- `libinput_gestures_qt`
- `onboard`
### Printing
- `cups`
- `hplip`
### Networking
- `bluez-utils`
- `bridge-utils`
- `dnsmasq`
- `ebtables`
- `freerdp`
- `networkmanager`
- `net-tools`
## Pretending my computer is running something other than Arch
### Virtualization
- `docker`
- `edk2-ovmf`
- `libguestfs`
- `libvirt`
- `lxc`
- `lxd`
- `qemu`
- `vagrant`
- `virt-manager`
- `virtualbox`
- `x11docker`
### Wine
- `playonlinux`
- `wine`
- `wine-gecko`
- `wine-mono`
- `winetricks`
## Miscellaneous
### Hacking
- `checkra1n-cli`
- `fusee-launcher-git`
- `ns-usbloader`
- `nx-udev`
### Proprietary stuff
- `unrar`
- `zoom`
### Everything else I couldn't categorize
- `cool-retro-term`
- `cryfs`
- `flatpak`
- `noto-fonts-emoji`
- `obs-v4l2sink`
- `pulseaudio-bluetooth`
- `usbutils`
- `v4l2loopback-dkms`