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2020-06-03 19:46:28 -04:00

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# Silver - DFS
Author: Siyong Huang
## Overview
- Prerequisites
- Depth First Search (DFS)
- Flood Fill
- Graph Two-Coloring
- Cycle Detection
## Prerequisites
- [CSAcademy Graph Theory](
- [CSAcademy Graph Representations](
- Note: DFS is most commonly implemented with adjacency lists
## Depth First Search (DFS)
*Depth First Search*, more commonly DFS, is a fundamental graph algorithm that traverses an entire connected component. The rest of this document describes various applications of DFS. Of course, it is one possible way to implement flood fill.
- [CSES Building Roads](
### Tutorial
- Recommended:
- [CSAcademy DFS](
- Additional:
- CPH Chapter 12
- [cp-algo DFS](
- hard to parse if this is your first time learning about DFS
### Problems
- [Mootube, Silver (Easy)](
- [Closing the Barn, Silver (Easy)](
- [Moocast, Silver (Easy)](
- [Pails (Normal)](
- [Milk Visits (Normal)](
## Flood Fill
*Flood Fill* refers to finding the number of connected components in a graph, usually when the graph is a grid.
- [CSES Counting Rooms](
- [CSES Labyrinth](
### Tutorial
- Recommended:
- Ch 10 of
### Problems
- [Ice Perimeter (Easy)](
- [Switching on the Lights (Moderate)](
- [Build Gates (Moderate)](
- [Why Did the Cow Cross the Road III, Silver (Moderate)](
- [Multiplayer Moo (Hard)](
## Graph Two-Coloring
*Graph two-colorings* is assigning a boolean value to each node of the graph, dictated by the edge configuration
The most common example of a two-colored graph is a *bipartite graph*, in which each edge connects two nodes of opposite colors
- [CSES Building Teams](
### Tutorial
The idea is that we can arbitrarily label a node and then run DFS. Every time we visit a new (unvisited) node, we set its color based on the edge rule. When we visit a previously visited node, check to see whether its color matches the edge rule. For example, an implementation of coloring a bipartite graph is shown below.
bool is_bipartite = true;
void dfs(int node)
visited[node] = true;
for(int u:adj_list[node])
if(color[u] == color[node])
is_bipartite = false;
color[u] = !color[node];
- Additional:
- [Bipartite Graphs: cp-alg bipartite check](
- Note: CP Algorithm uses BFS, but DFS accomplishes the same task
### Problems
- [The Great Revegetation (Normal)](
## Cycle Detection
A *cycle* is a non-empty path of distinct edges that start and end at the same node. *Cycle detection* determines properties of cycles in a directed or undirected graph, such as whether each node of the graph is part of a cycle.
### Functional Graphs
* CPH 16.3: successor paths
* CPH 16.4: cycle detection in successor graph
In silver-level directed cycle problems, it is generally the case that each node has exactly one edge going out of it. This is known as a **successor graph** or a **functional graph.**
The following sample code counts the number of cycles in such a graph. The "stack" contains nodes that can reach the current node. If the current node points to a node `v` on the stack (`on_stack[v]` is true), then we know that a cycle has been created. However, if the current node points to a node `v` that has been previously visited but is not on the stack, then we know that the current chain of nodes points into a cycle that has already been considered.
(test code?)
//Each node points to next_node[node]
bool visited[MAXN], on_stack[MAXN];
int number_of_cycles = 0;
void dfs(int n)
visited[n] = on_stack[n] = true;
int u = next_node[n];
else if(!visited[u])
on_stack[n] = false;
int main()
//read input, etc
for(int i = 1;i <= N;i++)
For non-functional directed graphs, this code will still detect a cycle if it exists (though `number_of_cycles` will be meaningless).
### Problems
- [Codeforces 1020B. Badge (Very Easy)](
- Try to solve the problem in O(N)!
- [The Bovine Shuffle (Normal)](
- [Swapity Swapity Swap (Very Hard)](
- [CSES Round Trip (undirected)](
- [CSES Round Trip II (directed)](
Cycle finding is also related to **strongly connected components**, a platinum level concept.