2023-06-18 17:31:05 +02:00

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notes about type theories and type systems

the problem symptoms

This programming language (PL) needs a proper type system to avoid the pitfalls of C++ template system, which does not scale properly to the needs of bigger projects because it ends up being too messy; particularly because errors only occur on usage points and there is no way to exhaustively check that expected invariants actually hold in an elegant way, leading to unreadable error messages and unexpected downstream problems.

about the urgency

This PL basically inherits that problem mostly because it is extremely dynamic (and most dynamic PLs also share this pitfall). This problem can't really be solved at a much later stage, where there already exists a full interpreter or perhaps even an optimizing compiler, larger amounts of non-example code are already written, etc. because adopting a proper type system

  • type theory would cause massive friction and probably feel "not worth the effort" but the lack would make programming in the language a massive pain once project size grows, but by then, it would be too late to fix. (see also the problems of pythons mypy linter, etc.)


So, there are basically a bunch of really interesting papers regarding stuff probably affecting this language, in particular:

  • MLsub about polymorphism, subtyping and type inference
  • simple-sub, basically an implementation of MLsub which avoids the somewhat difficult-to-implement structures the original paper used. probably faster and easier to implement than the original paper. The usage of mutable reference-counted objects make it non-trivial to implement in Rust, tho.
  • Intro to Module systems by Stephen Diehl; this language should have modules, so this is relevant.

For an overview of type systems and theory, the following books were suggested to me:

  • Types and programming languages by B.C. Pierce; it is pretty nice to read, but the usage of ML makes transforming of algorithms to Rust a bit of a challenge.
  • The Little Typer by Daniel P. Friedman and David Thrane Christiansen, etc.; didn't read this one yet, but will try it. about dependent typing and associated type systems and their implementation, etc.

Other resources:

the problem

This PL needs support for

  • Modules + module system, including modules generic over data types, and perhaps even values and lifetimes.
  • module interfaces
  • control-flow jumps
  • linear types; more like the implementation in Rust (where every type is linear by default, but Copy types get implicitly duplicated when necessary) instead of the direction of Idris2
  • defer/destructors, to deal with the combination of control-flow jumps and some linear types.
  • this also introduces the difficulty that in the presence of linear types, control-flow jumps which don't guarantee exactly-once re-entry (it might be delayed, but it must happen, the continuation gains the linearity of its bound/contained variables)
  • generics over arg multiplicity or some similar work around, or proper subtyping for such functions; this is necessary to work around some problems noticed in Idris2, which doesn't have that, and which induces the problem that a function which uses a generic argument linearly can't be freely used in functions which don't care about the linearity of that argument, this is particularly obvious in the id identity function, which is linear in its argument, but can't be used in places where a function is expected which doesn't have a linear argument. In particular, something that isn't linear shouldn't suddenly gain that property by just calling a function, usually. Rust somehow appears to solve this, but I don't exactly know how.