2022-08-16 17:09:50 -05:00

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Emojis I Hate 2022-08-16T16:43:29-05:00 More random musings about random stuff post

Welcome to part one of my posts inspired by 2kwatts. (You can find part zero here.)

Today's post is about emojis that I hate, in response to 2kwatt's complaint of my use of 😳 in that previous post. So let's begin!

Emoji hate


This emoji is officially called the "Confused Face", but I've seen it way more times used to express general disappointment or sadness. If I'm actually confused and want to use an emoji for whatever reason, I'd use or instead or any other of the innumerous question mark glyphs in Unicode, because someone thought it was a great idea to make 20 different kinds of question marks.


Why the heck do these exist??? Don't we already have enough ways to do math in Unicode?


Overused and a cliche.


What does that even mean???


Extremely overused.


I think we all hate these bugs.


Sending all of these emojis at the same time causes Element to glitch out insanely, which I love and would be horrified if they removed this wonderful feature.

An interesting sidenote: emojis are surprisingly complicated.

Also, while writing this post, most of these emojis didn't even render in my terminal. 😥