June 2024 #8

cloudyy merged 23 commits from june24 into main 2024-06-08 00:47:05 +00:00
No description provided.
a added 1 commit 2024-06-01 16:14:53 +00:00
Add some links for June 2024 issue
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a added 1 commit 2024-06-02 16:35:49 +00:00
Write commentary for POSIX user management posts
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cloudyy added 1 commit 2024-06-02 16:52:51 +00:00
adding some commentary about the animated qr code project
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cloudyy added 1 commit 2024-06-02 17:13:58 +00:00
adding a small comment on @iacore post about static website hosting providers
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iacore added 1 commit 2024-06-02 20:23:22 +00:00
let's not
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iacore added 1 commit 2024-06-02 20:32:15 +00:00
Add link to executable toki pona
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iacore reviewed 2024-06-02 20:38:17 +00:00
@ -0,0 +10,4 @@
## Bad Apple!! But It's An Animated QR Code
If something exists, Bad Apple!! will be played on it, so [in this post](https://a.exozy.me/posts/bad-apple-animated-qr-code/) @a talks a little bit about "SWANTV", a project that allows you to share data without a network using an enhanced version of a QR code.

The title is kind of a clickbait here. The project itself has nothing to do with bad apple, and it demonstrates that data transmission can happen with severe noise like having bad apple contour imposed on the image.

enhanced version of a QR code

This is more like "quick response moving flashing pictures", it being video (multiple frames a second) is important to mention methinks.

The title is kind of a clickbait here. The project itself has nothing to do with bad apple, and it demonstrates that data transmission can happen with severe noise like having bad apple contour imposed on the image. > enhanced version of a QR code This is more like "quick response ~~moving~~ flashing pictures", it being video (multiple frames a second) is important to mention methinks.

Yeah, a better description would be "giant animated colored QR codes". Also, I personally like to call it Epilepsend even though the official name is SWANTV.

Yeah, a better description would be "giant animated colored QR codes". Also, I personally like to call it Epilepsend even though the official name is SWANTV.

@iacore I dealt with the title problem with some lampshading which might not be the right solution, but I addressed your other concerns.

@iacore I dealt with the title problem with some lampshading which might not be the right solution, but I addressed your other concerns.
a marked this conversation as resolved
a added 1 commit 2024-06-02 22:22:22 +00:00
Mention today's hackathon
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a added 1 commit 2024-06-02 22:45:30 +00:00
Maybe we could write about @dragongoose's DSP and SDR stuff
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a added 1 commit 2024-06-02 23:23:38 +00:00
Licensing exozine and the status page
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First-time contributor

I wrote this blog showcasing my minimal tilling window manager based linux desktop workflow.

https://nvpie.exozy.me/quartz/Blogs/My-Linux-Desktop-Workflow I wrote this blog showcasing my minimal tilling window manager based linux desktop workflow.
a added 1 commit 2024-06-03 03:31:17 +00:00
Add commentary for @nvpie's Linux desktop workflow post
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I wrote this blog showcasing my minimal tilling window manager based linux desktop workflow.

Nice post! I didn't know about your blog before this, but now it's in my feed reader! Would you also like for it to be added to https://feeds.exozy.me? Also, since your posts haven't been mentioned yet on exozine, we could include more of them like your Syncthing post in this issue. I also switched to Syncthing a while ago so I can write the commentary for that post.

> https://nvpie.exozy.me/quartz/Blogs/My-Linux-Desktop-Workflow > I wrote this blog showcasing my minimal tilling window manager based linux desktop workflow. Nice post! I didn't know about your blog before this, but now it's in my feed reader! Would you also like for it to be added to https://feeds.exozy.me? Also, since your posts haven't been mentioned yet on exozine, we could include more of them like [your Syncthing post](https://nvpie.exozy.me/quartz/Blogs/Syncthing-to-Sync-all-things) in this issue. I also switched to Syncthing a while ago so I can write the commentary for that post.
a added 1 commit 2024-06-03 03:41:23 +00:00
More commentary for user management post: filenames are another example of POSIX being too flexible
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ci/woodpecker/pr/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
First-time contributor

Nice post! I didn't know about your blog before this, but now it's in my feed reader! Would you also like for it to be added to https://feeds.exozy.me? Also, since your posts haven't been mentioned yet on exozine, we could include more of them like your Syncthing post in this issue. I also switched to Syncthing a while ago so I can write the commentary for that post.

Actually for past days I was struggling to settle for one blog platform. I used to manually post it on my old site (https://nvpie.exozy.me/mysite/#blog) where I recently updated these sme blogs but since I found quartz(https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/) I found it easier to manage both my blogs and years old notes datewise there. So if you subscribe to RSS feed on quartz you will get updates to everything I post there not just blogs. and aside from blogs other things are not exclusively mine sometime I just archieve stuff there for my knowledge base purpose. for pure blog only you can subscribe to this feed (https://nvpie.exozy.me/mysite/rss.xml) right here. I am also confuse myself and dont know what I am doing. so I leave it on you which feed to subscribe.

> Nice post! I didn't know about your blog before this, but now it's in my feed reader! Would you also like for it to be added to https://feeds.exozy.me? Also, since your posts haven't been mentioned yet on exozine, we could include more of them like [your Syncthing post](https://nvpie.exozy.me/quartz/Blogs/Syncthing-to-Sync-all-things) in this issue. I also switched to Syncthing a while ago so I can write the commentary for that post. Actually for past days I was struggling to settle for one blog platform. I used to manually post it on my old site (https://nvpie.exozy.me/mysite/#blog) where I recently updated these sme blogs but since I found quartz(https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/) I found it easier to manage both my blogs and years old notes datewise there. So if you subscribe to RSS feed on [quartz](https://nvpie.exozy.me/quartz/) you will get updates to everything I post there not just blogs. and aside from blogs other things are not exclusively mine sometime I just archieve stuff there for my knowledge base purpose. for pure blog only you can subscribe to this feed (https://nvpie.exozy.me/mysite/rss.xml) right here. I am also confuse myself and dont know what I am doing. so I leave it on you which feed to subscribe.
a added 1 commit 2024-06-03 14:33:04 +00:00
Add @nvpie's Syncthing post and commentary
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@nvpie You might want to mention in your Syncthing post that distro packages for Syncthing often already provide the systemd user service. Anyways, maybe we could add your blog posts only feed (https://nvpie.exozy.me/mysite/rss.xml) to feeds.exozy.me?

@cloudyy (and other people) I tried adding actual commentary this time rather than just summarizing the post, so maybe that's something we should aim for with the commentary.

Also, I think we've had this discussion before, but what's our convention on capitalization for the H2 headings? I'm leaning more towards only capitalizing the first word rather than title case for simplicity. In previous issues of exozine, we weren't really consistent, so maybe it doesn't matter.

@nvpie You might want to mention in your Syncthing post that distro packages for Syncthing often already provide the systemd user service. Anyways, maybe we could add your blog posts only feed (https://nvpie.exozy.me/mysite/rss.xml) to feeds.exozy.me? @cloudyy (and other people) I tried adding actual commentary this time rather than just summarizing the post, so maybe that's something we should aim for with the commentary. Also, I think we've had this discussion before, but what's our convention on capitalization for the H2 headings? I'm leaning more towards only capitalizing the first word rather than title case for simplicity. In previous issues of exozine, we weren't really consistent, so maybe it doesn't matter.
a added 1 commit 2024-06-04 02:38:30 +00:00
Add @daudix Neocities post and @a short story series post
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a added 1 commit 2024-06-04 02:42:07 +00:00
Lampshade the clickbait Bad Apple title
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a added 1 commit 2024-06-04 02:43:15 +00:00
Add @iacore comment for the Bad Apple post
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ci/woodpecker/pr/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
First-time contributor

@nvpie You might want to mention in your Syncthing post that distro packages for Syncthing often already provide the systemd user service. Anyways, maybe we could add your blog posts only feed (https://nvpie.exozy.me/mysite/rss.xml) to feeds.exozy.me?

I'll update it. Sure, Fine with me.

> @nvpie You might want to mention in your Syncthing post that distro packages for Syncthing often already provide the systemd user service. Anyways, maybe we could add your blog posts only feed (https://nvpie.exozy.me/mysite/rss.xml) to feeds.exozy.me? I'll update it. Sure, Fine with me.

@cloudyy (and other people) I tried adding actual commentary this time rather than just summarizing the post, so maybe that's something we should aim for with the commentary.


Also, I think we've had this discussion before, but what's our convention on capitalization for the H2 headings? I'm leaning more towards only capitalizing the first word rather than title case for simplicity. In previous issues of exozine, we weren't really consistent, so maybe it doesn't matter.

Personally, I also prefer to capitalize only the first word but I end up not interfering with the way each person writes (and I often forget and end up capitalizing more than the first word). If everyone agrees, we could make this a "standard".

> @cloudyy (and other people) I tried adding actual commentary this time rather than just summarizing the post, so maybe that's something we should aim for with the commentary. Ok > Also, I think we've had this discussion before, but what's our convention on capitalization for the H2 headings? I'm leaning more towards only capitalizing the first word rather than title case for simplicity. In previous issues of exozine, we weren't really consistent, so maybe it doesn't matter. Personally, I also prefer to capitalize only the first word but I end up not interfering with the way each person writes (and I often forget and end up capitalizing more than the first word). If everyone agrees, we could make this a "standard".
cloudyy added 1 commit 2024-06-04 11:20:39 +00:00
Added prettier:check and prettier:fix scripts to package.json + Applying prettier fixes
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a added 2 commits 2024-06-04 14:36:17 +00:00
Include discuss message at the end of every post (@cloudyy can you check that I did this correctly?)
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a added 1 commit 2024-06-04 14:38:36 +00:00
Make note to mention upcoming hackathon
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cloudyy added 1 commit 2024-06-04 16:24:59 +00:00
Adding a divider and a bit of margin at the bottom of the discuss message
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ci/woodpecker/deployment/woodpecker Pipeline was successful

Personally, I also prefer to capitalize only the first word but I end up not interfering with the way each person writes (and I often forget and end up capitalizing more than the first word). If everyone agrees, we could make this a "standard".

Alright let's make only capitalizing the first word the standard then.

@cloudyy I pushed a commit that adds a discuss on Matrix paragraph to the end of each post, so can you check that I did it correctly?

@nvpie In your Linux workflow post, is bpytop++ just the same thing as btop?

> Personally, I also prefer to capitalize only the first word but I end up not interfering with the way each person writes (and I often forget and end up capitalizing more than the first word). If everyone agrees, we could make this a "standard". Alright let's make only capitalizing the first word the standard then. @cloudyy I pushed a commit that adds a discuss on Matrix paragraph to the end of each post, so can you check that I did it correctly? @nvpie In your Linux workflow post, is bpytop++ just the same thing as btop?

@a you did it right, I just added a little margin at the bottom and a divider to improve it a little but keeping it simple.

@a you did it right, I just added a little margin at the bottom and a divider to improve it a little but keeping it simple.

@cloudyy Also, I usually send out the fedi post announcing the publication of each month's issue, but would you like to do that this time?

@cloudyy Also, I usually send out the fedi post announcing the publication of each month's issue, but would you like to do that this time?

Alright let's make only capitalizing the first word the standard then.

@a should I change it in previous issues or leave it as is and only apply it in future ones?

> Alright let's make only capitalizing the first word the standard then. @a should I change it in previous issues or leave it as is and only apply it in future ones?

@cloudyy Also, I usually send out the fedi post announcing the publication of each month's issue, but would you like to do that this time?

Sure, why not

> @cloudyy Also, I usually send out the fedi post announcing the publication of each month's issue, but would you like to do that this time? Sure, why not

@a should I change it in previous issues or leave it as is and only apply it in future ones?

Eh I don't want to open that can of worms, so let's just leave the previous issues untouched.

> @a should I change it in previous issues or leave it as is and only apply it in future ones? Eh I don't want to open that can of worms, so let's just leave the previous issues untouched.
iacore added 1 commit 2024-06-06 17:35:25 +00:00
add content
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I described my own project (the toki pona one) since I don't expect it to be understood easily. If you can understand the code, please add comments to it.

I described my own project (the toki pona one) since I don't expect it to be understood easily. If you can understand the code, please add comments to it.
moksh requested changes 2024-06-07 09:27:27 +00:00
moksh left a comment
First-time contributor

I added commentary on daudix's post

I added commentary on daudix's post
@ -0,0 +54,4 @@
## https://daudix.codeberg.page/blog/rewriting-neocities-website/
First-time contributor

Website Rewriting Adventures

@daudix made a cool blog post about rewriting their neocities website, sharing their experience of the rewriting procees.

Notes from @moksha: Neocities have given a space for people to come up with all sorts of cool and weird websites, So I recommend you to experiment with it.

## Website Rewriting Adventures @daudix made a cool blog post about [rewriting their neocities website](https://daudix.codeberg.page/blog/rewriting-neocities-website/), sharing their experience of the rewriting procees. Notes from @moksha: Neocities have given a space for people to come up with all sorts of cool and weird websites, So I recommend you to experiment with it.
cloudyy marked this conversation as resolved
First-time contributor

currently learning git, so bear with my mistakes ;/

currently learning git, so bear with my mistakes ;/
cloudyy added 1 commit 2024-06-07 20:04:10 +00:00
Applying @moksha commentary about @daudix post
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a added 1 commit 2024-06-07 22:10:18 +00:00
Add commentary for DSP and hackathon, other minor fixes
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ci/woodpecker/manual/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
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ci/woodpecker/pull_request_closed/woodpecker Pipeline was successful

currently learning git, so bear with my mistakes ;/

@moksha Yeah no worries, glad that you figured it out. By the way, code review is entirely handled by Forgejo, not Git.

@cloudyy We finished all the TODOs (thanks everyone!) so this should be ready now to be merged and announced on fedi.

> currently learning git, so bear with my mistakes ;/ @moksha Yeah no worries, glad that you figured it out. By the way, code review is entirely handled by Forgejo, not Git. @cloudyy We finished all the TODOs (thanks everyone!) so this should be ready now to be merged and announced on fedi.
a changed title from WIP: June 2024 to June 2024 2024-06-07 22:54:47 +00:00
cloudyy merged commit ba762449ca into main 2024-06-08 00:47:05 +00:00
cloudyy deleted branch june24 2024-06-08 00:47:05 +00:00
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Reference: exozyme/zine#8
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