daudix-UFO 6242b721f2
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feat: Some more changes
2023-10-15 23:39:24 +00:00

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Duckquill is a modern, pretty, and clean (and very opinionated) Zola theme that has the purpose of greatly simplifying the process of rolling up your blog. It aims to provide all the needed options for comfortable writing, keeping the balance of it being simple.

Duckquill is made based on needs of my website, if you need some feature/configuration that doesn't exist feel free to open an issue or better yet, pull request!



First, download this theme to your themes directory:

git clone themes/duckquill

...or add as submodule for easy updating (recommended if you already have git setup on site):

git submodule init
git submodule add themes/duckquill

and then enable it in your config.toml:

theme = "duckquill"


Duckquill offers some configuration options to make it fit you better.

Custom CSS

You can add your own or override existing styles in the sass/custom.scss of your site, if for some reason overridden class are not respected, try using !important. You can import styles from Duckquill using @use "../themes/duckquill/sass/NEEDED_FILE.scss";.

Primary color

Duckquill respects chosen primary color everywhere, you can use any HEX color code you want

First, change the primary color in config.toml:

primary_color = "#HEX_COLOR_CODE"

Then, paste the following code inside sass/custom.scss (inside your site, not the theme):

@use "sass:color";

$primary-color: #HEX_COLOR_CODE;
$primary-color-alpha: color.scale($primary-color, $alpha: -80%);

$bg-color-l: color.mix($primary-color, rgb(250, 250, 250), 10%);
$bg-color-d: color.mix($primary-color, rgb(11, 11, 11), 5%);

$crt-bg: radial-gradient(
  color.scale($primary-color, $lightness: -80%),
  color.scale($primary-color, $lightness: -90%)

$glow: 0 0 0 1px color.scale($primary-color, $alpha: -95%),
  0 2px 6px 2px color.scale($primary-color, $alpha: -95%),
  0 4px 24px 4px color.scale($primary-color, $alpha: -90%);

:root {
  --bg-color: #{$bg-color-l};
  --crt-bg: #{$crt-bg};
  --primary-color-alpha: #{$primary-color-alpha};
  --primary-color: #{$primary-color};
  --glow: #{$glow};

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  :root {
    --bg-color: #{$bg-color-d};

Set any color in $primary-color and reload, the primary color should be used now. This is a hack that is needed until Zola will be able to use config.toml inside Sass.

[extra] variables:

  • primary_color: Primary color used in some browsers set in metadata, see #primary-color
  • animated_favicon: Specify if the favicon are animated GIF (true, false)
  • blog_title: The title of the blog
  • blog_description: The description of the blog, displayed right under the blog title
  • date_format: Allows setting custom date format in Tera format, all available variables are listed here. Does not apply to comments
  • hosting: Where the website source are located, used on 404 page
  • issues_url: Link to site bug tracker, if present
  • source_url: Link to site source (not built site)

[extra.nav] variables:

  • show_feed: Whether to display "Feed" link
  • nav_links: Links used in navigation bar

The nav_links are set like the following:

nav_links = [
  {url = "", name = "Example"},
  {url = "", name = "Mastodon"},
  • johnvert_ref: Site URL without https:// part or trailing slashes, e.g Works only if show_johnvert are set to true
  • show_copyright: Whether to display © Duckquill, 2023. (true, false)
  • show_johnvert: Whether to display Johnvertisement. (true, false)
  • show_powered_by: Whether to display Powered by Zola and Duckquill. (true, false)
  • show_source: Whether to display Website source link. (true, false)

[extra.comments] variables:

  • host: Mastodon home server, e.g
  • user: Mastodon username, e.g Daudix
  • token: Mastodon app token, e.g jTNX9pAV8XEPBby0cPWF6CmGY60kkIy4vidggfxXmoQ. Can be left empty, but in this case only first 60 comments will be loaded, instructions on how to get one are available here

These values are also used in the <head> for Mastodon verification.

Test pages


If you want to improve Duckquill in any way, feel free to open an issue, or even better, a pull request! I'm happy about every contribution!

The main repo is, but since only members can open issues and pull requests, there is two-way mirror at, you can open issues and pull requests there just fine.


Special thanks ♥