13 Spellbook
Anthony Wang edited this page 2024-06-23 20:03:00 +00:00

You have now entered a hidden corner of exozyme.

A confusing yet intriguing realm of paradoxes and contradictions.

A place where you will find out that what you thought you knew, you in fact didn't know, and what you didn't know was in front of you all along.



This prints a random uninspirational quote. Some of the quotes are from the exozyme Matrix rooms. (Actually just shuf -n1 /etc/fortune)




This prints a graph of number of installed packages on exozyme over time. Requires matplotlib.

paru -Qql bsd-games | grep bin

Some random classic terminal games. Some have global scoreboards so you can compete with other exozyme members.




This displays who is logged in.


You can find previous snapshots of your home directory and websites in here, in case you accidentally delete important files.


This directory has 1777 permissions so you can use it for collaborating with other people. Note that this directory is not included in snapshots.