2022-05-20 15:12:57 -05:00

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Another Comparison 2020-10-10 true PinePhone vs Pixel 4a post

Originally posted as a gist

PinePhone Pixel 4a
$150 $500
5 years support 3 years support
Runs postmarketOS, Ubuntu Touch, Mobian, SailfishOS, PureOS, Fedora, Arch Linux ARM, Manjaro ARM, Maemo Leste, Nemo Mobile, KDE Neon, NixOS, LuneOS, Sxmo, openSUSE, AVMultiPhone, GloDroid, and Gentoo Runs Android 11
Boot from MicroSD Uh...
6 hardware kill switches 0 hardware kill switches
Easily replaceable battery (est. cost $10 US) Um...
Almost entirely free and open-source Fake open-source