• v1.3 5aa34af6dc

    a released this 2021-08-21 03:15:39 +00:00 | 39 commits to main since this release

    A fairly sizeable release:

    • Onion service: Of course, the big change this release is that we are now mirroring our website on the dark web as an Onion service! Point your Tor browser (there's one on the exozyme server if you need it) to qal6mygptf757jiv46m6x2g23v3dyxgrrrv3dbxpiyjj44tsd2u3l3yd.onion and enjoy!

    • Use zram instead of swap file: This is one of the more technical changes, but all that this does is when we are running out of memory, it compresses the RAM instead of moving the contents to a swap file. This is actually faster since disk I/O operations are quite slow compared to RAM, and the compression ratio can be up to five times, so this is effectively brings our total RAM up to 80GB... kind of.

    • Clean out drive: We cleaned out our NVME hard drive, so now it's only 46% full! Well, it'll start filling up again soon, but there's currently plenty of room for storing your files.

    • Passwords: We're still trying to get everyone to change their passwords from the default, but in the meantime, we now generate a random password for each user. Security matters!

    • Discontinue exowiki: Due to the high maintainence costs, we are discontinuing exowiki and switching to using exogit's built-in wiki instead. If you don't have access, contact me and I'll fix it.

    • CPU upgrade: Just bought a Ryzen 5900X today for $400 so that should be shipping to us soon.

    I'm looking forward to the release of exozyme v2.0 in the next few weeks!
