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Ndless: Jailbreak Your TI-Nspire 2018-09-16T17:14:00 post

Originally posted on my old old old blog

[i]Note: This post will be referenced frequently in future posts.[/i]

Tired of the same old games on your TI-Nspire? Want additional functionality for your calculator, or to program in C or Python directly on your calculator? Well, Ndless is the perfect application for you!

[size=120][b]What is Ndless?[/b][/size]

Ndless is a jailbreaking application that enables your TI-Nspire calculator to run native programs, such as C, JavaScript, Python, and ARM assembly programs. In addition, Ndless will vastly expand your calculator's functionality, from PDF viewers to Linux to [url=]Gameboy Advance emulators[/url]. To see a complete list of Ndless Apps, visit [url][/url].

[size=120][b]Downloading Ndless[/b][/size]

[u][b]Before You Start[/b][/u] If installed properly, Ndless should not damage your calculator. However, given the potential risks, it's recommended that you back up your calculator's files. Also, you will need to download the [url=]TI-Nspire Computer Link[/url] software to transfer files to your calculator.

[u][b]Check Your OS[/b][/u] To check your operating system version, press [ON] - [5] - [4]. When you transfer the Ndless files to your calculator, make sure you send the correct files for your calculator's OS!



  1. Download [url=]Ndless[/url] and extract the archived content.
  2. On your calculator, create a top-level folder called “ndless”.
  3. In this folder, transfer the ndless_resources.tns file and the ndless_installer_X.X.X.tns file for your OS from the extracted archive to your calculator using the TI-Nspire Computer Link.

[i]Note: You can also transfer the ndless.cfg.tns file to handle extensions association.[/i]


[u][b]Installation[/b][/u] Now open the ndless_installer_X.X.X.tns file. You may be prompted to press [Ctrl] - [W] to complete the installation. After about 30 seconds, a message should be displayed in the top left corner of the home screen. You have now successfully installed Ndless!


Feel free to leave a comment if you experience any problems!

[i]Note: To uninstall Ndless, open the ndless_resources.tns file or reboot your calculator.[/i]

[i]Source: [url][/url][/i]