
First steps

Interested in joining exozyme and getting an account on our server? If you already know an existing member, simply ask them to create a file named ~/referral containing your email address. Otherwise, join our Matrix space and familiarize yourself with our community. After a week of being active in our Matrix space, you'll be eligible to become a member.

Now send an email to root@this domain name (optionally using GPG) and introduce yourself, what you plan to use your account for, your desired username, display name, and your SSH public key. We'll send you a reply after we create your account.

Logging in

You should now be able to SSH into our server. First off, passwords! The file ~/password contains your temporary password, but you should set a new password using the passwd command. To change your account details like your email address or shell, use the command moduser. If you would like a graphical desktop, visit our web client or use a RDP client app.

You can install command-line software with Nix or Distrobox. For hosting websites, check out this guide. If you want to run an extremely resource-intensive program, please let us know on Matrix first. Also, please don't torrent on exozyme.

Enter the Matrix

If you've already joined our Matrix space, you can skip this section. Otherwise, go to the Element web client or any other Matrix client. Change your homeserver to instead of, and sign in with your exozyme username and password. Once you're in, tell us a bit about yourself in the exozyme general room.


You can find helpful guides on our wiki, or even better, contribute to our wiki! If you run into bugs or have suggestions, please create a new issue on our issue tracker. If you have any questions, just ask on Matrix or email us. Have fun!