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A privacy-respecting alternative front-end for Pixiv that doesn't suck

Get it on Codeberg


  • Lightweight - both the interface and the code
  • Privacy-first - the server will do the work for you
  • No bloat - we only serve HTML and CSS
  • Open source - you can trust me!


Run these commands below.

git clone https://codeberg.org/VnPower/pixivfe.git
cd pixivfe
go get -u github.com/gin-gonic/gin
cp config.example.yml config.yml # config file

You will have to add your own PHPSESSID in order to run. Go to config.yml for more details.

After that, execute the code.

go run main.go

By default, if you did not configure the port, the site will run on localhost:8080

Self-host guide



Official instance: https://pixivfe.exozy.me


Landing page: currently borked :(

Most pages are very similar to each other. So I will only take screenshots of the artwork page and the user page, since they are the most unique.

Artwork page (URL to this page): Artwork Artwork Artwork

User page (URL to this page): User


  • Base
    • Navigation bar
    • Searching
    • Pagination
    • Configuration file
    • Write a real independent API
  • Index page
    • Recommended artworks
    • Daily rankings
    • Spotlight (pixivision)
    • Discovery
      • Artworks
      • Users
    • Newest by all
    • Trending tags
    • Switcher (illusts/mangas)
  • Single pages
    • User
    • Artwork
    • Spotlight
  • List pages
    • Recommended artworks
    • Daily rankings
    • Discovery
      • Artworks
      • Users
    • Newest by all
    • Search results
    • Switcher
  • Settings
    • Login
    • Local history
    • Toggling R-18, R-18G, AI
    • Custom pximg proxy
  • Optimization
    • Split web components into smaller templates
    • Clean the models + JSON
    • Navigation between pages
    • Lazy load images
    • Better error handling
    • Fully proxy images from Pixiv
