2023-10-13 00:55:20 +00:00

2.9 KiB

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Duckquill is a modern, pretty, and clean (and very opinionated) Zola theme that has the purpose of greatly simplifying the process of rolling up your blog. It aims to provide all the needed options for comfortable writing, keeping the balance of it being simple.

Edit a bit of metadata and tweak some of the included graphics and have a blog up in minutes!

  • Pretty, yet lightweight. No JavaScript are used.
  • For a very pleasant look, the colors are tinted with an accent color.
  • Proper favicon for modern browsers and Apple device icons.
  • Mastodon, Lemmy and other social media meta cards for easy sharing. Try Share Preview to test.
  • Local copy of the amazing Inter and JetBrains Mono fonts. No slowdowns pulling from external hosting.
  • Mobile friendly, with proper dark variant.
  • Mastodon-powered comments. Comment using any ActivityPub service by replying to Mastodon post.

See demo for showcase of all Duckquill possibilities. Oh and comments demo for showcase of Mastodon-powered comments.

Make yourself a cup of your favorite drink and let's start!

Getting started

If you already have Zola site with Git skip to step #3

Setting up Zola blog with Duckquill is very simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. Install Zola and create default site:
zola init blog
  1. Initialize Git:
git init
  1. Add Duckquill as Git submodule for easy updating:
git submodule add themes
  1. Edit config.toml and enable Duckquill theme:
theme = "duckquill"

Voilà! now it's just a matter of changing some settings and writing your first post.

See project's README for all available configuration variables and Zola docs for everything else.

Special thanks ♥