• v5.0 5aa34af6dc

    a released this 2021-08-24 01:58:01 +00:00 | 39 commits to main since this release

    A lot has happened in the last two weeks, including some breaking changes:

    • PeerTube videos should now load properly #53 #56: Turns out it was a bug in ffmpeg, so we compiled a patched version and it finally works now! You can stream all you want and the replays will now load properly.

    • SSH now on port 22 #58: We originally set up SSH on port 4884 to protect against bot attacks, but it's annoying to have to type the port every time. Our SSH server should be pretty well configured to defend against these attacks anyways.

    • RDP now on port 3389 #60: Similar as SSH, we now host RDP on the standard port 3389 instead of 3388.

    • exoportal #54: Create VMs and containers on exoportal, our own version of AWS or Google Cloud!

    • exoci #12: We finally set up Drone CI at exoci, so we now have a GitHub actions equivalent on exogit!

    • Wiki improvements: With all of these changes, we've also updated our wiki to reflect them as well, so check it out!

    We're going to have a bug day next Tuesday mainly focusing on security issues so please help out if you have time!
