21 SSH
iacore edited this page 2024-08-09 16:19:02 +00:00

You can use SSH to log in to exozyme if you do not need a graphical desktop. SSH uses much less bandwidth than a full-blown desktop, so you should experience much better performance. Note that you do need some experience with using the terminal.


First, generate an SSH key. To add the key to the server, you will need to log in using exohub and add the public key to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

Now open up a terminal on your computer and use the following command to connect to exozyme with SSH, substituting your exozyme username for USERNAME:

ssh USERNAME@exozy.me

This command connects you to our SSH server. You may be prompted to type in your SSH key's password. If everything works, it should drop you into a terminal.

Tips and tricks

Run graphical apps

If you want to run graphical apps, you can use X11 forwarding with ssh -X. Note that this works best with a Linux client; otherwise, follow these instructions. To get KDE apps to display the correct theme, set the environment variables XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE and KDE_SESSION_VERSION=5 on exozyme.

If you use Wayland, you can try Waypipe, which may have better performance. On exozyme, set the environment variable QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland.

Port forwarding

You can use SSH to forward a TCP port for a service running on exozyme to your local machine. For instance, to forward exozyme's port 8080 to your computer's port 8080, run ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 USERNAME@exozy.me. To forward a Unix socket on exozyme to your computer's port 8080, run ssh -L 8080:/PATH/TO/SOCKET USERNAME@exozy.me. SSH port forwarding is actually very powerful and has many use cases.

SOCKS proxy

You can route your internet traffic through exozyme using SOCKS (a bit like a VPN but simpler). First, start the SOCKS proxy using ssh -D 8080 USERNAME@exozy.me. Now configure your web browser to use the SOCKS proxy at localhost:8080.

ngrok alternative for HTTP traffic

You can use SSH reverse port forwarding to make a port on your local machine publicly available on the internet. If you would like to expose port 8000 on your local machine, just run ssh -R /srv/http/subdomain:localhost:8000 USERNAME@exozy.me and it will be accessible at https://subdomain.exozy.me. Note that this only works for HTTP traffic as it's routed through nginx.

You may want to check out serveo.


In your file manager on your local machine, enter sftp://USERNAME@exozy.me. Your files will magically appear!